How to fix scratches on plastic

Hello people, today we’re going to discuss a prolific guide on how to remove scratches from plastic. So without further ado, let’s get to the point.

How to Fix Scratched Plastic  

We don’t like it, but scratches on plastic items are inevitable, whether it’s your car, countertop, headlights, windows, or some other item. Even normal wear and tear can be a reason for your plastic item to develop a whitish shallow mark over time when exposed to sunlight or extreme temperatures. Over time, these hidden spots become scratches that can be quite uncomfortable to see and can make your plastic possession quite worn out.

However, some easy methods will help you removing scratch from plastic sheeting in no time. All the things you need to follow the process can be easily found in your house.

Remember it’s best to remove scratches when they’re small; removing them will become more difficult once they attain a certain size. I advise regular cleaning; it will also help prevent cloudy white film on plastic from becoming permanent. This applies to toys, accessories, and outdoor furniture. They should be cleaned at least once a month and stored with proper coverings when not in use.

Before beginning, analyzing the extent of scratch is a very important step. You should start with the least abrasive cleaning agents that don’t create additional damage resulting in sobering the finish. The endgame is to break even the plastic just enough to create a smooth finish.

Things You’ll Need – 

  • Plastic polishing compound
  • Cotton Balls
  • Baking Soda
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • non-gel toothpaste
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Cotton Rags
  • Baking Soda
  • Medium Bowl

Before moving forward with the method, you should first examine the scratch(es) closely and thoroughly. Use your fingernail or credit card to determine the deepness, and if your fingernail or credit doesn’t hook, it’s shallow enough to be repaired with light abrasives like toothpaste or baking soda. But if the nail does hook, you’re got a deeper scratch to deal with, requiring a bit more effort using a super-fine grit wet sandpaper.

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How to Get Scratches Off Plastic – The Process:

Step 1 – Cleaning the Plastic Thoroughly: 

Before the wiping starts, it is important to remove excess debris and surface soil from the surface of the plastic, which can further create more scratches making the situation worse. Utilize warm water and a few drops of a dishwashing liquid and rub it gently with a cotton round or a microfiber cloth. If you notice a cloudy appearance on the plastic surface, add one-half cup distilled white vinegar per gallon of the warm, soapy water solution to get back the original finished look.

Step 2 – Wipe Using Toothpaste or Baking Soda:

The everyday toothpaste contains silica, a fantastic solution for minor scratches. Use a non-gel toothpaste and squeeze out enough to cover the scratched part. Keep buffing in small circles with a clean, dry cloth or a cotton round. Keep doing that till the surface evens out, and once it’s done, wash the residue with warm water and scrutinize your work. You may have to repeat the process a few times to see satisfactory results.

If, for some reason, you don’t want to work with toothpaste, mix water and baking soda in equal quantities to make a thick paste and gently apply it with a cotton ball or cloth in a circular motion. Rinse intermittently and keep repeating until the scratch is completely removed.

Toothpaste or baking soda are great at eradicating scratches from your beloved plastic products, and it works fine with most searches; however, if you’re dealing with deeper scratches, then move on to wet micro grit sandpaper.

Step 3 – Wet Sandpaper at Work:

Using wet micro grit sandpaper will increase your chances of getting rid of deeper scratches as it steadily levels out the surface of the plastic with a bit more force than baking soda or toothpaste. However, never go with regular grit sandpaper as it is too raspy for your plastic.

Soak a 360 micro grit paper in warm water until the paper is saturated. Gently rub the area in a circular motion. Make sure not to apply too much pressure or create new scratches. Rinse periodically. Re-wet the sandpaper if needed.

Step 4 – Time For a Finer Grit Sandpaper:

If you notice the remains of the scratch, it’s time to move to higher grit sandpaper. Clean the area and use 500 grit sandpaper in a circular motion to buff after each pass. Keep the grit till the scratch is completely eradicated when the scratch has been smoothed out, clean the surface again with a cotton ball or cloth.

