After driving through a desert and encountering a lot of blowing dust and sand, you should

Free sand and bags (pre-filled or fill your own) are available for Mesa residents. Sandbags are consistently replenished throughout the day. 

For more information about sandbag availability in Mesa call 480-644-2160.

How to fill sandbags

If filling your own bags, please bring a shovel.

Fill the bags one-half to two-thirds full. The bag should lie fairly flat when filled. Overfilled bags are too firm and do not nestle into one another. Bags packed too tight make for a leaky sandbag wall. Tying bags is not necessary. 

Storm Preparation

Identify the Danger

Some of the potential emergencies in Arizona that residents need to be aware of and plan for are:

  • Monsoon storms
  • Floods
  • Wildfires
  • Power outages
  • Extreme heat conditions

Thunderstorms & Lightning

  • If you can hear thunder, then you are close enough to be struck by lightning.
  • Go to a sturdy building or a hard-topped vehicle. You should remain in this shelter 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard.
  • Telephone lines conduct electricity, so avoid using the phone during a storm.
  • Metal pipes also conduct electricity, so avoid taking showers and baths or using running watering during a storm.
  • Bring pets indoors because lightning is very scary for them and they are likely to panic and run away.

High Winds

  • Arizona thunderstorm winds often exceed 40 mph and straight-line winds can exceed 100 mph.
  • Move in to a central interior room away from windows to avoid blowing debris that could shatter windows.
  • If you are driving in high winds reduce speed and anticipate steering correction when moving from protected to unprotected wind areas or when encountering large passing vehicles.
  • Be aware of high profile vehicles; trucks, semis, buses, campers, or those towing a trailer because they can be unpredictable during high wind conditions.
  • There is also a need to evaluate large trees close to your home as a hazard due to the ground being highly saturated and high winds.

Dust Storms

  • If you are caught in a dust storm while driving, pull off the roadway as far as safely possible. Turn off your headlights and taillights, put your vehicle in park, and take your foot off the brake.
  • With reduced visibility, other drivers behind you could see the brake lights and assume you are driving on the road and follow your lights.
  •  When severe dust storms occur you should consider cleaning your smoke detectors.  Dust can clog detectors and cause false alarms.


  • Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related (National Weather Service). Never drive into a flooded roadway.
  • It is extremely difficult to estimate the depth of running water or the strength of a current.
  • Never drive around barricades. They are there for a reason, usually because flooding is anticipated or has already happened. In addition, the road could be damaged and unsafe for drivers.
  • It only takes 1 to 2 feet of water to float most vehicles, including SUVs.
  • Never allow children to play near washes or storm drains after any rainfall. Children can be swept away.

Downed Power Lines

  • Across a roadway
    • Consider any downed power line energized and dangerous. Never touch a downed power line or anything close to a downed power line. High voltage can travel through the ground. Stay at least 100 feet away from any downed lines.
  • Across a vehicle
    • If the vehicle is occupied, stay in the vehicle until professional help arrives. Avoid contact with metal surfaces both inside and outside the vehicle. If there is a fire in the vehicle, jump from the vehicle landing on both feet. Hop away, keeping both feet in contact with each other until you are at least 100 feet from the vehicle.

Natural Gas

While most of the natural gas system is underground and storms rarely affect service and pipelines, a monsoon can cause a natural gas emergency.

  • During the storm
    • Since many natural gas appliances don’t require electricity, they are safe to use during a storm. However, if you smell natural gas or hear a hissing sound coming from appliances or meters, leave the area immediately, go to a safe location and call 911 or 480-644-4277.
  • After the storm
    • If your home or yard is damaged by a storm, have your appliances and piping inspected by a professional. Remember to call 811 for underground utility locating at least two days before digging to repair damage.  It’s free and it’s the law.

For more information visit

  • Maricopa County Flood Control
  • The National Weather Service
  • National Weather Service Storm Ready
  • Mesa Fire and Medical Department Emergency Management
  • City of Mesa Energy Resources Department
  • Sand Bag and Monsoon Safety Brochure

What is the best advice for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs?

The best advice for driving in the fog or heavy smoke is DON'T. You should consider postponing your trip until the fog clears. However, if you must drive, then drive slow, turn on your windshield wipers, and use your low-beam headlights. The light from the high-beam headlights will reflect back and cause glare.

What should you do when driving through a curve at normal speed?

When you drive toward a curve, maneuver your car slightly in the opposite direction of the bend to help keep your vehicle centered. Jerking your steering wheel to either side could cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Accelerate gradually. As you come out of the bend, gently apply the gas to maintain speed.

How can you keep the inside of your vehicle windows clear after you have cleared them in high humidity or rainy conditions?

You can use the defroster or air conditioner to keep the inside of your vehicle windows clear after you have cleared them in high humidity or rainy conditions. If you are driving into sun glare from bright sunlight, you can reduce glare and eyestrain by using sunglasses and/or sun visor.

What should you do if you are being tailgated and need to make a stop?

Brake slowly before stopping. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes. If you cannot change lanes, slow down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you. If this does not work, pull off the road when safe and let the tailgater pass.


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