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From: Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention

Country/Year Age/yr Study (author) Change in obesity USA
1973–1994 5–24 Bogalusa [67] Mean level increased 0.2 kg/yr, twofold increase in prevalence of obesity
1971–1974 6–19 NHANES I [68] Relatively stable
1976–1980 6–19 NHANES II [68] Relatively stable
1988–1994 6–19 NHANES III [68] Doubled to 11%
1999–2000 6–19 NHANES IV [68] Increased by 4%
1974–1993 6–14 Kotani [69] Doubled (5% to 10%)
1984–98 7–11 Lobstein [70] Changed from 8% to 20%
1985/6 to 1995/6 6–7 Moreno [71] Changed from 23% to 35%
1992–1996 5–12 Rolland-Cachera [72] Changed from 10% to 14%
1984–2000 6–12 Krassas [73] Increased by 7%


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