How do you answer why do you want to work at this hospital?

Career Resources / Job Searching / Nursing Interview Questions

Going into a nursing job interview can feel daunting. This is true for the most seasoned nursing veterans. However, it doesn’t have to give you an ulcer just thinking about it. To help you out, we’ve provided a guide with over 20 nursing interview questions so you feel confident and at ease going into the interview.

Read on for the top nursing interview questions and answers, tips, and more to help ace your next nurse interview.

In this guide, we will cover

Common nursing interview questions

Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions during nursing interviews so you can prepare your responses ahead of time. 

Find out how the Incredible Health nurse community would approach it.

Sample nurse interview questions on teamwork

Relying on your team is critical in any hospital or health facility. Employers want to know that you are a team player and work well with others, even in stressful situations.

1. Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult co-worker. How did you handle it?

With this question, make sure you don’t throw anybody under the bus. You want to include the resolution, and, if possible what you learned from the situation.

Sample answer:

“I worked the night shift with a nurse who consistently showed up late for their shift. This would impact the whole team and put us behind. I took time to talk with the nurse and asked them if switching shifts would help them arrive to work on time. My co-worker said it would help them since the particular hour they were scheduled was difficult for them. We switched, and that solved the problem. I learned that taking initiative goes a long way.”

Spot on! This shows an ability to adapt and problem-solve. Hiring managers want to find someone who can overcome a tough situation and find a resolution. Moreover, it shows character since you were willing to sacrifice for the team. Kudos.

2. Tell us about a time that you were in a leadership position. Were you pleased with the results?

Hiring managers seek people they can promote. They want to find someone who has experience as a leader. Recent graduates can talk about leadership experience with volunteering or an academic project.

Sample answer:

“As a licensed RN, I have gravitated toward leadership positions. In one of my roles, I led a group of LVN’s. I developed a team that dedicated itself to patient-centered care and efficiency. We made sure to involve families in the care and specialize treatment plans to individual patient’s needs. One of my proudest moments was seeing one of the LVN’s earn their RN certification. In that sense, I felt more than pleased with the results.”

Solid. You identified that you have experience in leadership roles and also your care standards. Additionally, you showed how much of a team player you are.

3. Describe a situation where you felt proud of your healthcare team. What role did you play in your team’s success?

Every nursing unit experiences success in one way or another. Being able to articulate a time when you contributed to a successful situation helps your hiring team. When answering this question make sure you are as detailed as possible and explain the role you had in the success.

Sample answer:

Working as a med-surg nurse, I often see a lot of success doing my job. One time, my patient had infected feeding tubes. I was able to thoroughly clean and helped prevent further injury to the patient.

4. How do you like working with a team?

Nurses don’t work in silos. A lot of their work depends on other people. Cooperation and flexibility are important traits to facilitate a healthy team.

Sample answer:

“I thrive while working as a part of a team because of my ability to adapt. I find that working on a team allows for the best outcomes for patients. Everyone has a different way of looking at a problem and multiple perspectives can bring about creative solutions to issues. Also, working on a team motivates me because I enjoy celebrating the successes of others. Last, I feel confident in my abilities to work alone as well.”

Score! You explained how valuable working on a team is to you. Also, you showed that you can work alone. You killed two birds with one stone. Excellent.

5. Describe a time there was a miscommunication between you and a teammate. How did you handle it?

Miscommunications are bound to happen in a team setting. Knowing how to work through conflict is crucial. Try and present a conflict or miscommunication that you didn’t cause, yet you played a pivotal role in solving.

Sample answer:

“One of my co-workers struggled to communicate during the hand-off period to begin her shift. She would often tell me partial information about a patient’s status. This lead to confusion and chaos. Eventually, I told her politely that she wasn’t giving me proper information at the shift change. She corrected her ways and even began writing notes for the hand-off. I learned the importance of speaking up and being direct at that moment.”

Bingo! Here you conveyed initiative by speaking up. You also articulated that you can work with other people and provide honest, considerate feedback.

As you think about responses to these questions, keep in mind that you should not speak poorly about others. Choose your words carefully, and focus on explaining what you did well without putting people down.

Sample nurse interview questions on patient care

Patient care is a central focal point for nurse candidates. Interviewers (and your supervisors and teammates) want to be sure they can rely on you to have a good relationship with every patient, regardless of circumstances.

6. Describe a problematic patient you have had in the past. How did you handle the situation?

Nurses have their fair share of problematic patients. The key is knowing how to deal with troublesome patients in constructive ways.

Sample answer:

“Trying to get children to take their meds is challenging. I had one kid who cried and threw a fit every time we wanted to give them medication. So, one day I asked the kid a simple question, “ What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?” The child said chocolate, and I brought them chocolate pudding to take with their medication. It did the trick. The child stopped screaming and crying at medication time, and I earned a friend on the floor.”

