If a plant is infected with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, what is the most probable effect on the plant?

EOS Data Analytics (EOSDA) has signed a long-term partnership deal with Space Technologies for Farmers to help it provide advanced technological solutions in the areas of reforestation and farming.

Soil erosion leads to land degradation across the world but can be stopped or mitigated with timely detection and control measures. Remote sensing assists in remote crop monitoring and can help notice the problem through changes in vegetation state.

On September 20, EOSDA hosted a webinar about the value of agritech solutions for agricultural market players and related businesses from the United Kingdom.

Soil moisture content has a profound effect on the development of crops. Different soil moisture measuring instruments help farmers to maintain its optimal balance. One of the most effective is satellite monitoring.

EOS Data Analytics (EOSDA) has signed a strategic partnership with TelOne to allow the company to provide assistance to all players in the agriculture value chain of Zimbabwe and help the country reach food sustenance.

EOSDA invites agri-coops, food producers, agricultural banks, IT, telecom, and consulting companies from the UK to the free webinar about custom solutions that will take place on September 20, 2022.


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