How long does a cat stay at the vet after being spayed

If your cat or kitten needs to be spayed, you might be wondering what, exactly that means. This procedure prevents your pet from having unwanted kittens, and provides a number of other benefits like disease reduction and the prevention of unwanted behaviors. Today, our Tracy vet team shares tips on caring for your feline friend after her surgery. 

Cat Spaying Surgery

The two types of spay procedures for cats are ovariohysterectomy (removal of reproductive tract) and ovariectomy (removal of ovaries only). Most veterinarians favor ovariohysterectomies since they remove both the uterus and ovaries, which, aside from preventing unwanted kittens, can prevent the development of uterine cancer later on.

Both ovariohysterectomies and ovariectomies can be performed as laparoscopic procedures, which means they can be performed with an endoscope. This surgical implement is a long, thin camera with a light that enables veterinary surgeons to use smaller incisions. 

Post-Surgery Care For Your Cat

Aside from ensuring your cat gets plenty of love and rest, monitor your cat for signs of potential issues, such as:

  • Lack of appetite for longer than 12 hours post-surgery
  • Weakness or lack of energy
  • Pale or white gums
  • Swollen midsection (belly)
  • Heightened or slowed respiratory rate
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Trying but unable to urinate
  • No urine passed within 12-24 hours after surgery

Contact your veterinarian or emergency clinic right away if you notice these symptoms, as they could indicate a serious surgical complication such as internal hemorrhaging or damage to the urinary tract.

At-Home Care

Your veterinarian's instructions for at-home care can include one or more of the following:

  • Preventing your cat from physical activities like jumping, running, or climbing stairs
  • Keeping an eye on the surgical sites and/or sutures
  • Ensuring your car keeps her E-collar or surgical healing shirt on
Don't leave your cat alone during her first 12-24 hours post-surgery. This stretch of time is when your pet needs to closest monitoring for excessive bleeding or issues with urination. If, after the allotted time, your cat seems to be able to urinate without trouble, you can keep an eye on her as you go about your day. Make sure she is being checked on multiple times a day, to see if she is eating and using the litter box.

Ensure Your Cat's Incision Heals Properly

If your cat's incisions open, this could lead to a number of medical problems that could necessitate veterinary emergency care. Get in touch with your vet right away if you note the following emergency veterinary Opening of your cat’s incision could lead to medical issues that may require emergency attention. You should call your veterinarian immediately if you notice any:

  • Inflammation or redness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Odor
  • Discharge
  • Incision opening
Note that small amounts of pinkish or slightly bloody discharge and some redness at the surgical site is normal for up to 24 hours after your cat's spay surgery. Continue administering your cat's medications as your vet instructed.Generally, your cat's sutures remain in place for about 10-14 days, which is about how long your pet needs to heal after her surgery. 

Cats often lick areas that are itchy or painful, but it's important to prevent your pet from doing so. One of the most common reasons for infections and sutures coming out too early is cats licking their surgical site, which is why your cat will need an Elizabethan collar (E-collar) or surgery shirt to deter her from licking or biting at the area. 

Limit High-Energy Activities

Another common cause of reopened incisions is overexertion before full recovery; sutures require low-impact movements and lots of rest in order to heal properly. 

Activities like playing with other pets, jumping onto her favorite cat tree, or running after a jingling cat toy can be risky, as sudden movements can re-open or rupture surgery sutures. Your vet will likely recommend limiting your cat's activities for 10-14 days after surgery.

Managing Your Cat's Pain After Spay Surgery 

Since your cat can experience pain or discomfort from her procedure for 5-7 days after the surgery, it's important to make sure she's as comfortable as possible. Pain in cats can be hard to detect, as they tend to hide signs of illness and injury, but your veterinarian will be able to prescribe appropriate medications to help your cat feel more comfortable as she recovers.Don't stop administering medications prescribed by your vet, unless approved by them, as untreated post-surgery complications (e.g. inflammation and pain) can cause further issues (e.g. irritating the surgical site by licking)

Never give human medications to your cat, as many of them are highly toxic to cats and can have fatal effects. For pain management advice or treatment, contact your veterinarian. 

