At what temperature do guinea pigs die?

Guinness was presented to Vetwest Currambine in the afternoon of a very hot day (37 degrees celsius). His breathing was short, shallow and extremely weak, and he had a body temperature of 42 degrees! Poor Guinness was showing classic symptoms of Heat Stress which is fatal if not treated immediately.

Guinness was immediately cooled with water baths and given fluids injected under his skin. Luckily this story had a happy ending; Guinness’ temperature returned to normal and he was sent home the same day. Soon enough he was back to his normal chirpy self!

Heat Stress in Guinea Pigs

Although Heat Stress is more widely known about in dogs, we rarely hear anything about Heat Stress in guinea pigs, and in fact, these animals are far more susceptible to heat stress than many other companion animals.

Native to South America, guinea pigs live in burrows and crevices, and have a preferred ambient temperature of 18 to 26 degrees. They are very sensitive to extreme heat and humidity, and are very susceptible to hyperthermia (high body temperature). In fact they are far more able to tolerate cooler temperatures than a warmer climate. Guinea pigs are so susceptible to heat stress that hyperthermia can even occur at temperatures as low as 24 degrees, but it is most commonly seen at temperatures above 28.

Heat Stress usually occurs during high temperatures or humidity, where there is inadequate shade and ventilation in the hutch, and often affects guinea pigs that are overweight or heavily furred.

Symptoms/ Signs of Heat Stress

The symptoms of Heat Stress include profuse salivation (in an attempt to cool down), shallow rapid breathing, profound weakness, pale gums and rectal temperatures exceeding 39.5 degrees. These symptoms can progress to convulsions, coma and death. 

Treatment of heat stress

Unfortunately veterinary treatment is supportive only (ie. no medications can reverse the changes) and the prognosis is very poor  unless treatment is initiated in the early stages. If you recognise any of the above symptoms, bathing the guinea pig in cool water or applying rubbing alcohol to their foot pads can be used as primary first aid at home before bringing them straight to your closest veterinary practice for further care.

Preventing heat stress

The best management is as always, prevention. If you know hot weather is imminent, bringing the hutch indoors where it is cooler is ideal. Alternatively if you have the space, having an enclosure both inside and outside would be handy. Otherwise, moving the enclosure to the coolest part of the garden may be the best option. A misting fan can also help, or you can freeze bottled water so the guinea pigs can lie up against them to cool down.

Guinea pigs are great pets – full of personality, easy to handle, not smelly and surprisingly hardy when it comes to their health. Hardy, but not invincible.

Guinea pigs are susceptible to heat stroke once the warm weather arrives (above 28°C). Heat stroke is extremely serious – it's one of the most common causes of sudden death.

What causes heat stroke?

Beyond simply 'hot weather', there are several factors that make a pig more likely to suffer heat stroke, including:

  • thick fur
  • obesity
  • old age
  • pregnancy
  • being housed in direct sunlight
  • poor ventilation
  • a lack of fresh cool water to drink
  • crowding
  • confinement in a small carrier

How to prevent heat stroke

Looking at the list above, it's easy to see the ways that you can prevent heat stroke in your pig. For example:

  • thickly furred pigs can be given a haircut; note that chunky pigs can benefit from a short back and sides too
  • make sure your pig has access to shade and good ventilation
  • always make sure your pig has plenty of fresh water

You might also consider water sprays or a container of ice in the cage to cool your pig's house down on very warm days.

What are the signs of heat stroke in guinea pigs?

Signs that your pig has overheated include:

  • red ears and feet (the blood vessels in the extremities dilate)
  • breathing fast
  • bluish coloured gums and lips
  • being covered in saliva (rodents have large salivary glands and drool a lot when they get hot – the drool is groomed over the feet, face and body in an effort to create evaporative cooling)

Unfortunately, the most common presenting signs that we see are collapse and death.

What to do if your guinea pig has heat stroke?

If you suspect your pig has heat stroke, dip him in a tepid bath (never a cold one!), wrap him loosely in a wet towel and bring him to see us (or an emergency vet out of hours). We can give IV fluids to both bring his body temperature down and support his circulation. Sadly, the prognosis is poor and sometimes euthanasia is the best option.

What temp is too cold for guinea pigs?

This Animal Care Aid is part of a series developed to promote optimal guinea pig care and health. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to both heat and cold. Keep them in temperatures between 60 and 85 °F to avoid putting their health at risk.

Can my guinea pig die from cold?

While guinea pigs are able to handle cold weather and cold temperatures a lot better than they can handle heat, being too cold can still be extremely uncomfortable and stressful for guinea pigs. They can become sick or even die if they are too cold and for too long.

Will my guinea pigs be OK outside in winter?

Keeping your guinea pigs warm outside in winter is very important. Their hutches should be protected so the wind, rain, snow or sleet can't blow in. If possible, the guinea pig hutch should be moved inside a shed, conservatory or unused garage during the winter or if the weather's particularly bad.

Can guinea pigs die from being outside?

A: Guinea pigs, also known as cavies, cannot regulate their body temperature very well. They should never be put into direct sunlight or a hot room. Your pets suffered heatstroke from being out in the sun, even though it was just a few minutes. This is most often fatal.


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