3 of Cups as Feelings Sibyl

The Three of Cups is the card of joy, friendship, community, gatherings, and celebrations. The card features three women dancing in a circle, raising their cups in the air in a toast. There is something to celebrate today, and they are determined to party hard. In addition to having fun, they are building connections with each other. 

The Three of Cups reminds us that no relationship is complete without joy and celebration. There is a time to work hard, but there is also a time to party hard. We build relationships with others by celebrating the wins, big and small, of our lives. The Three of Cups reminds us to take the time to celebrate with the people we love. Community creates meaning.

Upright Three of Cups as Feelings

If you are asking about how someone feels about you and you draw the Three of Cups, it means that this person is feeling celebratory and joyous. They are happy being with you. They have deep feelings toward you that are rooted in friendship. They truly love you as a person. They feel like they want to celebrate all of life’s joys with you. Your relationship is rooted in something deeper than just lust.

This person is also reminded of why you get along so well together. You are interconnected with them socially. Being around family and friends together strongly impacts their feelings towards you. You are firmly part of their world. You are a pillar of light in their life.   

For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Three of Cups means that this person is feeling very happy. They love being with you. They love how well you fit in with their social life. Their feelings for you are deep. Your friendship grew their feelings into something more, and they are excited to see where your relationship goes. They want to celebrate all of life’s victories with you. This is a great place for any new relationship to start. 

For existing relationships, the Three of Cups indicates that this person feels that your relationship is a joyous part of their life. You’ve felt passionate love together, as well as deep companionate love. Your relationship is rooted in something deeper than lust. You are an integral part of their life. You are a pillar of support for them. You are the light of their lives. They can’t see themselves going about everyday life without you. 

If you are asking about an old flame or an ex’s feelings about you, the Three of Cups indicates that they feel that they still want to be friends with you. They are not willing to cut you out of their life completely, just because you broke up. If you are asking about whether or not there’s a chance that you’ll get back together or reconcile, there is. In time, you may be more than just friends again.  

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Three of Cups is an excellent sign. Your person sees you as an integral part of their life. They want to celebrate all of life’s greatest victories and triumphs with you. They want you to become part of their family and permanent community. They see celebrations and parties ahead of you, potentially a wedding.  

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Reversed Three of Cups as Feelings

When the Three of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling undecided about being in a romantic relationship with you. Perhaps they had a fun and exciting time at first, but ultimately felt that the party was short-lived. That doesn’t mean that they think that you’re a bad person. They may just want to be friends with you and don’t connect with you romantically.

The reversed Three of Cups is also famous for being the “affair” card. Is there an unwanted third party in your relationship? Is there someone who is trying to do harm to your partnership? Perhaps your person is feeling the impacts of this. Or, maybe this person just wants to party, but is unwilling to commit. 

For singles and those in new relationships, the Three of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling undecided or hesitant about the relationship. They may feel like they had a fun and exciting time with you at first, but that the party has now fizzled out. They might be hot and cold towards you, trying to decide if they want to continue this relationship or just be friends. Alternatively, this person is not ready to give up their single lifestyle. They still want to party and see what’s out there. 

For those in committed relationships, the Three of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling like your relationship is missing something. This person might be cheating. There may be an unwanted third party in your relationship. They do not feel like the connection with you has been as strong lately, and they are wondering if your goals and vision for the future are mutually compatible. If this is the case, you need to sit down and have an honest conversation about where your relationship is headed.  

If you are asking about an ex’s feelings about you, the Three of Cups reversed means that they want to live the single life right now. They are focused on partying it up and having a good time, even if that comes at the expense of their relationships with others. They don’t want to be held down, and they want to explore. They are undecided about how they want to approach relationships in the future. If you are asking about getting back together or reconciliation, this is not a positive sign. 

In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Three of Cups reversed means that they are getting cold feet about a larger commitment. They aren’t sure if the connection between the two of you is strong enough to last forever. They may be having doubts about if they even want to get married at all. You need to connect and see if you can get on the same page. If not, you will be best served by finding someone who is enthusiastic about your future. 

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For relationships and feelings, the Three of Cups represents joy and celebration. No relationship is complete without it. There is a time to work hard, but there is also a time to party hard. When you win, celebrate that win with the people around you. When the people you love win, cheer them on as their biggest supporter. The Three of Cups shows us that by building our communities and support systems, we grow stronger in love. 

If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party.

How does a person feel about Three of Cups?

If you're curious about their feelings towards you, don't worry, the Three of Cups is telling you that your lover/potential lover likes you. Your love interest thinks that you are funny and interesting.

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The Three of Cups stands for togetherness, joy, fun events, and celebrations. The emotions it brings about are happiness, triumph, and euphoria.

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