For the most part, vets don't give antibiotics to cats after a spay procedure, since it is considered a 'sterile procedure.' If your cat bleeds significantly, is older in age, or in heat during the procedure, she may be prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent infection. 

If your vet has prescribed antibiotics for your pet, make sure you finish giving your cat her entire course of antibiotics, even if she seems to be feeling better or back to her normal self. Incomplete antibiotic courses can lead to antibiotic resistance, and finishing your pet's prescription gives better protection against recurring infections. 

Post-Surgery Litterbox Use 

If your cat hasn't passed urine in 24 hours or more, this is a medical emergency and requires immediate veterinary care. Get in touch with your primary vet or the nearest emergency animal hospital. 

Ensure that your cat is passing urine and stool without trouble after she's undergone her spay surgery, as a rare but potential issue of the procedure could be an injury to the urinary tract; by monitoring your cat's litterbox habits, you're making sure that there are no emergency situations. 

If your cat is able to urinate within 24 hours after her surgery, you won't have to be on as strict a litterbox-watching regimen. Your cat might be constipated, but most cats should be able to use the litterbox without trouble after spay surgery. Undergoing anesthesia could trigger loose stools or mild constipation; each cat's case is unique. If your cat experiences diarrhea for more than 24 hours, or is unable to pass stool (constipated) for more than 48 hours, get in touch with your vet quickly to receive instructions on what to do next. 

Never give your kitty over-the-counter medications for humans, or food for humans that hasn't been approved by your primary veterinarian; many of these products are harmful to cats and could have toxic side effects.

Feeding Your Cat After Her Surgery 

Although it could take 12-24 hours for her interest in food to return, your cat should begin eating after the anesthesia and stress from the surgery have worn off. 

Follow the given instructions for feeding your cat, and contact your vet if your cat's appetite concerns you; some medications (e.g. oral antibiotics, some types of pain medication) used during the procedure might cause reduced appetite and nausea. 

With time, rest, and lots of love and patience from you and your family, your cat will be on the road to recovery soon!

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Spaying and neutering are common surgical procedures that prevent pregnancies in cats and dogs. Spaying is the surgical removal of the ovaries (usually along with the uterus) of female cats and dogs, while neutering is the surgical removal of the testicles of male cats and dogs. These procedures can also help reduce a pet's risk for some medical conditions, behavioral problems, and even certain emergencies.

Post-op care at home following your cat or dog's spay or neuter is critical to promote recovery and to help prevent complications like pain, infection, bleeding, or other issues that can land them back at the vet for emergency evaluation (or even additional surgery). Proper aftercare helps to ensure the smoothest recovery for your pet following their spay or neuter surgery.

What to Expect After Your Cat or Dog is Spayed or Neutered

When you pick your pet up after their spay or neuter surgery, they could still be a little "out of it." So don't take it personally if they don't greet you with the excitement they usually do. Here are some common things to expect after a spay or neuter:

  • Grogginess
    It's common for pets to be a little tired the evening after their spay or neuter surgery. But if your pet is super sleepy, not responsive to your touch or voice, or otherwise acting in a concerning manner, it's time to call your veterinarian (or an animal ER if your veterinarian's office is closed for the night).

  • Medications
    Though often considered routine procedures, spays and neuters are significant surgeries, and your pet may be prescribed medications to encourage healing and recovery. Your pet may be prescribed veterinary-specific pain medication to manage pain or discomfort after medications administered around surgery wear off. Whatever you do, don't use human pain medications on your pet (even aspirin), as they can cause some severe problems in cats and dogs. Be sure to talk with your veterinary team to ensure that the safest, most effective pain medications are administered to your pet.

