How to fix diesel in a gas engine

This is a problem we address every few months. Usually a new driver borrows a car and does the responsible thing – fills it up before returning it to the owner. Which nozzle to use? Well, the green one looks good. Oh, no! They added diesel fuel to the gas tank! They’ll usually manage to drive out of the gas station and into traffic before the car dies.

Oops! But how can you get mad at your son, daughter, or friend? They didn’t know.

Watch out for the green nozzles!

Here in the US, the green pump nozzles are for diesel fuel. Unfortunately, it’s possible to insert them into a gasoline car filler neck. Since a gasoline car cannot run with diesel fuel, the engine will stall as soon as the diesel makes its way from the tank to the injectors.

How to fix it

To fix this, all of the diesel must be removed from the tank, and you’ll need some fresh gasoline in the tank. The more the gas added the better because there will be some left over diesel so we want to dilute it as much as possible. Sometimes the spark plugs must be cleaned or replaced before the car will run again.

Is this a DIY project?

Can you fix this yourself? Maybe. It depends on how handy you are. However, the hardest part of the project is disposing of the gasoline / diesel mix that you remove from the car. Figure this out before you do anything! Don’t empty the tank and think you’ll be able to figure it out later. It may not be as easy as you think. You might think your local government would make it easy for a person to properly dispose of waste as long as they were willing to pay for the cost. If you live near us, you’d be wrong. Here’s a case in point. Maybe it’s better where you live. I don’t know.

Please remember that gas is easily ignited!

In the old days, there was usually a drain plug on the bottom of the fuel tank. This feature started disappearing on all of the cars we repair in the late 80s and early 90s. So how do your remove the diesel if there’s no drain plug? Your car comes with a built in fuel pump. You should use that to pump the mixed diesel and gas from the tank.

We typically disconnect a fuel line in the engine bay and run a hose to a DOT approved container provided by the company that handles our liquid waste products. Then we use the factory scan tool to command the fuel pump to run until there’s nothing left to pump.

What if you don’t have a bi-directional scan tool handy? Well, you can still bypass the fuel pump relay, although this may not be that easy because many cars aren’t using as many simple push-in relays these days. The other option would be to power the pump directly at the tank, but don’t blow yourself up making sparks next to a fuel source!

You may need to replace the spark plugs

Diesel fuel will foul the spark plugs. You may be able to get the car started with some persistence, but don’t burn out your starter beating a dead horse. Remove the spark plugs and either clean them or replace them. If you have a car that has difficult to replace spark plugs (as many do these days), I’d recommend you replace the plugs instead of cleaning. Nothings worse than spending 3 hours doing a project only to find you’ll need to do it again.

Will adding diesel damage your engine or car?

What happens to a gasoline car when you add diesel? Not much. Other than not starting while the diesel is still in the tank, it won’t hurt anything; there will be no long term damage.

Yeah. I know. That guy on the internet said the whole car would be ruined. He’s wrong. Once you get the car started, it will be fine once the clouds of smoke from the tail pipe settle down.

If you’re local and own one of the Japanese cars we repair, we’d be happy to remove the diesel from your tank. If you, like most of the people on the internet, live somewhere else, hopefully you found this post useful.


What Happens When You Put Diesel in a Gas Car?

Accidentally putting diesel into a car that runs on gasoline doesn’t happen that often, but when it does it can do a lot of damage to your vehicle and your wallet. Check out these five inexpensive car additives could save you a ton of money.

Plus, learn these things that you may be doing that are shortening the life of your car:

First, if you’re worried this is going to happen to you, don’t be — it’s hard to fill up your car with diesel if it takes gasoline. The nozzle on diesel pumps is typically bigger, so it won’t fit in your gas tank. And normally it’s green, and at a separate, clearly-labeled pump. Put your phone away so you’re not distracted and check to see that everything looks normal before pumping your gas. To make sure you don’t run into any other costly car problems, check out these maintenance tips that will extend the life of your car.

Diesel Fuel Can Cause Clogs

To most people, diesel and gasoline might seem like similar substances. Both come from a pump at a gas station, right? But they’re not. “Diesel is a much thicker substance than traditional gasoline and it is ignited by pressure rather than a spark-ignition,” says Jake McKenzie, content manager at Auto Accessories Garage. “Because of its thickness, even a small amount of diesel fuel in a gas vehicle can clog the engine’s fuel injectors, filters, and lines.” This is the best day of the week to buy a car.

Don’t Drive the Vehicle

In the unlikely event that you did put diesel into your car, and you notice your mistake before you start driving, do not start the engine. Get your car towed to a body shop right away so they can pump out the diesel, flush the fuel system and replace the fuel filters. “Time is of the essence. Even if you don’t drive the vehicle, diesel fuel in the tank will still begin to clog up the fuel system, engine, and injectors,” says McKenzie. This will likely set you back around $400 to $500. Plus learn about these 15 things to watch with car insurance.

