How to make her fall back in love

If you’re looking for advice on how to make a woman fall in love with you again, the first thing you need to do understand why a woman falls out of love with a man.

Essentially, she has lost touch with her feelings of love with you because you ruined her feelings of respect and attraction for you.

Don’t worry, you can get that back.

Just because she has lost interest in you now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get her to feel respect and attraction for you again. You can!

Once a woman feels a renewed sense of respect and attraction for a guy that she once loved, she will reopen her heart to the love that she used to feel for him. It’s a completely natural and normal thing and it happens all the time.

What Changed?

A lot of the guys who contact us for advice on how to get a woman to love them again say that the change in their woman’s feelings for them came out of the blue – one day she was in love and then the next day she was out of love.

However, this is unlikely to be the case as falling out of love with someone is a process that takes time, just like falling in love with someone takes time. To get her to love you again, you first of all need to look for some answers to the question of what changed about you to cause her disconnect with the love she once felt for you.

1. Did you become less sexually attractive?

Women are instinctively attracted to alpha males. If you have alpha qualities, you have genuine self-confidence and a masculinity that women can sense when they’re in your company. When your woman fell in love with you, she must have seen these sexually attractive qualities in you, so what changed?

If you want to know how to make a woman fall in love with you again, something about you or your behavior must have changed to cause her feelings for you to change and getting those feelings to change back again comes down to figuring out what changes you need to make for the better.

As Dan Bacon (founder of The Modern Man) explains in this video, a man’s ability to trigger a woman’s feelings of sexual attraction is critical to maintaining her desire to want to stay in the relationship.

Do you have the skill of being able to actively trigger a woman’s feelings of sexual attraction and then deepen that attraction over time in a relationship?

If not, then it’s only natural that a woman will fall out of love with you and want to leave the relationship.

2. Did you become clingy or overly possessive?

One of the most common love killing mistakes guys make in a relationship is becoming clingy and overly possessive, or behaving in any other kind of way that shows him to be insecure.

Women feel the most amount of sexual attraction and respect for confident, emotionally secure alpha males and guys with the type of qualities that effectively give them their pick of women.

If a guy then begins to behave in a clingy or overly possessive way, he’s showing himself to be a guy who lacks confidence and fears losing his woman because he’s unsure of himself and his ability to attract another woman into his life.

Insecurity of this type is a complete turn off and a woman won’t feel flattered by a guy wanting to spend every moment with her or showing jealousy if she chooses to spend time with friends and doing things that don’t include him, she’ll feel suffocated and turned off by his weak and wimpy behavior.

3 Mistakes You Must Not Make

With the above in mind, if you’re looking for answers to the question of how to make a woman fall in love with you again, the following mistakes are mistakes you must not make:

1. Don’t make promises you can’t keep

If you’ve realized that your woman has fallen out of love with you or that her feelings for you have changed, it can be all too easy to promise her the earth in an attempt to get her to feel differently again.

You might say something along the lines of, “Whatever it is you need from me, I can do it” or, “I can change; whatever you want me to be or to do differently, I can do it.”

The very fact that you’re looking to her to tell you what she wants or to tell you what changes she wants to see in you only backs up her feeling that you don’t know what the problem is and you don’t know what negative changes have taken place to cause her feelings for you to change.

If you don’t know what changes need to be made to fix things, you can’t make changes for the better and your promises are all empty.

To get her to fall in love with you again, you need to show her that you have what it takes to confidently take the lead in your relationship and to turn things around by making changes for the better, becoming a better man and a more sexually attractive and loveable man in the process.

2. Don’t try to “buy” her affections

Another common mistake guys make when they think their woman is falling out of love with them is to lavish her with gifts and tokens of affection in an attempt to maintain her interest. A woman doesn’t fall in love with a guy because of what he can buy for her, she falls in love with a guy because of the way he makes her feel.

To feel sexually attracted to a guy, she needs to feel like a woman in his company and it takes alpha characteristics, alpha thinking, and alpha behavior to make her feel this way.

