How to know if i love her quiz

1. Gasp! Your love interest walks into the room. How are you feeling?

  1. Woah. Did I just get hit with a ton of bricks?
  2. I’ve got some butterflies, but I’ll keep my cool.
  3. I feel fine, maybe a little nervous.
  4. Oh, did they? Didn’t notice.

2. How often does this person cross your mind?

  1. Constantly. It’s been hard to focus on anything else.
  2. When I have a free moment, I totally dream of them.
  3. I guess I think of them sometimes, yeah.
  4. Not too often—I’m a pretty focused person.

3. How have you been feeling lately?

  1. All over the place. One minute I’m elated and the next, I’m a mess.
  2. I guess my emotions have felt a little up and down.
  3. I’ve been feeling really good.
  4. I’ve been feeling normal. Nothing new to report!

4. A friend brings up your love interest’s flaws. What’s your reaction?

  1. I’m aware of their flaws, but I accept them for who they are.
  2. I’ll defend them.
  3. Trick question, they don’t have flaws!
  4. Now that you mention it, I really hate the way they chew…

5. You two disagree on Billie Eilish's best track. Do you let it go or drive your point home?

  1. I’ll let ‘em have this one. I just love seeing them happy!
  2. We’ll table the discussion. I just want to enjoy my time with them!
  3. I’ll give in eventually, but I’ll make a few good points first.
  4. I drive it home. I know I'm right!

6. You and your love interest are stuck in a remote cabin with no entertainment for a whole week. What are you thinking?

  1. Who needs entertainment when I have them?
  2. I mean, we might get a little bored. But I’m still excited!
  3. A whole week in an empty cabin? I don’t care who I’m with—I’ll pass.
  4. After a week, I’d be sick of them.

7. What’s your love interest’s best feature?

  1. Come on, I couldn’t possibly pick just one.
  2. I appreciate them for who they are on the inside—I love their values, their heart, everything!
  3. I’d say more than anything, I love their smile and laugh.
  4. Hmmm…nothing comes to mind.

8. Have you ever felt like this before?

  1. Nope. Butterflies, jitters, panicky sweat—this is all new.
  2. I’m not sure. This is a big feeling, but I might’ve felt this way once in the past.
  3. Probably, but I’m sure my feelings will grow.
  4. Definitely. I felt more for my ex.

9. Your love interest asks you to take the next step—whether that’s a first date, moving in, or getting married. What do you say?

  1. Definitely, 100%, sign me up. I’m ready!
  2. I can’t believe I’m saying this…but yes!
  3. I’d have to think it through. Maybe?
  4. Um…I’m not sure I’m ready for the next step just yet.

10. How well do you two know each other?

  1. So well—I know them like the back of my hand.
  2. I’ve just recently started to feel like I see them for who they truly are.
  3. I know the basics—their birthday, their favorite color, their sign.
  4. We actually just met!

11. Does this person feel like home to you?

  1. YES. That’s the perfect description. I look at my love interest, and I feel totally safe.
  2. I do really care for them, but I’m not sure I’d say that.
  3. I need more time to get to know them first.
  4. Nope, I definitely wouldn’t say that.

12. Imagine this: your love interest ghosts you and moves away without warning. What’s your reaction?

  1. I’d be totally devastated. That’s unimaginable—don’t even joke about it!
  2. I’d be really sad.
  3. Yeah, I’d be bummed. But I’d get over it.
  4. I’d be fine.

Do you want to know if you are in love? Either if you are already a couple or you still are in the "friendship stage", you want to know if the feelings you have towards him/her are the true love. It is absolutely normal to feel the urge to name what you feel, because only by defining your emotions you will know what you really want and how to get what you want.

Of course, feelings change in time and, even if at the moment you are not crazy in love, this doesn't mean that, in a month or so, you will not completely lose your head for that person that you only like now. This is why we recommend you to take the test below from time to time to see how you feelings are evolving.

Be careful and answer as honest as you can; you can even take a few moments after reading the question and try to give the most accurate answer.

Entering a new relationship can be exciting and bring up a bunch of positive emotions. If you’ve recently started dating someone, you may ask yourself: Is it love or just lust?

