Another word for mean and rude

Rhymes with Rude

  • misconstrued
  • yongchaiyudh
  • construed
  • preclude
  • exclude
  • conclude
  • ballyhooed
  • unglued
  • subdued
  • shampooed
  • seclude
  • reviewed
  • nonfood
  • maksoud
  • include
  • imbued
  • eschewed
  • debuted
  • tattooed
  • spewed
  • skewed
  • screwed
  • renewed
  • pursued
  • masoud
  • masood
  • mahmud
  • mahmoud
  • mahmood
  • likud

How do you pronounce rude?

Pronounce rude as rud.

US - How to pronounce rude in American English

UK - How to pronounce rude in British English

The definition of offensive is something likely to invoke feelings of hurt, anger, disgust, disapproval or revulsion, or is something associated with an aggressive attack.

Having or showing limited knowledge, experience, or culture, esp. in some particular field

Not polite; discourteous.

Lacking knowledge (in a particular area or matter)

Of, relating to, or characteristic of barbarians.

Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude:

Slow to perceive, understand, or feel; dull or insensitive:

Characteristic of barbarians; primitive or lacking in civilization

Not acting in an orderly way, as the functions of the body or mind.

Lacking propriety or decorum.

Without grace; clumsy or inelegant

(Med.) Damage or injury to tissues or organs of the body

Exhibiting no courtesy; rude.

Lacking or exhibiting a lack of tact; bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet.

Likely to snap or bite, as a dog.

Lacking social grace or graciousness; rude.

Disposed or eager to fight or engage in hostile opposition; belligerent.

Not in accordance with the truth, fact, or rule; wrong; incorrect

Used to describe people who display a marked lack of manners as defined by a given culture.

Hard to read or make out because cramped or irregular

Tending to tell others what to do in an presumptuous manner.

Extreme in strength or degree:

Not restrained by a sense of shame or propriety; rudely bold; brazen

Disdainful or contemptuous; full of or characterized by pride or scorn; haughty

Using or characterized by severe, sharp, or harshly critical language

(Now Rare) Arrogantly contemptuous; overbearing

Filled with or showing scorn or contempt

Having the nature of, involving, or doing great injury or wrong

Arrogantly domineering or overbearing.

Having or being a taste that is sharp, acrid, and unpleasant.

Made up of small scraps or snips; fragmentary

(Informal) Haughty; snobbish

Characterized by violent emotions, passions, speech, or actions:

Having a harsh, unpleasant sound; discordant.

(Botany) Terminating suddenly rather than gradually; truncate:

Poorly made or done; crude.

Brief, esp. to the point of rudeness; terse or brusque

Not in harmony; dissonant; clashing

Rough, crude, or forbidding in appearance

Having or showing bad manners; rude; impolite

Lacking mercy or leniency; harsh

Slightly at odds with established standards of propriety; somewhat improper, offensive, or coarse:

Lacking or exhibiting a lack of reverence; disrespectful.

(Obs.) Unlearned; ignorant

Not appropriate, attractive, or flattering:

Not brought to an end; incomplete:

Not skilled or versed in a specified discipline.

Lacking good manners; rude.

Not elegant or well-planned, lacking tact or subtlety

(Masonry) Having a rough surface or irregular, deeply sunk, deliberately conspicuous joints; rusticated

Lacking in seamanship; of or suitable to a landlubber who is new to being at sea and unfamiliar with the ways of a sailor.

Rugged is defined as durable or sturdy, or a rough terrain or landscape.

(man) Tall and heavily built.

Characteristic of, or resembling an oaf; stupid

The definition of rowdy is noisy and disorderly.

Resembling a rowdy in temper or conduct; characteristic of a rowdy.

Of or characteristic of a brute.

The definition of stupid is a person with less than normal intelligence or a boring situation.

Acquired without being taught; natural

The definition of gawky is awkward or clumsy.

Morally offensive; obscene

Provincial; unsophisticated:

The definition of ribald is something that references sexual matters in a bawdy or humorous way.

Having no special designation, status, or rank:

Conspicuously unconventional; bizarre.

Marked by keenness and accuracy of perception:

Feeling or expressing disdain; scornful and aloof

Showing much wear; ragged; threadbare

Plain and direct, although distressing in effect

(Informal) Saucy; impudent; insolent

Meddling or inclined to meddle; interfering

Exposed to the wind and sea; unsheltered.

Harsh and inharmonious in sound; discordant.

The definition of sour is something with an acidic taste, or someone who is resentful or angry.

Offensively bold; pushing, presumptuous, impudent, etc.

Recently finished; fresh:

Not concealed or disguised; obvious:

Not pertinent or suitable

The definition of naughty is someone or something badly behaved, wicked or not in keeping with moral and social standards.

Marked by defiance; boldly resisting.

(comparative more swaggering, superlative most swaggering)

Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient.

Not to one's taste; unpleasant; offensive

Arrogant in asserting or attempting to assert one's will over others; overbearing.