Lavishing her with gifts or devoting every spare moment to doing things for her might be something you want to do but unless you’re doing it as a confident, masculine alpha male, behaving this way will make you come across as a guy who is so insecure in himself and what he’s got to offer as a man that he has to “buy” a woman’s affections with material possessions.

To get a woman to fall in love with you again, you need to show her through your thinking and your behavior that you’ve got the alpha qualities she’s looking for in a man.

3. Don’t try to talk her into feeling differently

When a guy wants a woman to return to the feelings she once had for him, he’ll often try to get her to focus on the “good times” they’ve shared in an attempt to get her to feel that way again.

The problem with this is that there’s nothing you can say that will make a woman feel differently about you and reminding her of times past will only remind her of how much you’ve changed – and not in a positive way.

If you’re trying to get a woman to fall in love with you again, you need to show her through your actions and your attitude that you’ve recognized the mistakes you made to cause her feelings for you to change and you’ve taken action to make improvements for the better.

Saying that you can change is not enough to make her feelings for you change, but showing her that you have developed the qualities that make you a more attractive man will.

When she feels a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you, she will look at you again through different eyes and rediscover what it was about you that she fell in love with the first time around.

When you’ve got what it takes to make her feel the way she wants to feel in your company, you’ve got what it takes to not only make her fall in love with you again, but fall even more deeply in love than ever before.

Getting her to love you, respect you, touch you and want you the way she did in the beginning, isn't difficult at all.

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You will discover what she has been WAITING for you to do, but will probably never tell you about.

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If your girlfriend has fallen out of love with you and no longer feels the same way, it is possible and usually very easy to get her to fall back in love with you again.

Here are the 5 steps that you need to follow to make it happen…

1. Understand what really caused her to fall out of love with you

A big part of how to make your girlfriend love you again, is to understand what has really caused her to fall out of love with you.

For example: Some of the reasons why a woman will fall out of love with a guy include:

  • He started off nice when the relationship began, but he eventually became controlling, mean and began to treat her badly.
  • He started off confident, but eventually became insecure, clingy and jealous.
  • He started off telling her about his big dreams and ambitions in life, but he eventually stopped pursuing his dreams and only wanted to spend time with her.
  • He made her feel attracted at the start, but gradually began to take her for granted by not putting the effort to continue being attractive to her. Essentially, he became more of a turn off than a turn on over time.

There are many different reasons why a woman will fall out of love with a man in a relationship, but it all really comes down to the guy’s inability to deepen her feelings of respect, attraction and love over time.

When a relationship begins, it’s very easy to experience feelings of love because the lust and excitement of being with someone new makes both of you feel like you’re in love.

However, to keep a relationship together for a lifetime, a man needs to be able to deepen his woman’s feelings of respect, attraction and love over time.

So, if you are serious about getting your girlfriend to fall in love with you again, the most important thing for you to is truly understand what has really caused her to fall out of love with you.

Some guys make the mistake of assuming that it’s because he isn’t buying her enough gifts, doesn’t have big enough muscles or other superficial things like that.

However, the real reasons why a woman will fall out of love with a guy have more to do with who he is as a man and how that makes her feel.

2. Make the right changes to your behavior, communication style and attitude

When a guy is trying to make his girlfriend fall in love with him again, he will sometimes make the mistake of offering things that have no real value to her.

For example: He might become even nicer to his girlfriend (even though he is already a good guy), give her all the power in the relationship, do favors for her, buy lots of things for her, wear more expensive clothes, working out at the gym more and taking her on expensive holidays and vacations.

While all those things can be attractive to a woman, if the fundamental respect and attraction isn’t there on her part, then she’s not going to really value any of those superficial things.

After all, she’s not in a relationship with his clothes, his muscles or a vacation. She’s in a relationship with him and she needs to be in love with him, not other things that come along with the relationship.

So, if you want your girlfriend to fall in love with you again, you must be making the type of changes that will make her feel like you finally understand her and know what she really wants from you.

For example: If you’re a guy who lacks purpose and direction in life, you need to get clear on your biggest goals, dreams and ambitions in life and start making progress towards that, rather than spending all of your time with her so you can hide from the world and your potential behind the relationship.

