Arieyl in the mood gummies reviews

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What’s in those Gummies to make this happen? Antifreeze? Psychedelic Drugs? Antidepressants?

I’m betting on “Marketing Shill”. Also, holy bad grammar Batman!

level 2

Well the gummies activate the power of god after 6 years of turmoil and then god and the gummies work together to make a man pleasant again. It’s Hun-lations 3:16 my favorite verse in the good Hun-ble. Glory 😩

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They might actually get somewhere with shrooms. These gummies? Not in this universe.

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Trust loss. Who cheated? And how did the gummies help?

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  1. There’s not enough info to tell who cheated.

  2. Placebo effect or he was prescribed real antidepressants by his doctor.

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I infer they both cheated at some point.

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They became "jaded from their trauma" of course! Whatever that means.

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The gummies made them both undesirable and, thus, monogamous.

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Omg yOu GuYs - who knew this whole time all I needed to rid myself of chronic mental illness was some gummies?!?! /s (obvs)

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So only he was the problem??

I'm not touching the rest of the bs she wrote.

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Right? Way to project onto your spouse. Oof

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So only he had to change, and luckily these magic gummies did the trick. What utter bullshit. Unless these gummies are the kind I get here in Cali and they both took a shit ton of them until they were both in a vegetative state. Even then, probably not going to fix whatever is wrong in this Huns head.

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You can still get the gummies here in CA? I thought they were trying to ban them.

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As someone with a degree in this field, this makes me want to throw my phone against a wall.

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Throw the hun's phone instead. That way more people win.

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A new CBD MLM. Just started a couple months ago. Already problematic as fuck.


We have something for everyone with our propriety, innovative products that are available in our diverse lineup including gummies, tinctures, topicals, capsules, drinks and our unique bath line.



Arieyl's claim to fame is definitely our gummy gang ! Delicious, vegan* and full of powerful ingredients, including hemp, nootropics and/or mushrooms.



Our mission is to help you become Your Highest Self, whether that means a restful nights sleep, fewer dark thoughts or help with weight management, we have you covered.



NO PANTS! I was literally to the point of not being able to wear pants any more!! My tummy was steadily sensitive , big, & uncomfortable!! Adding greens to my life daily has given me the relief I’ve been craving, the energy I’ve needed, & the flat belly I knew was there, back again!! You can find me wearing pants & smiling again! Greens are how I will forever begin my days!


*GTFO meets coffee scrub* When I heard about this product I was so excited I am a fan of exfoliating I live in the mountains and well water can be rough on my skin. I have tried so many things but the results never last long.... until I got my hands on this product now my skin is glowing, it's insane how soft this stuff leaves me body 😉 not to mention the fact my acne is like nonexistent now!!! Which is absolutely HUGE!! Basically this stuff should have been called magic beans because it's literally life!!!!


This is delicious peach booty gummy literally helps curb my cravings and keeps me from snacking all day!!

And Gold Digger is hands down one of my favorite gummies! I pop one of these after a big meal or when I’m eating like crap! It helps boost my metabolism and turn my body into a fat burning machine!


A few years ago I discovered the world of CBD, I tried close to 20 brands, MG's and types. I wanted help with my dark thoughts and overwhelming feelings of being nervous. Either I would not feel anything or it would give me the psychoactive component that I did not want. I won't forget the day it came in! I felt present for one of the first times in my adult life. To say that I am a believer in the benefits of CBD would be an understatement! To top it off, it literally tastes like funfetti cake batter…YUMMM

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