Wow. Awesome answer. You really went above and beyond to help remedy the situation. The response proved that you can problem-solve well and adjust on the fly.

7. How do you address questions from a patient’s family and friends?

Family and friends often ask a lot of questions. Sometimes you aren’t able to answer all their questions in a timely matter. Having the ability to balance answering questions and taking care of the patient is crucial.

Sample answer:

“I lead with empathy. I know that I need to give them the best information that I can. However, I try to make sure that I’m answering them in kind ways, and I imagine myself in their shoes. Now, I know that I can’t answer all of their questions, so I try to set boundaries and make sure I’m not enabling, either.”

Perfection. You displayed an earnest attempt to meet the patient where they are. You also talked about setting boundaries, which is key.

8. Can you explain situations without using a lot of medical jargon? Give an example.

Medical information can seem unintelligible to some patients. The nurse has to effectively translate information from the doctor to a patient. In this example, emphasize how you go out of your way to make sure that the patient understands.

Sample answer:

“I have various patients with different educational backgrounds and ages, so I must break medical jargon down into understandable ways. For example, whenever a doctor orders radiology for a patient, I make sure that I explain to the patient they are getting an X-ray. Also, I try to make sure the patient understands by asking them to repeat what they think they heard. That way, everybody is on the same page.”

Here, you explained the effort you put into describing complex medical jargon. What’s key is that you make the patient repeat back what they heard. Great job!

9. What is your idea of effective patient and family education?

Every patient has their own learning style. Emphasizing that you can work with a variety of patients to provide quality patient and family education is important.

Sample answer:

“Effective patient education centers around the patient and family’s needs. You have to understand their learning style and adapt accordingly. For example, some patients prefer reading medical instructions versus watching a DVD. You also need to figure out what each patient needs. Some want detailed information; others just want the necessary information. Including the family in the treatment process is crucial because they may end up serving as primary caretakers for the patient going forward. Show them how vital they are to the process and key them in on how they can help.”

Excellent. You portrayed flexibility and a willingness to tailor your care to a patient’s needs.

10. Have you dealt with a family or patient who was displeased with your care? How did you handle it?

Unfortunately, not every patient will feel satisfied with your care. The important thing is finding a resolution and that’s what this question is looking for.

Sample answer:

“I strive to provide high-quality care to each patient. However, sometimes the patient doesn’t agree with my methods. For example, I once had a patient who complained about how I administered his insulin. He told my administrator that I stuck the needle in too quickly and not gentle enough. From that point, I decided to go especially slow with that patient to accommodate their needs and provide patient-centered care.”

You hit the spot. Literally. This is a great example of adjusting to a patient’s needs.

If you are just beginning your nursing career, then you can answer these questions as hypotheticals or by relating to another part of your life. How would you handle these situations? How have you approached difficult customers or clients in previous jobs?

Sample nurse interview questions on background and personality

Your personality will play a huge role in how you fit into a healthcare environment. The interview is often the only chance that others have to gauge your personality fit into their team; therefore, general questions about you and your career path are fairly common.

11. Tell me about yourself.

This question gives you an opportunity to share. However, they aren’t looking for your life story. They are trying to ascertain how you could fit on their team. Sprinkle in a few of the job qualifications and you’re golden.

Sample answer:

“I’m a driven nurse who enjoys providing patient-centered care. I have spent eight years working as a pediatrics nurse. During that time, I learned that quality care involves empathy first, which helps you determine your treatment. Every patient is different. I am proud of my ability to juggle different patient loads. Helping my patients recover and regain health motivates me every day. Your company’s determination to ensure patient-centered and quality care fits my skill set and goals as a nurse.”

Great job! You provided a great synopsis of your skills and passion.

12. Why did you decide to be a nurse?

Here, the employer wants a nurse whose ambitions match the principles of the facility.

Sample answer:

“My family had a pervasive medical background. I had a grandfather and uncle that were doctors. Many aunts and cousins are nurses, and it seemed like a natural progression. I was always intrigued by the medical field since I was a kid. Helping people in practical yet compassionate ways comes naturally to me.”

Here, you broadcast something essential about your character: care and compassion. Having compassion and an urge to care for others will go a long way as a nurse.

13. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Every nurse has unique strengths and weaknesses. Honesty is important when answering this question. That said, you don’t want to express a weakness that makes you seem incompetent.

Sample answer:

“My greatest strength comes from my ability to educate and empathize with patients. I can speak in their terms and help them understand what’s going on with their bodies. I strive to enter into their shoes and treat them as people first, not just patients. There was this one older woman who dearly missed her garden. I decided to bring in a small potted garden to the patient. She loved this gesture, and it made her feel better about her diagnosis. My greatest weakness is over-committing. I am so passionate about the job that I try and do too much at times. I need to slow down and trust my team.