Lust is mainly sexual or physical, with no desire to bond with the person on a deeper level. Love, in contrast, involves feelings of intimacy, vulnerability, and putting in the effort to build a stronger connection.

Certain signs may help you figure out whether you’re feeling love or lust toward your new partner. This relationship test can help.

This brief questionnaire is designed for anyone who might be wondering whether they’re feeling lust or love for the person they’re now dating.

This love or lust quiz is meant to help you answer questions like:

  • Am I falling in love?
  • How do I know if I’m in love?
  • Is it lust?

This “am I in love quiz” is not meant to tell you if you should stay in your relationship long term or not. But you can use this lust or love quiz to find out how you might be feeling right now toward the person you’re dating.

Depending on your responses to this love test, you can also understand whether you’re in love with your partner or experiencing lust.

Keep in mind that every person approaches dating, love, and their unique love language differently. So be sure to trust your gut and deeply assess your emotions before deciding if you’re willing to commit to this person.

If you always ask yourself this question or you typically experience conflicting emotions in relationships, speaking with a therapist can help you navigate dating in healthier ways.

This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.

Is there a lady in your life? Are you unsure about how you feel for her? Is she unsure? Do you feel a need to define where your feelings are before you move forward or part ways for good?

In just a few seconds you can figure out whether you are head over heels, ambivalent, or just need to be kicked to the curb. Show her the results if you dare!

Created by: amazon

Image: stellalevi/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages

One of the most common thoughts that will run through your head as you're developing feelings for another person is, "How do you know if you're in love?" People ask it all the time and there's a good chance if you haven't asked that question of someone yourself, you've asked someone else. It's a very tricky thing, especially the first time. There's no guide book to explain it, no light that turns on when it happens to let you know without a doubt you're in love. It's confusing.

Fact is that people and relationships are super complex. A person can be great 90% of the time but then awful to you 10% of the time. Can you still love them if they do bad things? Should you? It's very hard to figure out, and it makes us feel like our own feelings are betraying us sometimes. Luckily, people have been dealing with this for as long as we've had feelings to process, so there are ways you can figure it out. If you're not sure if you love the special girl in your life right now, maybe you just need a few minutes to ponder it over. Look at things from a different perspective and maybe it'll all come clear. So come on, answer a few questions and let's see how you feel.

If you just stopped talking to your girl, how long are you able to go without feeling the urge to talk to her again?

Until I need her for something, I guess

How many movies have you sat through that you kind of hated because she wanted to watch them?

I don't watch movies I don't like.

Have you actually told her you love her?

Would you move across the country with her if she got a great job opportunity somewhere?

I'd really have to think about that.

I think so, if it was that good of an opportunity.

Who controls the remote when you guys are watching TV?

Whoever knows what they want to watch

How much time do you spend with her family?

Not a ton, but I like them.

Would you ever consider owning a pet with her?

Have you ever cried over your relationship?

If you see her talking to someone else who seems pretty attractive, are you OK with it?

I might get a little jealous.

Of course, it's just talking.

Has she ever cheated on you?

We haven't been together long enough for that to even be a thing.

Do you think the two of you are going to be together in 10 years?

How often do the two of you get into arguments?

Does thinking about her make you happy?

It stresses me out, to be honest.

When's the last time you bought her a gift for no reason?

I get her little things all the time.

Who buys gifts for no reason?

What are your thoughts on monogamy?

I've never really thought about it.

If she came to you and said she wanted to see other people while she's still in a relationship with you, how would you react?

Man, that's kind of crazy.

That is never gonna happen.

Would you get her name tattooed on you?

Do you know her birthday?

If I say yes are you going to make me prove it?

How's the physical part of your relationship?

We don't have a physical relationship yet.

When you go out together, are you feeling proud that she's by your side?

Never really thought about it

Yeah, I feel pretty good with her.

What is it about her that first attracted you?

Has there ever been an occasion when you dressed alike?

That's not a thing I'd do.

No, but I could see us doing that.

If you're planning on seeing a movie tonight but she's not feeling well, what are you going to do?

Find something else to do

See what I can do to make her feel better

Go see the movie with a friend

Do the two of you ever cook meals together?

It's usually just one of us doing the cooking.

We've tried it before and it was fun.

Where would be an ideal vacation destination for the two of you?


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