If you have become insecure, you need to focus on becoming emotionally strong as a man.

If you have become controlling and too protective, you need to relax and start to trust in her attraction for you and commitment to you.

If you’ve become annoying or are constantly arguing with her, you need to start focusing on being more light-hearted and creating a relationship dynamic that includes a lot of laughter and smiling.

3. Start building on her respect and attraction for you

Once you have begun to make changes that appeal to her, you then need to build on her renewed sense of respect and attraction for you.

This will happen when she can see that all of the most of the little things that have been annoyed her about you are gradually beginning to change.

When she spends time with you, she will be smiling, laughing and feeling good rather than feeling turned off, annoyed or agitated around you.

If you don’t know how a woman’s attraction for a man really works, watch this video…

You have a lot of direct control over how much or little respect, attraction and love that you make your girlfriend feel.

If you are talking to her, behaving and taking action in ways that make her feel respect and attraction for you, her love for you will naturally build and become stronger over time.

4. Add more variety to the emotional experience of being with you

One of the reasons why a woman will fall out of love with a man is when the emotional experience of being with him becomes too predictable and boring.

Many guys make the mistake of thinking that a woman will be happy to stick with him for life because the relationship felt great at the start and they had a lot of great sex.

However, just because the relationship was fun and exciting at the start, it doesn’t mean that a woman will hold onto that old memory and be happy with it for the rest of her life.

What makes a woman feel truly happy and excited to be in love with a guy is when the emotional experience is interesting and varied.

For example: If a guy has fallen into a routine of just hanging out with his girlfriend all weekend to watch TV, browse the internet, look at social media and eat, then it will be fun initially, but it will also become boring if it is on repeat for a long time.

To mix things up, he needs to think of fun and interesting activities to do with his girlfriend (e.g. go for a relaxing hike, a drive down to the beach for sunset, go to a winery, catch up with friends, have a house party, hold a dinner party, go on a holiday, learn something new together, go to weekend markets and maybe even get a pet).

Personally speaking, when my girlfriend and I (who is now my wife) got two kittens, it added to the enjoyable emotional experience of our relationship by bringing so much more happiness, joy and relaxation to our lives.

She is the one who cleans up after the cats and feeds them and we have a lot of fun playing with them, watching them and talking about them from time to time.

It has added an extra element to the enjoyable emotional experience of being together as a couple.

If we didn’t have those two cats, things would be a little bit quieter around the house at times.

Likewise, if we didn’t have friends, we wouldn’t have to do on weekends.

If I wasn’t dominant enough as a man, I would have listened to her initial “No” and wouldn’t have lead the way for us to get into the habit of going for a relaxing walk at a nearby mountain.

Yet, I was persistent and during the first walk she said, “This is so relaxing…I like walking now” which was completely different to the, “No way! I hate walking…” when I first suggested it.

So, to make things right with your girlfriend, you need to work out where you and her are lacking in the emotional experience of being together and start adding it into your relationship.

5. Continue to become an even better man over time

One of the main things that makes a woman fall more deeply in love with a man over time is when she can see that he is a consistently great man.

He consistently becomes a bigger and better man over time by continuing to reach for his goals in life, while also being a good, loving man towards her and giving her the time and attention she needs.

He doesn’t give up on achieving his goals when it gets too challenging and he doesn’t seek her pity when he is down. He remains strong and keeps pushing forward on his way to achieving his true potential as a man.

This allows her to relax into his masculine direction in life, rather than feeling as though she needs to be the more mature and responsible one and work hard to create a better future for the both of them.

He is someone that she can look up to and respect, which makes her feel proud and excited to be in love with.

You don’t have to become Mr. Perfect, save the world or achieve humungous success in life, but you just need to become a bigger and better man than who you are right now.

You’ve got to keep pushing forward to reach your true potential as a man, rather than hiding from it behind the relationship with her.

She doesn’t want to feel as though she has to protect you from the big bad world out there.

She wants to be able to trust in you to be the man and lead the way to a better life for the both of you over time, while also being loving and respect towards her.

If you can do that for her, she will naturally remain in love with you and will be happy to stick with you for life.

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