Wow! Touching. You definitely showed how much patients mean to you. Also, your weakness doesn’t paint you in a negative light. Rather, it shows your passion.

14. Why do you want to work here (at this hospital/health system)? What interests you the most?

Don’t say because you want to make more money. Describe the health system and what you feel drawn toward.

Sample answer:

“I’m inspired to work in a facility that champions patient-centered care. Your facility has received countless awards for its care including the Vizient 2019 Bernard A. Birnbaum, M.D., Quality Leadership Award for high-quality patient care. I am excited to work for such an institution. I find that I thrive in facilities dedicated to this goal. Additionally, I saw that your hospital is ranked as one of the top hospitals according to U.S. World News Reports for hospitals. I would feel a great deal of pride to work at such a well-regarded hospital. “

15. How do you deal with cultural differences?

Nurses are well-trained to handle cultural differences, but it takes experience and respect for others to do it well. As always, specific stories and methods are essential. You can tell of your success with this issue or a time when you learned something valuable.

16. What are your professional goals?

Hiring managers want to hire ambitious nurses who have a clear sense of what their professional goals are. It’s important to have a detailed and attainable set of goals. Clearly, ambition is good, but it might be a bit unwise to tell your hiring manager you’re planning to become the hospital president when you’re applying for a role as a first-year registered nurse.

Sample answer:

“My professional goals are as follows: earn my MSN, join the Emergency Nurses Association and become an emergency room nurse practitioner. I hope to mentor nurses and share what I have learned. I am excited about the opportunity to fulfill my goals. Last, I would like to advance into a management role as well where I can oversee and train nurses. I feel drawn toward helping others grow and learn.”

Well done. You definitely did your research about the facility. And your goals align with the aims of the company.

Some of these questions require you to do some soul-searching. However, having well-thought-out responses to these questions will help show that you have put thought into your self-development and your career, which is very appealing for virtually any employer. 

Always be prepared to be questioned on anything on your cover letter, resume, and reference letters.

Sample nurse interview questions on adaptability and flexibility

Life as a nurse is often about adjusting quickly to changing environments. Demonstrating that you can be agile when necessary is a great way to get your foot in the door. 

17. Describe a situation where you were under a lot of pressure. How did you deal with it? What methods worked well for you?

Nursing is a stressful position. Sometimes nurses burn out. The hiring manager wants to find a nurse who can handle the stress in a healthy and practical way.

Example answer:

“I experienced pressure every day as an ICU nurse. On one occasion, I had to cover more patients than usual because of a co-worker calling out sick. I decided to create a list and prioritize care. By organizing and paying attention to detail, I was able to manage my increased workload successfully.  After work, I often practice yoga so that I don’t take any of the stress with me.”

Bravo. You showed an ability to prioritize and you also conveyed that you’re proactive in taking measures to mitigate stress in your free time.

18. What do you do when you don’t know the answer to something at work—whether it’s how to address a situation or answer a patient question—how do you go about getting more information?

Every nurse will experience a time when they don’t know the answer to a question. The hiring manager wants to hear about how you resolved this issue quickly.

Example answer:

“When I don’t understand something at work, I seek out help. I don’t let my pride get in the way of quality patient care. I generally ask someone who has more experience than me to help out and do it in a timely manner.”

Superb. You showed humility and a need to help the patient first beyond any need to appease ego.

Keeping these answers focused on how well you responded to point out your willingness to adapt to get things done can be very helpful in an interview. 

When in doubt, remember the “STAR” method for your answers: A Situation or Task similar to what they’re asking about, Actions you took, and Results you achieved.

Research the facility you are interviewing at

Going into your interview, you want to have a general sense of its features like what demographic it serves, statistics, goals and mission, history, and the programs that it provides. 


Goals and Mission

  • What are some of the goals or missions of the hospital? You can find the goals or mission of a hospital on its website.
  • Does the hospital have a religious undercurrent?
  • What is the mission and how does the hospital want to serve its population?


  • Does the hospital cater to a specific population type? For example, does the facility serve an older demographic of people?
  • What about the general socioeconomic status of the patients?


  • When was the facility opened?
  • What major things have happened since it’s been opened?
  • Has it recently undergone a renovation?


  • What kind of programs does the facility have? For example, does it have a renowned cancer unit or a great pediatric program?
  • What’s the patient-to-staff ratio? 

Questions to ask the employer

Now that we’ve provided some examples of common interview questions and answers asked in a nursing interview, it’s time to provide some questions for you to ask your interviewer. Asking questions of your interviewer shows that you’re interested in the position and helps you gain a greater sense of what the job will be like.

What is your company’s culture like?

This question is important for any position. A company’s culture impacts every decision that is made and you want to make sure that your values and the company’s values align. Some companies may over-emphasize efficiency and lose sight of developing healthy interactions between nurses on and off the job.

