How to reduce androgens in female naturally

Anti-androgen medications such as spironolactone and cyproterone acetate are used to treat hormonal acne, female pattern hair loss and PCOS. Are there natural alternatives?  

Yes, there are some contenders. But before diving into specific nutritional supplements and herbal medicines, we need some big picture thinking.

Why are androgens being made in excess?

What’s the driver?

Why are they converting to the more potent DHT?

These are the questions I ask in clinical practice. Treating upstream causes gives lasting results and reduces long term prescriptions of medicines, either natural or allopathic.


Treat the underlying cause of androgen excess

The two most significant drivers of androgen imbalances are insulin dysregulation and elevated cortisol.


Excess insulin stimulates androgen production and contributes to inflammation, which increases the risks of acne—a double whammy.

Hang on; I don’t have diabetes. Is this still relevant to me? Yes, you can have a normal range fasting blood glucose result and still have high insulin. The elevated insulin is what keeps the blood glucose in range.

You don’t need to have a medical condition to be sending your insulin on a roller coaster ride. Meals or snacks which have large amounts of simple sugars will spike your insulin. Insulin and cortisol are both “Goldilocks” hormones – not too much, not too little, just right.

Balancing insulin can be done effectively by diet.

Tips for balancing insulin

Base most of your diet on low glycaemic index (non-blood sugar spiking) foods like non-starchy vegetables, whole fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and protein. High fibre foods are your prime weapon when it comes to making insulin your friend again.

Remove or reduce the following:

  • Refined grains and sugars (white bread, pasta, crackers, biscuits, sweets)
  • Soft drink
  • Alcohol
  • Fruit juice
  • Dried fruit

A word on dairy and acne

Processed dairy (ice-cream, skim milk, milk powders) increases the hormone-insulin-like grow factor 1 (IGF-1) and magnifies insulin by 3-6 times. Small amounts of whole milk and cheeses usually do not trigger acne if no other allergy exists.


Cortisol is realised from the adrenal glands in response to psychological, emotional, physical and environmental stress. It prepares you to cope and overcome the stressor by releasing stored glucose thereby flooding your body with energy.

Chronically elevated cortisol is problematic, creating an excess of blood glucose leading to insulin dysregulation. Another “gift” of elevated cortisol is that it increases your appetite for calorie-dense high glycaemic foods. We have already discussed why this is bad news for high androgens.

To get your cortisol back in balance, you need to support your stress recovery system and build resilience. Removing or reducing exposure to stressors is the ideal solution but not always practical or possible. For emotional/psychological stressors, mindfulness practices or counselling therapies can be helpful.

Sex hormone-binding globulin

Another way you can bring your androgens back into balance is by ensuring you have sufficient sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is a protein made in your liver, and it does precisely what the name suggests – it binds with steroid hormones (mostly androgens) so that they are effectively inactive. This is one of the mechanisms behind using birth control pills for acne.  To naturally support healthy levels of SHBG, you need balanced insulin, a healthy liver and plenty of our old friend fibre in your diet.

I often prescribed 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed/day to improve SHBG levels.

Anti-androgen nutrients and herbs

If you target the upstream causes of inulin and cortisol, there are many nutrients, and herbs will be beneficial. What follows is a discussion on herbs and nutrients that have specific effects on androgen receptors or the aromatisation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Red Reishi

(Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi is a mushroom with thousands of years of history of use in Traditional Chines Medicine. It is a non-stimulating adaptogenic tonic helping the body cope with stress.  Blood sugar regulation and reducing inflammation are two fundamental properties of this herb.

Animal research in 2005 found Reishi had high 5 alpha-reductase activity and could reduce DHT production 1 .

Peony and Licorice

(Paeonia lactiflora and Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Recent research shows the combination of Peony and Licorice effectively manages PCOS, a condition where high ovarian androgens are one of the underlying drivers 2.

Be cautious with liquorice if you have high blood pressure.

Green Tea

(Camellia Sinensis)

Green tea has a multitude of health benefits. Animal studies show it reduces the number of androgen receptors 3 .