If You Accidently Drove Your Car…

If you do start driving your car with diesel in it, you won’t get far. A gas engine can’t combust diesel fuel, so your car will move a few miles, make some strange noises, then come to a stop. McKenzie says it will cause “incredibly costly cylinder and timing issues” in your car’s engine. This type of damage could easily cost you about $4,000 to repair — sometimes up to $17,000, McKenzie says. In many cases, it can end up costing more than the value of your car.

Next, read up on these signs that your car is about to die.

Originally Published: August 18, 2020

You’ll need an emergency tow to the mechanic, who will be able to drain the diesel fuel from your tank and clean it with regular gasoline to remove any diesel residue. After the mechanic removes the diesel fuel from the tank, he or she will refuel the engine with standard gasoline and start it.

What happens if you run a gas engine on diesel fuel?

The fuel pump will struggle to transfer the diesel/gasoline mixture through the system since diesel fuel is thicker and denser than gasoline. Additionally, the diesel will be unable to pass through the fuel filter easily. It will instead clog the fuel filter. And any diesel that makes its way into the engine will block the fuel injectors, rendering them useless. The engine will clog up and seize as a result of this. The gasoline engine may continue to run after the diesel tank has been filled, but this is only because it is still running on the residual gasoline in the fuel line.

Even if the circumstance is unpleasant, the alternative putting gasoline into a diesel tank is even worse. Because of its enormous combustion potential, gasoline would ignite more faster than diesel fuel. The diesel engine and its components could suffer catastrophic damage as a result of the early ignition and volatility.

What should I do if I put fuel in my automobile by accident?

  • Don’t start your vehicle if you fill up your tank with diesel and recognize it right away. To avoid permanent damage to your vehicle, call for a tow and have a local mechanic flush out the fuel tank.
  • If you put diesel fuel in your vehicle, start it, and drive a few miles before recognizing your mistake, pull over as quickly as possible and turn off the engine. Request a tow and a gasoline tank flush from a mechanic.

How much diesel is required to destroy a gas engine?

Let’s imagine you mix a small amount of gasoline with your diesel fuel by mistake.

The first thing it’ll do is lower the flash point of the diesel, which can be harmful because pockets of greater gasoline concentrations can form in a tank. As a result, the flash point would be inconsistent throughout the tank.

Given the wide difference in flash point temperature between gasoline and diesel, it only takes a small amount of gasoline to drastically lower the flash temperature. Even a 1% gasoline contamination lowers the diesel flash point by 18 degrees Celsius. This indicates that the diesel fuel will ignite early in the diesel engine, perhaps causing damage to the engine.

Contamination with gasoline can harm the fuel pump and cause diesel injectors to malfunction.

This occurs due to a lack of lubrication. To put it another way, gasoline is a solvent, but diesel is an oil. Diesel has enough lubricity to keep the fuel pumps and injectors lubricated. By replacing the oil with gasoline, the lubrication is lost, resulting in damage.

Beyond them, you’ll get incomplete combustion, which produces a lot of black smoke at first. Beyond being a cosmetic issue, the vehicle’s computer will modify the fuel-air combination to compensate for the absence of combustion. This will significantly reduce your power and performance. Furthermore, if you continue to use the fuel, you risk overheating or covering the vehicle’s computer sensors in soot that they become unable to detect anything.

Putting Diesel into Gasoline

Now consider the opposite situation: you’re mixing a higher flash, heavier fuel with a lighter, more volatile base fuel (gasoline) that burns at a much lower flash temperature. Some may believe that this “diesel-in-gasoline” scenario is less dangerous than the opposite. However, this is not the case.

The loss of octane is a major concern when gasoline is contaminated with diesel fuel. When considering how gasoline burns in an engine, the octane rating is a gauge of the fuel’s ability to ignite at the proper moment – not too soon. Once pumped into the chamber, gasoline with a lower octane rating will ignite too rapidly. The gasoline ignites and explodes, but the piston is still rising, and the subsequent pressure wave collision causes a knocking sound (at best) and damage to the piston and rod (at worst). Octane, in a way, slows down and delays combustion.

To match today’s car engines, gasoline must have an octane rating of 87-91. The octane rating of diesel fuel is 25-40. By mixing 2% diesel fuel with gasoline, the overall octane rating is reduced by one point. The octane of diesel that has been contaminated by 10% drops by 5 points, which is enough to cause issues in most engines. With increasing percentages of diesel fuel in gasoline, the octane depression rises linearly.

