How to make frozen dog treats

These Easy Homemade Frozen Dog Treats are a budget-friendly way to keep your pup cool this summer. Made with all-natural ingredients, they’re a grain-free and gut healthy friendly treat your fur baby will love. Keep them in the freezer for special occasions! 

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Sit, Stay…Blend? The Best Frozen Treat for Dogs!

If you’ve been around awhile, you’ll know I’m all about making nutritious recipes to fit everyone’s needs. Whether you’re following a low-carb diet, need gluten-free recipes, or need some vegetarian meal prep inspiration, I’ve got you covered. However, what you might not know is that I’m also passionate when it comes to making gut-friendly dog food and treats. Consider me the canine culinary pro! Ha! I’m kidding, sort of. 

The truth is, I’m a dog mom to a Vizsla named Oakley who, unfortunately, has a sensitive stomach. In fact, most Vizslas do! Luckily, I’ve learned that with the right foods, they’re super manageable. As a result, I’ve become somewhat of a pro at prepping dog food throughout the years.

Dog-Mom Tip: If you’re wondering if your pup has a sensitive stomach, read this article… Then go check their bowel movement. Yes, I just said that. 😉

While I frequently prepare everyday food for Oakley, I don’t often find myself making extra treats. Then, one day, while making Banana Coconut Milk Nice Cream to cool off from the heat in Utah, it occurred to me that my dog would probably like a sweet treat, too. So, using a few dog-friendly ingredients I had on hand, I created these Easy Homemade Frozen Dog Treats! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but they’re drool-worthy according to my taste-tester.

However, if your dog is anything like mine, patience is not in their vocabulary. So, let’s get in the kitchen! 

Safe Ingredients for Frozen Dog Treat Recipes

Of course, when it comes to making dog treats, it’s important to only use ingredients deemed safe for dogs. Luckily, the American Kennel Club has released a list of dog-safe human foods to ease any concerns, and I have double-checked that all of the ingredients for these frozen dog treats are listed. Even better, you likely already have them all waiting in your kitchen! 

Swap: Looking for dog-friendly alternatives? Check out these safe options.

  • Pumpkin Puree – If you don’t have pumpkin puree, you could use mashed sweet potato instead.
  • Yogurt – Both regular yogurt and coconut yogurt are suitable for dogs. Just be sure to use a low-fat version if you opt for a dairy yogurt.
  • Banana – Bananas are a great option for dogs and offer many health benefits such as potassium, vitamins, and fiber. However, due to their high sugar content, their consumption should be limited. 
  • Natural Peanut Butter – The healthy fats found in peanuts are super beneficial for your dog’s health. Just be sure to opt for unsalted peanut butter if possible, and never swap out peanuts or peanut butter for almond butter when it comes to making frozen peanut butter dog treats.
  • Unsweetened Non-Dairy Milk – While dairy milk is safe for most dogs in moderation, it is not a great option in large quantities and may cause gut issues for those who have symptoms of lactose intolerance. So, to avoid any potential issues, I recommend using oat milk or coconut milk instead. 
  • Honey – Honey is super beneficial for dogs and may even reduce allergy symptoms, but maple syrup works as well. You’ll want to limit the amount you use. Just 1 tsp is sufficient.
  • Flax Meal – Full of healthy fats, flax meal is a great addition to any recipe for DIY frozen dog treats. Or, you can add a sprinkle of chia seeds in its place.

Extra Tasty Add-Ins & Flavors

To keep things as simple as possible for both myself and my dog, I stuck to very basic ingredients. However, that doesn’t mean you have to, too! If you want to make these treats extra tasty and nutritious for your dog, try adding in an extra ingredient or two. Some of my dog’s favorites include apples, blueberries, pineapple, carrots, celery, and spinach. 

Storage Tip for Herbs: Be sure to change the water every 2 days! 

How to Make Homemade Frozen Dog Treats

Once you see how easy it is to make your own frozen peanut butter dog treats, you’ll wonder why you ever bought them from the store! 

  1. Place all the ingredients into a blender, and blend until creamy. You might need to scrape the edges of the blender to ensure all of the ingredients are well incorporated.
  2. Carefully pour the batter into molds of your choice. Silicone muffin pans, ice cube trays, or silicon molds all work!
  3. To finish, freeze the treats for up to 4 hours, and pop them out of the tray or mold. 

Pro-Tip: If you want to get super fancy, opt for a fun mold shaped as a paw print, dog bone, or more. Then, you can create an “icing” with Greek yogurt or Coconut Cream Vegan Frosting to truly spoil your dog.

Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool for the Summer

In the hot summer months it can be difficult for your dog to stay hydrated, and with the intense heat, going outside to play isn’t always a great option as it could lead to overheating and burnt paws. Therefore, frozen treats like this recipe, kongs, ice cubes, and even frozen watermelon are fantastic ways to keep your pup hydrated and occupied! They also help regulate internal temperatures effectively cooling your dog down as they eat. 

If you’re looking for more ways to keep your dog hydrated in warm weather, try implementing a few of these easy solutions: 

  • Keep multiple water bowls around.
  • Add moisture to your dog’s meals with dog-friendly broths and gravies.
  • Brush out any shedding hair. 
  • Limit your dog’s time in the sun using umbrellas when possible and altering walking times to avoid the heat. 
  • Invest in a kiddie pool for your dog to play. 

Dog-Mom Tip: Don’t forget to monitor your dog as they eat as they don’t know how to avoid brain freeze, and limit their consumption to prevent overeating!

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These Easy Homemade Frozen Dog Treats are a budget-friendly way to keep your pup cool this summer. Made with all-natural ingredients, they’re a grain-free and gut healthy friendly treat your fur baby will love. Keep them in the freezer for special occasions!

  • 1 cup oat or coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup yogurt or coconut yogurt (not too high fat)
  • 1 small banana
  • 11/2 to 2 Tablespoons natural peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon flax meal

  1. Place all the ingredients into the blender and blend on medium speed until creamy.
  2. Carefully pour the batter into the molds of your choice. Silicon muffin pan, ice cube tray, or silicon molds all work!
  3. Freeze for 4 hours or more. Then, pop the treat out of the mold/tray.

Storage Tip: For storage, use zip lock bags or any light sealing container. This will help the treats be stored for up to two months.

Nutrition Tip: You could use other specific types of fruits such. Use only fruits that are safe for your dog

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Category: dog treats
  • Method: freezer
  • Cuisine: treat

Keywords: dog, dog treats, pumpkin, ice cream, frozen treat

If you make these treats, I would love to see a picture of your pup enjoying them in the comments below! After all, we could always use more dogs in our life, right? I hope your furry friends love this recipe as much as my dog does! 




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