Am I ready to be a dad quiz

Are you ready to be a dad?: Your results

Take our quiz to see how much you know, and what you still need to learn, about life as a dad.

Time to get clued up! Better get reading...

Good, but still plenty of room for more baby knowledge!

Excellent, you know a lot about life as a parent already!

Super Star! Top scores for top parents!

Your answers

How long should you let your newborn cry at night before picking him up?

When your newborn cries, tune in and respond immediately. You can't spoil your baby - but you can show him how much you love him by responding when he needs you.

How many times a day does the average newborn need to feed?

The average newborn feeds between eight and 15 times a day — or every two to three hours. Some babies, of course, will feed more often than that, while others may feed less. Whether your baby is breast or formula-fed, be ready to feed him.

What's the number one never-leave-home-without-it item you should bring for an afternoon at the park with your 6-month-old?

A muslin or other soft cloth

Though you may very well want the other items, you can't go far without a fresh nappy — and some wipes.

If you want to buy your 9-month-old new clothes, what size should you buy?

Try this trick when buying clothes for your child: double his age. A 3-month-old will typically fit comfortably in a 6-month size, and have space to grow. Unless your baby is in the 95th or fifth percentile for height and weight, you can count on this being true.

What sort of present would your partner-turned-mum appreciate the most?

A voucher to pamper herself with a facial, massage, or manicure — and the time off to do it

Consider this: she probably won't appreciate the 45th new baby outfit or a dozen flowers that are just one more thing that needs care (cutting the stems, changing the water, cleaning the vase). Nothing beats getting out of the house for some pampering however, to give her a lift, a change of pace, and time for herself.

What do Graco, Perego, and Maclaren all have in common?

They were heroes in World War I

They make pasta and tomato sauce

They make sturdy pushchairs

They are makers of fine wines

Graco, Perego, and Maclaren are American, Italian, and British companies, respectively, and they all make pushchairs.

Which one of these should you use to clean your baby's umbilical cord?

Plain water or mild unperfumed soap and water

Until your newborn's umbilical cord falls off, usually in five to 15 days, it's a good idea to clean it regularly with a little water and mild unperfumed soap, or even just water on its own.

Which one of these words just doesn't belong?

While pixel is a computer term, the rest of these items are all about baby. A doula is a paid professional who you choose to assist you as a birthing partner; a babygrow is an all-in-one comfy item of baby clothing which has poppers in the crotch for easy nappy changing; and swaddling is a way of wrapping a baby in a blanket or cover.

Where should the baby sit in the car when you bring him home from the hospital?

On your partner's lap in the back seat

In an infant car seat facing forward in the front seat

In an infant car seat facing backward in the front seat

In an infant car seat facing backward in the back seat

Until your baby is 1 year old, the safest place for him to ride is in a infant car seat facing backwards in the back seat.

What should you always bring your partner when she breastfeeds?

Women who breastfeed need lots of water, as it takes extra fluids to produce breast milk. A glass of juice or milk is ok, too.

What's the average amount of time it takes for a baby to sleep through the night?

No doubt your child is exceptional, but you can hope that when it comes to sleep, he's strictly average. If you're one of the lucky ones, however, be prepared: nothing lasts forever. Your baby's sleep patterns will probably change a lot in the months ahead.

Baby blues refers to:

Songs women sing in the delivery room

A woman's sadness and moodiness after giving birth

Infant Chelsea supporters

About half of all new mums go through a period of unhappiness, weepiness, anxiety, and intense mood swings for the first few days - or even weeks - after giving birth. The baby blues is probably linked to the drop in estrogen and progesterone after childbirth. What can you do? Try to be attentive and loving - and don't take it personally.

Your partner is so sleep deprived that she can't see straight. You:

Ask your mother-in-law to come for a visit

Offer to do the 2am feeding

You could do any of the above, but if you get involved, all three of you will benefit. Take the plunge, give your partner a break, and take the early morning shift as often as possible.

What's the recommended position for sleeping babies?

Research has found that babies who sleep on their back are at a much lower risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). So when you lay your baby down, put him on his back.

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How do you know if you are ready to be a dad?

6 Signs He's Ready to Be a Dad.
They're in a Stable Relationship. The first step is being with someone they can see themselves having children with. ... .
They Have Priorities. ... .
They Begin to Like Children. ... .
Financial Plans Include Children. ... .
Planning Life with Family in Mind. ... .
A Desire to Continue Family Traditions..

What is a good age to be a dad?

However, the number and quality of the sperm declines with your age. From a biological standpoint, experts recommend a man is best suited to fatherhood from his late 20s to early 30s. It is still possible for men to father a child in their 50s and older.

How do first time fathers feel?

Becoming a Father Men may feel powerless over their new circumstances. First-time dads may struggle to balance new parenting responsibilities with work and career goals. Remember that you're not alone in your doubts and fears. It's normal to have mixed emotions, so try not to feel guilty about it.

What first time dads should know?

Learning how to be a dad has never been so easy!.
How Do I Prepare for Labor and Delivery?.
How Much Should My Child Eat?.
How Do I Prepare a Bottle?.
How Many Dirty Diapers Can I Expect?.
How Do I Change a Diaper?.
How Do I Pack a Diaper Bag?.
How Do I Swaddle a Baby?.
Where Should My Baby Sleep?.


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