1 hour 40 minutes in minutes

This calculator allows us to convert hours, minutes, and seconds to decimal hours. What is 1 hour and 40 minutes when converted to hour in decimal format? See the answer to this question using our calculator below:

To calculate, just change the field values below (fractions allowed):

Learn how to convert hours, minutes and seconds to decimal

Step by Step - Conversion Process

Supose you want convert 1 hour, 15 minutes and 36 seconds to decimal. To convert this value to decimal hours follow the steps below:

  1. Divide the value in minutes by 60 (i.e. 15/60 = 0.25).
  2. Divide the seconds by 3600 (i.e. 36/3600 = 0.01).
  3. Sum the two values above to get the fractional part (i.e. 0.25 + 0.01 = 0.26).
  4. The final result will be 1 + 0.26 = 1.26 hours in decimal.

In short: Decimal hours = whole number of hours, plus minutes divided by 60, plus seconds divided by 3600.

So, we can write the formula to convert hours, minutes and seconds to decimal as:

Decimal hours = hours + minutes/60 + seconds/3600

Now try to use our calculator at the top of this page and you'll find that it's very easy accomplish this task.

Time Sheet Minutes To Hudredths Conversion Chart

For example 15 minutes (¼ hour) equals 0.25, 30 minutes (½ hour) equals 0.5, etc.



Time Sheet Minutes To Tenths Conversion Chart

For example 15 minutes (¼ hour) equals 0.3, 30 minutes (½ hour) equals 0.5, etc.



Samples on how to convert time from decimal to hours, minutes and seconds


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Using long division, where total minutes is the dividend and 60 is the divisor, let Q = quotient and R = remainder, then the formula to convert minutes to hours & minutes is

total minutes ÷ 60 = Q hours and R minutes

\( \dfrac{\text{total minutes}}{60} = \text{Q hours and R minutes} \)


To show an example and how it works mathematically, let's say we want to convert 190 minutes to hours and minutes. We multiply by [1 hr / 60 min] which is 1. The min unit cancels out and our result is in hr units.

This online tool will help you convert time given in hours and minutes to decimal hours and/ or decimal minutes.

1 hours 40 minutes is 1.666667 hours or 100 minutes.

Related: Convert from Decimal to hours and minutes

Hours and minutes to Decimal conversion

To convert to decimal hours, add (minutes ÷ 60) to the hours number. So, 1 hours 40 minutes is 1 + 40 ÷ 60 = 1.666667 hours.

To convert to minutes, simply multiply the hours by 60 and add the minutes. So, 1 × 60 + 40 = 100 minutes.

Hours and minutes are both units used to measure time. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.


The hour is a period of time equal to 1/24 of a day or 60 minutes.

The hour is an SI accepted unit for time for use with the metric system. Hours can be abbreviated as hr; for example, 1 hour can be written as 1 hr.


The minute is a period of time equal to 1/60 of an hour or 60 seconds.

The minute is an SI accepted unit for time for use with the metric system. Minutes can be abbreviated as min; for example, 1 minute can be written as 1 min.

MinutesTenths of an HourHundredths of an Hour1.

Hours to minutes converter

Hours (hr):

Minutes to hours converter

Minutes (min):

= 1 min / 60 = 0.01667 hr

Hours to minutes conversion table

0.1 hour6 min0.2 hour12 min0.3 hour18 min0.4 hour24 min0.5 hour30 min0.6 hour36 min0.7 hour42 min0.8 hour48 min0.9 hour54 min1 hour60 min1.1 hours66 min1.2 hours72 min1.3 hours78 min1.4 hours84 min1.5 hours90 min1.6 hours96 min1.7 hours102 min1.8 hours108 min1.9 hours114 min2 hours120 min2.1 hours126 min2.2 hours132 min2.3 hours138 min2.4 hours144 min2.5 hours150 min2.6 hours156 min2.7 hours162 min2.8 hours168 min2.9 hours174 min3 hours180 min3.1 hours186 min3.2 hours192 min3.3 hours198 min3.4 hours204 min3.5 hours210 min3.6 hours216 min3.7 hours222 min3.8 hours228 min3.9 hours234 min4 hours240 min4.1 hours246 min4.2 hours252 min4.3 hours258 min4.4 hours264 min4.5 hours270 min4.6 hours276 min4.7 hours282 min4.8 hours288 min4.9 hours294 min5 hours300 min5.1 hours306 min5.2 hours312 min5.3 hours318 min5.4 hours324 min5.5 hours330 min5.6 hours336 min5.7 hours342 min5.8 hours348 min5.9 hours354 min6 hours360 min6.1 hours366 min6.2 hours372 min6.3 hours378 min6.4 hours384 min6.5 hours390 min6.6 hours396 min6.7 hours402 min6.8 hours408 min6.9 hours414 min7 hours420 min7.2 hours432 min7.4 hours444 min7.6 hours456 min7.8 hours468 min8 hours480 min8.2 hours492 min8.5 hours510 min9 hours540 min9.5 hours570 min10 hours600 min

Minutes to hours conversion table

1 min0.01667 hour2 min0.03333 hour3 min0.05 hour4 min0.06667 hour5 min0.08333 hour6 min0.1 hour7 min0.1167 hour8 min0.1333 hour9 min0.15 hour10 min0.1667 hour11 min0.1833 hour12 min0.2 hour13 min0.2167 hour14 min0.2333 hour15 min0.25 hour16 min0.2667 hour17 min0.2833 hour18 min0.3 hour19 min0.3167 hour20 min0.3333 hour21 min0.35 hour22 min0.3667 hour23 min0.3833 hour24 min0.4 hour25 min0.4167 hour26 min0.4333 hour27 min0.45 hour28 min0.4667 hour29 min0.4833 hour30 min0.5 hour31 min0.5167 hour32 min0.5333 hour33 min0.55 hour34 min0.5667 hour35 min0.5833 hour36 min0.6 hour37 min0.6167 hour38 min0.6333 hour39 min0.65 hour40 min0.6667 hour41 min0.6833 hour42 min0.7 hour43 min0.7167 hour44 min0.7333 hour45 min0.75 hour46 min0.7667 hour47 min0.7833 hour48 min0.8 hour49 min0.8167 hour50 min0.8333 hour51 min0.85 hour52 min0.8667 hour53 min0.8833 hour54 min0.9 hour55 min0.9167 hour56 min0.9333 hour57 min0.95 hour58 min0.9667 hour59 min0.9833 hour60 min1 hour61 min1.017 hours62 min1.033 hours63 min1.05 hours64 min1.067 hours65 min1.083 hours66 min1.1 hours67 min1.117 hours68 min1.133 hours69 min1.15 hours70 min1.167 hours72 min1.2 hours74 min1.233 hours76 min1.267 hours78 min1.3 hours80 min1.333 hours82 min1.367 hours85 min1.417 hours90 min1.5 hours95 min1.583 hours100 min1.667 hours

How to convert 1 hour 40 minutes into hours?

That is 1 hour 40 min 48 sec can be written as 100min 48 sec and that can be written as 6048 sec. =1.68 hours. Hope you like the answer .

What is 1 hour 40 minutes as a Decimal?

Hours and minutes to Decimal conversion So, 1 hours 40 minutes is 1 + 40 ÷ 60 = 1.666667 hours.

How many hours is 1 hour 30 minutes?

1.5 hours is therefore 1 hour and 30 minutes.

How many minutes is 1 hour 60 minutes?

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. To convert from minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. For example, 120 minutes equals 2 hours because 120/60=2.


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