Acting in a dictatorial manner; arrogant; domineering

The definition of hard is firm to the touch or difficult to do or done with great force.

Of, relating to, or characteristic of a master or teacher; authoritative:

(Obs.) Ready to serve; obliging

The definition of intrusive is someone or something that invades personal space, that becomes too involved or that comes too close without being invited.

(Informal) Flippant; saucy; impertinent

Haughty or presumptuous, especially for one's rank or social standing:

Characterized by violence or crime:

(Anthrop.) Of or having to do with a preliterate, generally isolated, culture with a relatively low level of technology

The definition of coarse is something that has large particles, poor quality, a rough texture or something that is in bad taste.

Not thoroughbred; underbred. Used of animals.

Hostile to or lacking in appreciation for art or culture, or having no understanding of them

Having or showing poor manners; rude; discourteous

The definition of brusque is being abrupt in speech or how you act with someone.

The definition of callow is someone or something immature.

Hearty or uninhibited; natural:

Fairly strong and often cool; brisk:

Made of a homespun fabric:

Suitable as a temporary or expedient substitute:

The definition of obscene is offensive, indecent or disgusting.

Characterized by shameful or inordinate sexual arousal or extraordinary sexual urges. See also obscene.

Hence: Exciting to the mental taste by a strong or distinctive character of thought or language; peculiar and piquant; fresh and lively.

Relating to scatology, the usage of obscenities.

Tending to suggest; evocative:

Free of superfluous words; concise in a polished, smooth way; succinct

Not ceremonious; informal:

Unpleasant or offensive, esp. so as to seem immoral

Savage violence or cruelty:

Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence.

(Rare) Anything serving as a filler

Impudent speech or behavior

A lack of courtesy or politeness; rudeness

Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language.

That exists and evolved within the confines of an ecosystem.

Bitter and caustic in temper, manner, or speech

Untidy, as in dress or appearance.

The definition of homely is looking plain or unattractive.

The definition of inappropriate is someone or something that is not within the bounds of what is considered appropriate or socially acceptable.

The definition of short is something that is not long, that measures a minimal distance from one end to the other, or that does not last for a long time.

Unbearded (not having a beard or other facial hair)

Using power or authority without proper consideration for the feelings or rights of others.

Causing great discomfort, damage, or distress:

Difficult to effect; uncomfortable:

Bold is defined as free in behavior, or prominent.

High-spirited, lively, or cheerful:

Not harmonic; discordant.

Not harmonious; discordant, in conflict, etc.

Not musical: lacking in musical ability.

Extremely powerful or destructive:

Not done in an artistic style.

Poorly brought up; ill-bred.

The definition of green is having the color between blue and yellow on the color spectrum or being good for the environment.

The definition of loud is having a high volume or intensity.

Of, tasting of, or containing salt

Of, relating to, or done in preparation for the future:

Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.

Antonyms for Rude

The definition of polite is someone or something that exhibits consideration for others and socially acceptable behavior.

Polite and gracious; considerate toward others; well-mannered

Having or showing good manners; well-behaved; polite; courteous

Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated.

The definition of suave is someone smooth, confident and charming, usually describing a man.

Strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality:

Suitable for or appealing to the tastes of sophisticates:

Full of or characterized by respect; showing deference or dutiful regard

1822, T. Creevey, Reminiscences, 28 Jul:

Occurring or developing slowly or by small increments:

Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; polite:

Words Related to Rude

Having no obstructions or difficulties:

Very similar; closely resembling:

Able to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; of unimpaired credit.

Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound

Characterized by unpleasant discordance of sound

Synonym Study

  • Uncivil implies a disregarding of even the most elementary of good manners her uncivil treatment of the waiter
  • Discourteous suggests a lack of dignified consideration for others a discourteous reply
  • Impolite implies merely a failure to observe the forms of polite society it would be impolite to leave so early
  • Boorish now connotes insensitivity and is applied to one who is rude or ill-mannered in a coarse, loud, or overbearing way
  • Ill-mannered suggests ignorance of the amenities of social behavior rather than deliberate rudeness a well-meaning but ill-mannered fellow
  • Rude , in this comparison, implies a deliberate lack of consideration for others' feelings and connotes, especially, insolence, impudence, etc. it was rude of you to ignore your uncle

Find another word for rude. In this page you can discover 271 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rude, like: unkind, nasty, uncouth, crude, uncultured, hostile, disrespectful, crass, unrefined, insulting and rudeness.

What is another word for being mean?

adj.hostile, rude.

What's another word for disrespectful behavior?

impolite, rude, impertinent, irreverent.

What is a stronger word for disrespect?

contempt, boldness, coarseness, discourtesy, dishonor, flippancy, hardihood, impertinence, impiety, impoliteness, impudence, incivility, insolence, irreverence, sacrilege, unmannerliness.

Which word means aggressive and rude?

vulgar. adjective. someone who is vulgar is rude, unpleasant, and offensive.


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