What type of orientation or training do you provide?

This is a great question to ask as it helps you understand the level of support you will receive upon starting the job. Knowing that there will be a detailed and thorough training process might ease your mind about taking the job.

What type of managing style do you have?

Knowing how your future boss manages is a huge bonus. Every boss has their own managing style. Some bosses prefer a more hands-on approach while others allow their employees more freedom.

What policies or practices do you have for self-care?

This question hints at the company’s culture. You should care to know how your future employer allows for self-care. Nurse burnout is real and being in an environment that doesn’t allow for self-care can be toxic.

Additional nursing interview questions to expect

Although they aren’t as specific as the interview questions listed above, it’s still likely that they will be asked at some point in your job interview! So, be sure to keep these questions in mind:

  • Describe a situation where there was a cultural difference and how did you overcome that?
  • What sparked your interest in nursing?
  • What would you say is the most important thing that would make you satisfied with your unit?
  • Tell me about yourself.
    • Tell me about a time you dealt with a critical patient.
    • Tell me about a time you noticed a change in a patient’s condition and how did you intervene.

Also, be prepared for more personal questions as they go through your resume and ask about your experience!

How to prepare for your nursing interview

Here are some steps you can take to make a great impression during your job interviews so you can find a job that fits.

  1. Prepare in advance for questions your prospective employer may ask, especially those that test your critical thinking, prioritization, and skills.
  2. Practice your answers out loud. It may feel silly, but it’s the easiest way to know if an answer feels right or not. You can even record yourself speaking and listen to your responses.
  3. For phone interviews, select a quiet place where you won’t be distracted during the call.
  4. Keep some water handy to combat dry mouth
  5. Smile as you speak, even over the phone, so they can hear your positivity on the other end of the line.
  6. For in-person interviews, make sure you dress with polish — no jeans or scrubs — and avoid overpowering scents/perfume.
  7. Bring a notebook and pen along with a clean folder with copies of your resume and any certifications you have (ACLS, NCLEX, etc).
  8. Make sure you read the job description carefully! Oftentimes, the key qualifications and traits employers are looking for in their ideal candidate will be there.
  1. Prepare your own questions for the employer – Don’t just leap into asking about salary. Ask about a typical day in the position, patient and staff numbers, and how the organization gathers patient input/feedback.
  2. Write a thank you note and thank the interviewer for their time. Reiterate your interest in working for their organization and be specific about why. An authentic thank you note makes a difference, especially if they’re considering other nurses for the role.
  3. Stay positive!

How to prepare for a phone interview

  • Be ready 10 minutes early, so you don’t sound rushed.
  • Eliminate background noise and distractions, for example, from children and pets. (A parked car in a quiet location can be a great place to take a call.)
  • Make sure your phone or laptop is fully charged, and use headphones/earphones for optimal sound.
  • If you’ll be using your landline, turn your mobile phone off.
  • Have some water handy. If your mouth is dry, you’ll sound nervous.
  • Use paper and pen for note-taking to avoid the noisy clicking of computer keys.
  • Do some voice exercises before the call, especially if you haven’t spoken in several hours.
  • Posture has an impact on your voice, so stand or make sure you sit up very straight during the call.
  • Smile as you speak — it really makes a difference! A good time to smile is when you talk about the work you’ve done, ask questions, or express your enthusiasm about the company.

How to prepare for an in-person nurse interview

What to wear

Looking professional is important. Your interviewer will be looking at how you dress, how you present yourself, eye contact, positive attitude, and a firm handshake — and psychologists say you only have seven seconds for that first impression!

Can you wear scrubs to a nursing interview? Despite the saying, “dress for the job you want,” the simple answer is: no. Your image is your first impression, even before you shake the interviewer’s hand. Dress professionally – this means a suit or business separates, no scrubs or denim. 

4 tips for what to wear

  1. Don’t wear jeans, denim, or scrubs.
  2. Wear a suit or business separates that fit well. You should feel like the superhero you are! Avoid clothes that are either too tight or oversized.
  3. Avoid strong scents, which may include perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, and hair products.
  4. If possible, wear a watch to show that you understand the importance of timing and detail.

[More: Sign up with Incredible Health to get free interview coaching]

What to bring

  • A pen or pencil
  • Small notepad or notebook in good shape
  • A clean, unwrinkled folder with:
    • Several copies of your resume
    • Any letters of reference you might have
    • Nursing License/proof you have passed NCLEX (mainly for new nursing graduates)
    • CPR card
    • Pertinent certifications

Preparation is key for any interview

Adequate prep time will help you feel confident and comfortable heading into the interview room. So make sure to review all the tips above well before your interview, practice answers to common questions, and put your best foot forward. Good luck!

Questions from the Incredible Health Nurse Community

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