A structure that carries out a response to a stimulus is called a(n)

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What is the study of structures of the body that are visible to the naked eye?

Gross anatomy

What is the tendency of the body to maintain an internal state of dynamic equilibrium?


The structure and function of an organism result from the ____ to which the population adapted in the course of its evolution.

Selection pressures

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Negative feedback

An organ is an anatomical structure made of at least two kinds of


Structures within a cell that carry out specific functions for it are called


A structure that carries out the body's ultimate response to a stimulus is called an


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Primates are defined in part by the presence of ____, which makes the hand as a whole ____, or able to grasp things by encircling them.

Opposable, prehensile

Oldest known bipedal primates


The family to which all living and extinct bipedal primates belong.


Disease, predators, and competition, for example

Selection pressures

Combined the findings of Aristotle and Galen with original discoveries; wrote The Canon of Medicine


Of the Parts of Animals


The basic pathway for a nerve impulse is described by the stimulus response model

  • A stimulus is a change in the environment (either external or internal) that is detected by a receptor
  • Receptors transform environmental stimuli into electrical nerve impulses
  • These impulses are then transmitted via neurons to the central nervous system where decision-making occurs
  • When a response is selected (consciously or unconsciously), the signal is transmitted via neurons to effectors
  • Effectors are organs (either muscles or glands) that produce a response to a stimulus
  • A response is a change in the organism resulting from the detection of a stimulus

Overview of the Stimulus-Response Pathway

Three types of neurons are required to transmit information via the stimulus-response pathway:

  • Sensory neurons transmit information from sensory receptors to the central nervous system (CNS)
  • Relay neurons (interneurons) transmit information within the CNS as part of the decision-making process
  • Motor neurons transmit information from the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands), in order to initiate a response

While these three types of neurons share common features, their basic structure may differ slightly according to their function

  • This includes their length, cell body (soma) position and the comparative distribution of dendrites and axon terminals

Types of Nerve Cells

What structure carries out a response to a stimulus?

The nervous system, specialized for the conduction of impulses, allows rapid responses to environmental stimuli.

Is response to a stimulus quizlet?

The ability to respond to a stimuli is a characteristic of life and increases the chances of survival for an organism. eg: moving away from harmful stimuli such as predators or extreme temperatures. They detect stimuli and are specific to one type of stimulus. It formulates a suitable response to a stimulus.

What is a stimulus quizlet?

stimulus. An environmental change that directly influences the activity of a living organism. internal stimulus. A change from within an organism, such as hunger and thirst, that causes the organism to respond.

What are effectors quizlet?

Definition of Effector. *An organ, cell or tissue that acts in response to a stimuli (muscle or gland)


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