Average 1 mile walk time by age

In 2017, British Olympian Tom Bosworth broke a world record when he race-walked 1 mile in a speedy 5 minutes and 31 seconds. Amazing, right? But as you might imagine, Olympic race-walkers move much faster than most people.

So, when schlepping from, say, your apartment to your local coffee shop, how fast are you walking?

Adults walk at an average speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour, which equates roughly to 1 mile every 15 to 20 minutes. This figure varies based on a few factors, including:

  • Age: Younger people tend to walk faster than older people.
  • Sex: Men tend to walk slightly faster than women.
  • Overall health: Genetics, diet, and medical conditions influence your speed.
  • Body size: Factors like limb length and body mass index (BMI) affect your pace.
  • Fitness level: When you exercise more, a faster walking speed may follow.

Now here are the deets on how fast a person moves their feet.

Here’s what walking speed looks like on average for adults, according to research from 2011:

Walking speed usually decreases with age, starting around age 60.

Men have a slightly faster average walking speed than women.

Here’s the average walking speed broken down by sex, according to the same 2011 study:

You’ve probably heard the term “brisk walking” before. It’s a more athletic type of walking than, say, strolling with Fluffy as she picks a favorite hydrant. A 2018 study defined brisk walking as a pace of 100 to 119 steps per minute.

According to the CDC, a brisk walk is one where you can talk but not sing. It sounds a little weird, but try singing your go-to karaoke song as you stroll along. If you’re too winded, then good job — you’re walking fast enough.

There are other ways to determine your approximate speed. Researchers suggest counting how many steps you take in 10 seconds and multiplying that number by 6. You can also track your pace with a smartwatch (like an Apple Watch), a Fitbit, or another device that monitors your physical activity.

Keeping tabs on your heart rate with one of these devices (or with a good old-fashioned finger to the pulse) can also reveal whether you’re walking at the right pace.

According to the American Heart Association, during a brisk walk you should aim to cruise at 50 to 85 percent of your max heart rate.

You should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise (like brisk walking) each week. If you really wanna sweat, at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week will also suffice. Jogging, cycling, and channeling your inner Williams sister are all ways to do this.

Walking is kick-ass exercise. You don’t have to train for ages to do it (RIP, marathon attempt), spend half your rent on classes (looking at you, SoulCycle), or risk dropping a weight on your toe (hard times at CrossFit).

Here are some other benefits of regular brisk walking:

  • Burns calories: Burn, baby, burn! A calorie calculator can help you determine your personal burn. It will vary based on factors like walking speed, distance, terrain, and weight.
  • Strengthens your heart: Research has shown that walking for 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week can lower the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Might lower blood sugar: One small study of 10 people suggested a correlation between regular walks and lower blood sugar levels. (More research is needed, but taking a stroll definitely can’t hurt!)
  • Helps your mood: Physical activity like walking helps reduce depression and anxiety.
  • Boosts immune system: A 2015 study found that regular physical activity can heighten the immune system’s response to microbial infections (*cough, cough* good to know during flu season).
  • Might help you live longer: A 2018 study found that walking faster may lead to a longer life. And a 2011 study found that people who walked more had lower expenses for medical care (cha-ching!).

Vanessa Carlton isn’t the only one who can walk a thousand miles. The average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day. By age 80, the average person will walk about 75,000 miles, according to some estimates.

For reference, 75,000 miles is roughly the same as circling the earth’s equator three times. And we thought walking from that faraway parking spot was hard.

If you're wondering how long it takes to walk a mile, you're probably in the business of trying to up your daily steps. And for that we applaud you. Getting some LISS (low-intensity steady state) exercise in on the reg is important, for so many reasons. From increased mental clarity to healthy weight management and keeping your body active throughout the day, you're set to reap a whole heap of gold stars for getting out there and getting your mile of walking done.

We've rounded up everything you need to know about walking a mile – from how long it takes to the benefits of walking more regularly. Read on!

What type of exercise is walking a mile?

Walking a mile falls into the low-intensity steady-state category of movement. This type of exercise is similar to things like a steady swim or meandering cycle (hopefully with a healthy snack at the end, eh?). It's a brilliant form of exercise that doesn't stress your joints, requires zero home gym equipment and can easily be made free or at least cheap.

In fact, research from the University of Bath found that LISS can be just as effective as HIIT (high-intensity interval training) when it comes to losing body fat – you just need to factor in extra time to complete the longer, slower activities.

6 benefits of walking a mile regularly

Walking regularly can help with any number of physical and mental concerns, from head to heart and hormonal response.

Regular walking can:

  1. Improve your response to insulin which can help to get rid of belly fat and lose body fat.
  2. Increase your fitness stamina – extra movement every day will help to keep your activity levels up and improving in the long term.
  3. Increase brainpower. Research from New Mexico Highlands University found that walking helped increase brain blood supply through pressure sent through the arteries from the foot.
  4. Lower your risk of heart-related conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
  5. Improve mental health, according to the University of Michigan Health System, walking in nature has been linked to a more positive outlook. #Win.
  6. Decrease the prevalence of life-threatening conditions such as strokes, depression and coronary heart disease.

    'The regular movement and pace of walking help give your mind a break, you can de-stress, improve your self-esteem and regulate your mood,' explains mindfulness practitioner Dani Binnington.

    'It is also proven that walking can help us to think more creatively,' she adds. In 2014 research published by the American Psychological Association, walks were shown to allow participant's thoughts to flow more freely, helping them with problem-solving.

    How long does it take to walk a mile?

    The average time it takes for a woman at a healthy weight without any health conditions to walk a mile is somewhere between 14 and 21 minutes.

