At what distance should be object be placed from a convex lens of focal length 18 cm to obtain and image at 20 cm from it on other side?

Text Solution

Solution : Here, `u = ?, f = 18 cm, v = +- 36 cm`, <br> `m = ?` <br> From `(1)/(v) - (1)/(u) = (1)/(f)`, `-(1)/(u) = (1)/(f) -(1)/(u) = (1)/(18) - (1)/(+- 36) = (2-(+-1))/(36)` <br> `:. u =-36 cm` and `u = -12 cm`. <br> `{:("When u"= -36 cm),(and v = 36 cm):}],m = (v)/(u) = (+36)/(-36) = -1`, Image is real and inverted. <br> `{:("When u" = -12 cm),( and v = -36 cm):}], m = (v)/(u) = (-36)/(-12) = +3`, Image is virtual and erect.


The focal length of a convex lens, f =  18 cm.

Image distance, v = 24 cm

Object distance, u = ?

To find- Magnification


By using lens formula-


where, v = image distance, u = object distance, and f = focal length

Substituting the values of f, v and u we get,



$\frac{18-24}{24\times 18}=\frac{1}{u}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$

$\frac{6}{24\times 18}=\frac{1}{u}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$

$\frac{1}{4\times 18}=\frac{1}{u}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$


So, the object distance is -72cm.

The object should be placed at a distance of -72 cm from the lens.

Now, the equation for finding magnification of a lens can be given as-


Substituting the values in magnification formula we get-



Hence, the magnification produced will be $m=-\frac{1}{3}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$


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