Step 5 – Shine it With Polishing Compound:

After moving the deeper scratches, what happens is often a part looking dull from the rest of the piece. To regain the shine, you have to utilize a plastic or metal shining compound. Follow the instructions on the label or simply use a clean, dry cotton cloth, wiping the dull part in a circular motion—Buff the part with a lint-free microfiber cloth. Keep doing the same till the shine is regained.

Engaging Read – How To Get Sticky Residue Off Plastic? The Complete Guide

How to Remove Searches From a Car Exterior and Interior – 

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The car interior and exterior is all plastic these days, and that’s why I’ll also talk about getting rid of scratches from various parts of your car.

You can take two approaches to clean your car’s interior panels. Either buy a specialist kit equipped with everything you need for the job, or you have to make your hands a bit dirty and use sanding, painting, and heating.

Some kits are quite effective when dealing with light abrasions and scratches, but I believe fixing it yourself is the best option for deeper scratches.

Other than super fine-grit sandpaper, you’ll need a heat gun, an interior grain pad, and an interior car cleaner.

Steps To Follow:

So the basics are the same as mentioned above, similar to any cleaning any other plastic surface.

  • First of all, clean the area around the scratch with an interior plastic cleaner. As mentioned above, removing dirt makes the surface squeaky clean will help you get a smooth finish and stop dust and dirt from melting into plastic, which can have a severe effect on the color.
  • Utilize a heat gun at half power to apply heat on the plastic until it starts softening. Make sure you don’t heat the plastic too much or burn the part leaving you with irreversible damage. After a time, the plastic will become shiny, losing its texture, which means it is ready for moulding.
  • Gently apply a grain pad to the affected area. The scratch will become smooth and create a good texture, helping it blend in with the plastic. Grainpads are easily available online and come in many types but choose the one that resembles the most with the plastic trim of your car and apply it to the part using a hard plastic application pad available in the set.
  • Wait for about 15 minutes to let the area harden and cool. The texture will now look identical with the unaffected area, and your job is done here, but if you’re looking for a perfect finish, then you’ll have to sand it down utilizing a superfine grain paper.
  • At last, clean and dry the area using a wet cotton cloth, and you’re done.

FAQs – 

1. Does WD 40 remove scratches from plastic?

Ans. WD 40 is a water-displacing oil whose primary application is to lubricate tools and remove excess water from metal surfaces; however, it doesn’t remove scratches from plastic surfaces.

2. How to get scratches out of PVC?

Ans. Take a few drops of brass cleaner on a soft cotton cloth and wipe the PVC surface gently in a circular motion. The cleaning compounds help fill the small cracks, and the rubbings buff up the surface.

3. Can you buff out scratches on plexiglass?

Ans. You have to utilize 600 grit sandpaper and wipe it onto the searched surface in a circular motion. Repeat till you notice a buffed-up surface. It might take a few tries to see satisfactory results. Once you’re done, take a clean, wet, and soft cotton cloth the clean the surface properly.

4. Can you remove scratches from polycarbonate glasses?

Ans. Removing scratches from polycarbonate is as easy as doing it on any plastic surface. All you have to do is squeeze out pea-sized toothpaste on a clean, soft, cotton cloth. Rub the cloth on the searched portion for a bit 20-25 seconds and immediately clean the toothpaste using another wet cotton cloth.

5. What kind of toothpaste removes scratches?

Ans. It is recommended to use non-gel ‘whitening’ toothpaste for removing scratches from plastic surfaces as it contains maximum silica and the least abrasives compared to other kinds of toothpaste.

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The Conclusion – 

That is all I wanted to share on removing scratches from plastic surfaces. The processes mentioned above are simple to follow, so I don’t think anybody would have difficulty buffing up those annoying scratches. However, make sure you remain gentle and always apply light pressure while rubbing the plastic surface or making more scratches.

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day.


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