    This is dependent on age, though – "normal" for a 20-28-year-old is around 14 to 15 minutes, while the average for a 40-49-year-old woman is around 15 or 16 minutes.

    This decline in speed is normal and natural, research has found that your average walking pace will decrease by approximately −0.0037 m/s per year. When taken over a longer time period, this means you'll lose 1.2 minutes between 20 and 60 years old.

    How long does it take to walk 2 miles?

    Now, we're not going to be so sarky as to say that walking two miles will probably just take you double as long as walking one mile... but that's basically it. Factor in a minute or two for fatigue (if you're still building up your stamina), coffee buying or shoelace tying, but two miles will take you pretty much twice the amount of time as one mile.

    This means walking two miles should take you anywhere between 28 and 32 minutes. If you're not near these numbers, see where you're at and try and improve on your time as you get fitter.

    How many calories does walking a mile burn?

    The number of calories burned while walking is dependent on a variety of factors: how quickly you walk, your current weight, your fitness levels and the area in which you walk (flat, hilly or mixed, for example).

    However, in broad strokes, it is possible to work out how many calories you're going to burn. According to Harvard Health, the following guidelines are about what you'll be burning:

    • If you weigh 120lbs (54.4 kg): you'll burn ~ 65 calories per mile walked
    • If you weigh 160lbs (72.6kg), you'll burn ~ 105 calories per mile walked
    • If you weigh 180lbs (81.6kg), you'll burn ~ 115 calories per mile walked

      Taking these figures, you could burn a rough estimate of 455 and 700 calories a week working a mile per day.

      4-ways to add a one-mile walk into your day easily

      Adding a one-mile walk into the fitness mix doesn't have to be an arduous affair. In fact, it might turn out to be the part of the day you start looking forward to most. Here are five easy ways to get a mile of movement in.

      • Set your alarm (double-points for sunrise alarm clocks) to twenty minutes earlier. Dash on your gym kit and head for a timed walk around your area before getting ready for the day.
      • Set aside a portion of your lunch break to walk. Before or after food, it's your choice!
      • Heading to the gym? Walk there (and back if it's short) instead of jumping on the bus or in the car.
      • If daytime is very busy for you, take twenty minutes after dinner and go for a short walk. It'll help demarcate the end of the working day and the beginning of your relaxing evening.

        How to measure your walking fitness progression

        You might start off walking at an average pace for your age but there's always that little bit inside of us wanting to get better, right? Right. And, as you walk more, you're likely to improve your fitness, too.

        Use the following 1-mile walking test guide to work up from OK to excellent and track your progress as you go. Make sure you're walking on a flat surface (not a treadmill) and check back each week to see how you're getting on.


        • Age 20-29: < 13:12 minutes
        • Age 30-39: < 13:42 minutes
        • Age 40-49: < 14:12 minutes
        • Age 50-59: < 14:42 minutes
        • Age 60-69: < 15:06 minutes
        • Age 70+: < 18:18 minutes


          • Age 20-29: 13:12 – 14:06 minutes
          • Age 30-39: 13:42 – 14:36 minutes
          • Age 40-49: 14:12 –15:06 minutes
          • Age 50-59: 14:42 – 15:36 minutes
          • Age 60-69: 15:06 – 16:18 minutes
          • Age 70+: 18:18 – 20:00 minutes


            • Age 20-29: 14:07 – 15:06 minutes
            • Age 30-39: 14:37 – 15:36 minutes
            • Age 40-49: 15:07 – 16:06 minutes
            • Age 50-59: 15:37 – 17:00 minutes
            • Age 60-69: 16:19 – 17:30 minutes
            • Age 70+: 20:01 – 21:48 minutes


              • Age 20-29: 15:07 – 16:30 minutes
              • Age 30-39: 15:37 – 17 minutes
              • Age 40-49: 16:07 – 17:30 minutes
              • Age 50-59: 17:01 – 18:06 minutes
              • Age 60-69: 17:31 – 19:12 minutes
              • Age 70+: 21:49 – 24:06 minutes


                • Age 20-29: > 16:30 minutes
                • Age 30-39: > 17 minutes
                • Age 40-49: > 17:30 minutes
                • Age 50-59: > 18:06 minutes
                • Age 60-69: > 19:12 minutes
                • Age 70+: 24:06 minutes

                  Shop a new pair of walking shoes to get your mile done

                  Flex Appeal 3 Trainers Ladies

                  Skechers sportsdirect.com


                  Ultraboost 20 Shoes

                  Adidas thesportsedit.com


                  NikeAir Zoom Pegasus

                  Nike thesportsedit.com


                  Eternity NITRO Women's Running Shoes

                  How fast should a 70 year old walk a mile?

                  Average walking speed by sex.

                  What is a good 1 mile walk time?

                  Most people can expect to walk a mile in 15 to 22 minutes, according to data gathered in a 2019 study spanning five decades. The average walking pace is 2.5 to 4 mph, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

                  How fast should a 50 year old walk a mile?

                  20-29 years: 3.00 mph (4.83 km/h) 30-39 years: 2.82 mph (4.54 km/h) 40-49 years: 2.82 mph (4.54 km/h) 50-59 years: 2.75 mph (4.43 km/h)

                  Is a 20 minute mile good?

                  A brisk walking pace can range from 13 to 20 minutes per mile, or from 3.0 mph to 4.5 mph. At this pace, you should be breathing noticeably harder, but able to speak in full sentences. If your walking pace is 20 minutes per mile, it may be either fast enough to be moderate-intensity exercise or too slow.


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