(Mentha spicata)

This member of the mint family has an extensive history of being used in the Middle East to reduce excessive hair growth in females. Studies in women with PCOS have found that consuming two cups a day for 30 days shows it lowers blood levels of free testosterone 4.

I regularly use this as part of my hormonal acne treatment in clinical practice, and my patients report it to be both beneficial and palatable.


Saw palmetto

(Serenoa repens)

This palm tree has been researched for its effects in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and androgenic alopecia. It is a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor and reduces the conversion of testosterone to DHT 5.

It is often marketed as a female anti-androgen, but research in this area is lacking. I have not observed it to be clinically effective for female hormonal acne.

Nettle root

(Urticia diocia radix)

Both the root and the leaf have been used traditionally for “eruptive skin conditions”.

Research has found the root (not the leaf) may have multiple mechanisms involved in BPH androgen reduction: 5 alpha-reductase inhibition, aromatase inhibition and modulating SHBG. It’s often combined with Saw Palmetto for treatment of BPH.


Zinc is a mineral involved in hundreds of enzymatic actions in the body. As an anti-androgen, it downregulates androgen receptors and reduces sebum production 6. Zinc’s wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties are also beneficial in acne. 

Supplemental zinc competes for absorption with iron, so be cautious with extended doses of longer than three months and take away from iron supplements.

Wrapping it up

Some herbs and nutrients are natural anti-androgens, but the most effective treatment targets upstream causes of androgen imbalances, including insulin dysregulation and elevated cortisol.

Treat the root causes, and you will get lasting results.

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  1. Fujita R, Liu J, Shimizu K, et al. Anti-androgenic activities of Ganoderma lucidum. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005;102(1):107-112. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2005.05.041
  2. Arentz S, Smith CA, Abbott J, Fahey P, Cheema BS, Bensoussan A. Combined Lifestyle and Herbal Medicine in Overweight Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( PCOS ): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Phytotherapy Res. 2017;1340(March):1330-1340. doi:10.1002/ptr.5858
  3. Miyata Y, Shida Y, Hakariya T, Sakai H. Anti-cancer effects of green tea polyphenols against prostate cancer. Molecules. 2019;24(1). doi:10.3390/molecules24010193
  4. Grant P, Ramasamy S. An update on plant-derived anti-androgens. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2012;10(2):497-502. doi:10.5812/ijem.3644
  5. Bayala B, Zoure AA, Baron S, de Joussineau C, Simpore J, Lobaccaro JMA. Pharmacological modulation of steroid activity in hormone-dependent breast and prostate cancers: Effect of some plant extract derivatives. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(10). doi:10.3390/ijms21103690
  6. Gupta M, Mahajan VK, Mehta KS, Chauhan PS. Zinc Therapy in Dermatology : A Review. Dermatol Res Pract. 2014;2014:1-11.

Acne, hair loss, facial and body hair, I am pretty sure I can safely say that NO ONE wants to experience any of those… AM I RIGHT????

Well if you have experienced any of those symptoms before, don’t worry you are not alone. In fact many women with elevated androgens will experience symptoms like this (myself included!) and although they can take time and patience to heal and reverse, it is possible!

If you have PCOS its likely you have heard about androgens (particularly testosterone) before, and that’s because having elevated levels of androgens is usually one of the three defining signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome. According to the Rotterdam criteria, a woman must have two out of the following three to be diagnosed with PCOS: Irregular or absent menstrual cycles, polycystic ovaries (as seen on an ultrasound), or evidence of hyperandrogenism.

What Is Hyperandrogenism?

Hyperandrogenism is when your androgens are higher than they should be.

The majority of women with hyperandrogenism have PCOS, However there are other possible causes of hyperandrogenism that must be ruled out before a diagnosis of PCOS can be made.

Hyperandrogenism can be classified in two ways, clinical and biochemical. Having either kind may qualify a woman as having PCOS.