  • Monitor Eating and Drinking
    Since your pet had anesthesia, their water and food should be limited immediately upon returning home and in the evening following their procedure. After a few hours, you can usually start by offering them a little bit of water, followed by a small amount of their regular food an hour or so later. This ensures that your pet is able to drink and eat normally following anesthesia and surgery and that they're not likely to vomit and develop aspiration pneumonia or another problem. If they are able to keep these small amounts of water and food down, then you should be able to return to normal water access and feeding the following morning. If not, call your veterinarian.

Spay and Neuter Aftercare for Cats and Dogs

Spay and neuter aftercare for dogs and cats are very similar. Below are some general aftercare tips for both pets:

  • Exercise Restriction
    Strict activity restriction is necessary following spay and neuter surgeries. Activities like running, jumping, and playing can result in stitches failing, bleeding, pain, and other post-surgical problems. Restrict your pet’s post-spay/neuter activity for 10–14 days, according to your veterinarian’s instructions.

  • Prevent Licking and Chewing
    Elizabethan collars ("cones" or E-collars) are important to prevent your pet from licking, chewing, or scratching their surgical area. If your veterinarian recommends a cone following surgery, be sure to use it as advised to avoid potentially serious problems.

  • Surgical Site Care
    Monitor your pet's spay/neuter incision area daily for signs of swelling, discharge, bleeding, or any other problems. If you're noticing any concerning symptoms, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Most spay/neuter skin incisions are fully healed within about 10–14 days, which coincides with the time that stitches or staples, if any, will need to be removed.

  • Bathing and Swimming
    Don't bathe your pet or let them swim until their stitches or staples have been removed and your veterinarian has cleared you to do so. If no visible skin sutures/staples were placed, wait at least 10–14 days until the skin incision is fully healed before bathing or swimming.

Cat spay recovery and neuter recovery are very similar. Your cat may benefit from these tips to promote healing:

  • Indoors Is Best
    The risks of surgical site infection or breakdown are considerably higher if a cat is allowed to roam outdoors before their incision site is fully healed.

  • Kitty Confinement
    Often, the best way to restrict activity for a cat following surgery is to either confine them to a large dog kennel or a small, enclosed room (like a bathroom or laundry room). Don't forget to give them a clean litter box in their confinement space and minimize their jumping opportunities.

  • Litter Changes
    There may be some benefit to changing your cat's litter to a non-clumping, low-dust litter during their post-spay/neuter recovery period. This type of litter may be less likely to contaminate and cause other problems at your cat's surgical incision site. Check with your veterinarian to see if they recommend a temporary litter change for your cat. Some cats may also prefer or need a lower-sided litterbox during their post-surgical recovery, so they don't have to step over or climb into a higher-sided or even covered litterbox.

Dog Spay and Neuter Aftercare

Dog spay recovery and neuter recovery are very similar. Your dog may benefit from these tips to promote recovery:

  • Canine Confinement
    In most cases, the best way to limit your dog's activity after a spay or neuter is a crate, exercise pen, or a small room blocked off by a baby gate.

  • Keep Them Calm
    Some dogs may need and benefit from mildly sedating medications and/or supplements prescribed by a veterinarian. If your dog is having trouble settling during their recovery, talk to your veterinarian, as they'll be able to suggest something that may help.

  • Leash-up
    Dogs shouldn't be allowed off-leash walks or playtime until their incision is fully healed and cleared by your veterinarian (typically 10–14 days).

  • Avoid the Dog Park
    Dog parks are a big no-no for dogs following their spay or neuter procedure. Your dog shouldn't be brought to a doggy daycare or dog park until after their stitches have been removed, their surgical incision has fully healed, and they've been cleared by your veterinarian.

  • Some Spotting May Be Normal
    It's not uncommon for a dog to have a little bit of bloody discharge from their vulva, or in their pee, for a day or two following their spay procedure. Anything lasting more than a day or two, though, or any copious bloody discharge, should be evaluated by your veterinarian.

Even with these general guidelines, always remember that your veterinarian is your best resource for specific questions and advice regarding your pet's care. If you notice any behavior that is not right for your pet, or if there is bleeding from the incision site, contact your vet right away.



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