  • Because diesel fuel is heavier than gasoline, it might settle to the bottom of your gas tank, causing both gas and diesel to be injected into the intake manifold or cylinder. Partially-burned diesel fuel, depending on the mix, can leave large deposits on pistons, valves, and spark plugs. You buy a car or truck that runs poorly, and if you continue to drive it, you risk catastrophic harm.
  • If enough diesel fuel gets into the cylinders, the cylinders can hydro-lock, resulting in a blown head gasket, broken cylinder head, or other catastrophic issues that can lead to your vehicle’s premature death.
  • This diesel fuel can seep through the piston rings and into the oil crankcase, diluting the lubricating oil. This can cause damage to all lubricated internal engine elements, resulting in significant engine failure due to accelerated wear.
  • Unburned diesel fuel will ignite in the catalytic converter if it enters the exhaust system unburned. The fire will fill the holes in the catalyst, ruining it and costing you thousands of dollars to replace.

The Bottom Line – Don’t Drive It

Because it’s hard to tell how much of the improper kind of fuel is in your tank and fuel system, the best advice is to have your car towed to a mechanic’s garage where the problem may be fixed.

They will remove all of the fuel from the filter and flush the system to remove the issue fuel once they arrive at the garage.

Some could say, “Well, my _______ (fill in the blank with a friend, coworker, relative, or general practitioner) got some in his tank by accident, and he drove it and it was OK.”

There’s no way to tell how your circumstance compares to theirs in certain instances (and human nature dictates that we downplay our descriptions of prospective difficulties if they arise from a mistake we’re responsible for).

You have been told not to drive the car if you believe the improper gasoline has been dispensed. In any event, we advise you to avoid taking that risk.

Is it possible to repair a gas engine that has a diesel engine?

How Much Does It Cost To Repair A Gas Engine With Diesel? The cost of draining the tank varies depending on how much diesel the tank stores and whether it needs to be dumped. You may simply remedy diesel fuel entering the fuel line or engine for $1,500 to $2,000 if you know what you’re doing.

What is the maximum time a gas engine can run on diesel?

Your car’s gasoline engine should last roughly 200,000 miles before it requires a major maintenance or you need to purchase a new vehicle. Diesel engines, on the other hand, may run for 1,000,000-1,500,000 miles without having any serious maintenance. In fact, a well-maintained diesel engine can last for 30 years or more on the road.

According to Capital Reman Exchange, there are three key factors for a diesel engine’s lifetime, endurance, and reliability:

A diesel engine is gear-driven in design. Gears, unlike other parts that might be broken or damaged, are easy to repair and never lose their timing. Gear-driven water and oil pumps are available on most diesel automobiles. Parts and components are less likely to fail as a result of this.

Diesel-powered vehicles are typically built with heavy-duty components that can withstand the vehicle’s power, resulting in less wear and tear on all parts of the engine.

Diesel engines are also fantastic since they are self-cooling, which means they have a far lower possibility of overheating. There are multiple sensors and thermostats in use, which means that if one fails, the engine will not overheat. A steady supply of coolant flows freely through the engine thanks to many piston-cooling nozzles.

Compression ignition is used by a diesel engine to use its fuel to power itself. This happens when diesel fuel and air are squeezed to the point that heat is generated, resulting in spontaneous combustion. This spontaneous combustion, according to Digital Trends, is significantly more favourable for a long-lasting engine.

What happens if you fill up your automobile with the wrong fuel?

The most important thing to remember if you put gasoline in a diesel automobile is to not start it. The fuel will flow around the engine once it is started, causing havoc on the entire system. Before you drive the car, you must drain the fuel tank.

The gasoline will act as a solvent, causing the fuel pump and other components of the fuel system to be damaged. If left unchecked, a costly fuel system repair or a complete replacement of the fuel pump, diesel injectors, filters, and fuel tank may be required.

Will a gasoline engine be harmed by diesel oil?

Yes, diesel oil can be used in a gas engine as long as the diesel oil fits the engine’s specs and viscosity criteria.

If your gas engine requires a 5W-30 motor oil that satisfies the API SN PLUS criteria, for example, you can safely use a diesel oil of the appropriate viscosity that fulfills the API SN PLUS specification.

However, for most gasoline applications, a diesel oil isn’t necessary, and a good gasoline motor oil is a better alternative in terms of performance and cost. Let’s take a closer look at the diesel vs. gasoline dispute.

Is it possible to syphon diesel from a car?

We don’t advocate trying to siphon on your own because the fumes from gasoline or diesel might make you dizzy or even faint. The last thing you want is to pass out in your car with liters of flammable liquid dripping onto the floor. If at all possible, have someone else around to help you if you need it.

What is the cost of draining a gas tank?

How Much Does Cleaning A Fuel Tank Cost? Cleaning the fuel system on most cars should cost between $50 and $80, to be precise.


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