Clinical hyperandrogenism: is when there are visible signs or symptoms that indicate that androgen production may be higher than expected. These are things like acne, hair loss and hirsutism

Biochemical hyperandrogenism: is when your blood test shows abnormally high levels of androgen hormones in the bloodstream.

Normal Ranges of Androgens

These levels are based on what GPs consider ‘normal’, however I think it is important to note that ‘normal’ doesn't mean ‘optimal’ so if you are experiencing symptoms it might be worth getting a second opinion or having your results read by an alternative health practitioner to interpret.


Such as sugar, seed oils, gluten and A1 casein (found in dairy), high GI foods, processed foods, alcohol. Refined carbohydrates can spike sugar levels, which only makes PCOS symptoms worse. Foods high in sugar and simple carbs lead to high in sulin levels which triggers the ovaries to produce excess androgens.

New research shows PCOS creates chronic, low-grade inflammation throughout a woman’s entire body. So focusing on including anti-inflammatory foods (and avoiding inflammatory ones) into your diet can have positive effects on blood sugar regulation and other symptoms.


In addition to the above you can support your body by eating low G.I fruit, veggies and whole foods to help increase your nutrient intake and help with detoxification. Choose low GI carb sources, like berries and unprocessed grains and always make sure each meal is well-rounded with fat, protein, and fibre to keep blood sugar regulated


Drinking excessive amounts of caffeine can contribute to adrenal fatigue, otherwise known as HPA axis dysfunction. This condition worsens PCOS symptoms because it can increase blood sugar swings. Switch over to a caffeine free herbal tea blend that can help to actively promote hormone balance such as Cysterhood tea.



Regular exercise can impact overall hormone health powerful. A 12 month study showed moderate intensity exercise caused a reduction in androgens, testosterone and free testosterone.

It is important to remember that high intensity workouts can cause stress on the body and result in inflammation, So I would recommend sticking to cortisol conscious exercises that you enjoy and schedule in rest days.


Stress causes our adrenal glands to produce extra testosterone / DHEA creating adrenal androgen excess, which is why it us is important to minimise chronic stress.Try using stress management techniques to help manage stress levels, or try yoga which has been shown to reduce stress stress and balance androgens.


Women with PCOS often have compromised gut microbiota resulting in dysbiosis which is linked to inflammation and increased androgens. Try adding in lots of fermented and fibre rich foods, and consider adding in a good quality pre + probiotic supplement.


- Zinc

- Alfalfa leaf

- Spearmint

- Nettle leaf

- Cinnamon

- Saw palmetto

- Omega 3

- Inositol

-Vitamin D

- N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

- Reishi

- Peony & liquorice

- Berberine

These are just some of the herbs and supplements that can help to lower androgens and balance out your hormones.

I become so frustrated at having to take so many different herbs and supplements that I have worked alongside a naturopath to create a powerful blend of beautiful organic herbs called Cysterhood powerful hormone balance tea.

Cysterhood teais a combination of some of the most effective organic herbs in the optimal ratios to help support women (including myself!)  to rebalance our hormones, reduce androgens and treat issues such as:

  • Hair loss
  • Acne and problematic skin conditions
  • Hormonal imbalances such as PCOS and endometriosis
  • Hirsutism
  • Infertility
  • Weight management
  • Bloating and cramping
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Moodiness, anxiety and depression

You can find out more about Cysterhood tea here, or read some of the hundreds of incredible and real reviews from inspirational women from across the glove who have had success using Cysterhood tea.


Getting 8-10 hours of quality rest is vital for women with high androgens because it helps regulate cortisol and reduce inflammation.

Create a little sleep routine that you can follow each night, like a cup of tea, a warm magnesium bath or a good book to read, and turn your bedroom into a sleeping sanctuary so that you can not wait to jump into bed.

I hope this post gives you some tips on how to lower your androgens and manage your PCOS symptoms naturally.

Please remember that it takes time and consistency to rebalance our hormones, and even longer to see out symptoms disappearing. But I promise you that the hard work is worth it and once you change your lifestyle you will never look back!

You can read more about my hair loss journey here and my acne journey here 

Xxx Brigitte

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