How to make a bundle in Minecraft Java

Implemented in Minecraft's 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update, bundles are a helpful inventory management item that allows players to collect several items within a single inventory slot.

Thanks to bundles, players can place items inside of it, but the bundle itself only takes up one space within the player's inventory. This is a big deal for Minecraft players sweating management of item stacks and valuables.

Better news still, bundles are incredibly simple to craft and provide great utility for their material costs. All players will need to craft a bundle is six rabbit hides and two pieces of string. Though the rabbit hides can be tricky to get a hold of depending on world seed, the effort is well-rewarded.

Image via Mojang

Minecraft: Finding rabbit hides and string

Image via Mojang

Rabbits are one of Minecraft's many passive mobs, and their hides are a crucial component of bundles. Rabbits can spawn in several biomes, including standard grassy areas, snow covered areas, as well as sandy desert spots.

Players can search in forests, taigas and deserts for the critters, and once they do it's time to collect hides. Killing a rabbit drops 0-1 rabbit hide, but if players use the Lotting enchantment on their weapon, they can increase that value. With Looting III, players can gain up to four rabbit hides per kill.

Cats and foxes are also fond of rabbit hides, as tamed cats will sometimes give a gift (70% chance) to a player when they wake from bed rest and that gift has a 16.13% chance of being rabbit hide.

As for foxes, they will sometimes spawn carrying rabbit hide. In order to obtain it from a fox, Minecraft players can either kill the fox or drop a food item, which the fox will then move towards while dropping the rabbit hide.

When it comes to finding string in Minecraft, the method is significantly easier. String can be acquired from breaking cobwebs, killing certain mobs, looting temple/pyramid/dungeon chests, bartering with NPCs and can also be a gift from cats. Slicing up cobwebs with a sword will drop string, though the amount isn't particularly abundant.

If players are already using the Looting enchantment on their weapon for rabbit hides, it would likely be a good idea to use the same on spiders and cave spiders. With Looting III, these hostile mobs can drop up to five pieces of string when they die.

For players aiming to collect string quickly, it would be wise to head out into the night well-equipped with armor and a Looting III enchanted weapon to take down scores of spiders. This can result in a large stack of string in a relatively short amount of time.

Read More: What is the rarest Axolotl in Minecraft?

Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul

Minecraft has added the Bundle which allows players to store items on the go, and here is how players can craft and use it effectively.

The Caves & Cliffs update has added a lot of depth to Minecraft including a new way to expand the players' inventory capacity while on the go. The Bundle is a new item, similar to the Shulker Box, that allows players to store multiple items in a single inventory space that they can take with them. While Shulker Boxes are locked behind defeating Minecraft's Ender Dragon boss, Bundle's are actually fairly easy to come by.

The Bundle was first shown during the Minecraft Live 2020 event, and players were very excited about this revolutionary item. However, the mathematics behind what players can store inside a Bundle is a tad bit confusing. While the Shulker Box simply gives players an additional chest's worth of mobile storage, the Bundle isn't as straightforward. They may be much easier to obtain, but the Bundle needs a bit of explaining before it can be used. Here's how to craft and use a Bundle in Minecraft.

Minecraft's Bundles Are Useful But Confusing

2. Add The Rabbit Hide And String To The Menu

In the crafting table, add the 6 rabbit hide and 2 string dust to the grid.

You must add the rabbit hides and string to the grid exactly as shown in the image below. In the 1st row place down 1 string in the 1st box, 1 rabbit hide in the 2nd box, and 1 string in the 3rd box. In the 2nd row place down 1 rabbit hide in the 1st box and 1 rabbit hide in the 3rd box. In the 3rd row place down 1 rabbit hide in the 1st box, 1 rabbit hide in the 2nd box, and 1 rabbit hide in the 3rd box. This is the Minecraft bundle recipe.

After you've added the items to the crafting grid as described above, you'll notice a bundle in the box on the right.

3. Move The Bundle To Your Inventory

Now, simply drag the bundle down to your inventory so you can use it.

You're done! You now have a bundle! A Minecraft bundle is a storage item that allows the player to stack and manage items in their inventory. The bundle was added to the Caves & Cliffs update 1.17.

Minecraft Bundle Command

You can also use a Give Command to make a bundle in Minecraft. The bundle command is available in the following editions:

To run the bundle command in Minecraft, open your chat window and enter the command below depending on the version you have.

Java Edition 1.17 and higher bundle command

/give @p bundle 1


How do you use a bundle in Minecraft?

You simply drag and drop the bundle onto the item that you want to be stored in it. This will allow you to store up to 64 different stackable items in your bundle.

Are bundles in Minecraft Bedrock Edition?

Bundles will be introduced in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17.0.

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