How to treat dog paws from salt

Winter is harsh for a myriad of reasons. For our pets, particularly our pups, it can be brutal on their paws.

I’ve tried and tested a paw-safe ice melt that helps prevent the cracks and sores that can develop from the extreme cold and of course road salt. But the question I get asked most often is not how to prevent their paws from getting chapped but rather what to do when they are already a problem?

The Inspection

A small split or cut from cold, dry paw pads can quickly lead to something bigger or worse, the dog’s inability to walk due to extreme pain – especially when the road salt seeps in. You literally are adding salt to a wound.

Check your pet’s feet regularly. Not just when they come in from the outside but when they’re cozy on the couch, take a moment to really inspect their feet.

Have a pup that doesn’t tolerate you touching their toes? Start with training, positive reinforcement is recommended. Start by rewarding your dog (or cat) in small increments for letting you so much as sit next to their feet. Slowly build up over days, even weeks or months just touching gently with one finger, the top of their feet. Don’t push them past their comfort level and reward for each advancement. Start each exercise a step below where you had progressed to and build up their confidence to allowing you to touch their paws.

Winter Wounds

When you find an injury take the appropriate steps, to learn more, take our pet first aid course. The best course of action after learning how to care for the injury is, of course, to prevent further aggravation.

In my previous blog post about paw-safe ice melt I discuss booties and balms.

Booties are great as a first line defense against the cold, wet and salt. They take some getting used to for your dog but they completely protect your pet’s paws (as long as they stay on). Their other advantage is no more wet paw prints running through the house.

However, if you already have an injury, depending on the severity, you may need to wrap it prior to placing a booty on – especially if it is actively bleeding, or looks red and irritated.

To help with already cracked pads or even if you notice some other foot wounds, soaking the affected paw in Epsom-salt can help. The Epsom-salt warm water mixture will help to draw out any infection or dirt that will most definitely be settling in. It also feels good to some dogs, others will not be happy to have wet feet!

Products That Protect

Besides the aforementioned booties, some people also like to use Musher’s Secret, it’s a wax that is applied to the feet to create a breathable protective barrier. It’s made to hold up to the abuse sled dog paws take but I didn’t find it useful for my Boxer’s feet. It’s a popular product so my experience clearly is not the norm.

For the pads that are already starting to crack but are not an active wound, try some bag balm, it’s worked wonders for my pups and is safe if licked (looks like they even have a “pet” version now).

This winter and actually all year round, make it a habit to CHECK THEIR FEET! I cut my dog’s nails weekly and it’s at this time I go over not just their feet but I check their entire body for lumps, bumps or abnormalities.

To learn more about what to look for and how to treat it, take a pet first aid class, your pets will thank you for it.

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Our beloved dogs rarely complain and more often than not, they keep on playing despite feeling any sort of discomfort. Many times they keep playing until their paws are red and bloody.

Long walks or play sessions in a rough environment may give your dog sore paws. A limping dog is usually what makes us worry and inspect each leg and paw. It is not rare that after taking a closer look we see small cuts and tears, or even a cracked pad. Although it usually is not life-threatening, the pain and discomfort may handicap your dog and prevent him from behaving as he usually does. Furthermore, you must make sure the situation doesn't worsen further over the next hours and days (ie. infection).

Use the tips below to both soothe sore dog paws and avoid an unwanted inflammation.

Because dogs aren't aware of how much they move, you need to be proactive at preventing your dog from walking unnecessarily. If your four-legged companion is crate trained, it is the best time to confine him there and make sure plenty of water is available.

Make your dog's bed extra comfortable and do your best to keep him on it. Extra plush toys, yummy treats, and obviously, your presence next to it!

Remember that each time you dog goes anywhere, he will push against the ground with his sore paw which will delay the entire natural healing process.

Excess hair in between the pads can also be a little problematic as it will retain allergens and bacterias, you can absolutely give it a gentle trim if need be.

Instinctively, dogs lick their own wounds to help with the healing process. And it does often work. However, we know that at times, wound licking may actually slow down the scarring process, and sometimes even result in a new infection and inflammation of the paw.

There are some sprays and creams that taste so bitter that your dog will avoid licking and chewing the area, but many dogs get used to the taste after few hours.

Bandaging the paw yourself or at the vet will help to make sure your dog doesn't lick that precise spot and allows for a better cicatrization. It also keeps the skin and paw away from the ground. Just like with us humans, the pressure of a tight bandage may also relieve pain itself.

However, some dogs will then start chewing the bandage to get rid of it. Having your dog wear a collar is the only sure option to avoid this counterproductive behavior.

We recommend using the ProCone Soft Recovery Collars from ZenPet. Make sure you choose the correct fit to ensure it stays on properly.

Perhaps the best natural remedy to soothe and efficiently clean your dog's paws is to give them a footbath. There are plenty of recipes on the web but one of the simplest, safest and most popular ones is to simply dissolve 1 cup of Epsom salts per gallon of warm water. We recommend using Epsom Salt Crystal USP (1 lb) by Humco.

Epsom salts raise your dog's natural pH level to get rid of irritants and allergens from which originate itching, inflammation and soreness. Bathing your dog for around 10 minutes allows you to boost your dog's skin and paw cell regeneration process resulting in a healthier coat and skin.

If you can't get hold of Epsom Salt, you can have the same results by using povidone iodine instead.

We recommend using the Triple Source Iodine Tincture (16 oz) by Triodine-7.It is also safe and non-toxic while victoriously battling bacteria, funguses and yeast. You can find Povidone iodine at any decent pharmacy.

If you are in need of a more lasting solution, you will want to also use a topical cream or ointment. Some creams are antiseptic, others are soothing, and a few do both.

Before applying any cream on your dog's paw, you want to cleanse the area fully using baby wipes or salted water. Wait until it is totally dry to start applying the cream. At first, just use a small bit to make sure your dog does not react badly to it. If after an hour your dog's paw looks healthy, you can put on more cream and smear it over the entire area.

Unlike salt and water foot soaks, you do not want to use such creams over endless weeks. These are harsher on superficial skin layers and could fragilize the paw if use too often for too long.

Prevention is always better than cure. This last tip is actually a product that is loved by all mushers — use Musher's Secret paw Protection. And there are plenty of reasons why it gets praised so much.

This paw protection is an all-natural and food-grade wax that protects your dog's paws from rough grounds and the elements. There is plenty of Vitamin E to deeply moisturize the pads and heal micro tears and cuts to keep paws healthy.

Applied weekly, the Musher's Secret Paw Protection cream prevents drying, burning, abrasion and cracking with its non-staining and non-allergenic formula. This is a must-have for any active dog.

A visit to the vet is always the best solution when you suspect a sore paw but in the meantime, you must take actions to soothe the pain and prevent an infection.

Just don't overdo the cleaning of the paw to give it some time to heal properly. These tips are easy to put in place and really make a difference to your dog's well-being!


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