Best feeling in the world for a girl

Being a girl is not easy, but it also has its good side. Like a blissful feeling that can make your entire day. Here are the 17 of the best feelings in the world for girls.

1. You feel comfortable the entire day because you’ve shaved your legs.

2. Eye contact with your crush… and he doesn’t look away immediately.

3. Walking on a fluffy carpet after wearing heels the entire day.

4. Pass the test while people said that you will fail.

5. Putting yoga pants on after a day of wearing skinny jeans.

6. Wearing a dress and sandals in the summer, feeling sexy al day.

7. Finding a tampon when you have a unexpected period.

8. A TV serie, song or book that accurately expresses what you are experiencing at that moment.

9. Getting compliments because you have a new hairstyle

10. To be kissed tenderly on the forehead by your love

11. When you wash your hair and it feels so light

12. Hot towels after a shower in the Winter

13. Something happened in your favorite TV series, which you’ve already predicted.

14. Laughing until your tears roll down your cheeks.

15. Your cute cat sitting on your lap.

16. Chilling on the couch with your love while he’s unconsciously making circles with his fingers on your skin.

17. Or just because everything goes well and you’re so happy

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1. Finally releasing your breasts from the shackles of your bra. The single most inaccurate part of Sex and the City is that Carrie didn't fling her bra into the corner and rub her breasts for, like, five minutes every time she got home.

2. Getting into a freshly made bed. This is likely a joy Millennials will never understand because Millennials hate making beds, but you know those crisp, cold sheets at hotels are such a pleasure.

3. Stretching. If you don't love downward-dogging after a long day of sitting at a desk, I cannot relate to you.

4. Snuggling a fuzzy animal. I'll be straight about this: I'm not really a cat person. But last time there were kittens in the office, my heart started racing and I actually kind of felt like I might cry. Don't tell anyone.

5. Washing your face at the end of the day. You imagine all the makeup and crap on your face as stress, and then scrub it off. There! Now you are a newborn babe without a care in the world.

6. Peeling off skinny jeans/a pencil skirt at the end of the day. Related: Slipping into some stretch pants and a big T-shirt. Preferably without any underwear.

7. When someone else plays with your hair. Sorry, I'm basically orgasming in your chair, shampoo guy at my hair salon. Carry on.

8. Being done with a hard workout. Whenever you're actually spinning, it's like, Fuck spinning. But also wobbling out of a spinning class like Woody from Toy Story, taking a shower, and collapsing on the couch feels pretty great.

9. Peeing when you've been holding it for, like, nine years. Everyone who has ever ridden in a car has experienced this.

10. Squishing sand between your toes on vacation. Half pedicure, half reminder that you don't have to check your email all day.

11. Taking your hair down. And individually cursing every bobby pin and hair tie that comes out of there while the blood rushes back to your brain.

12. Flipping your pillow over in the middle of a hot night. Ooooooh, that shit's chilly!

13. Sleeping in until you can sleep in no longer. And then you sit up and stretch, your eyes opening with childlike wonder as though looking upon your bedroom for the first time. The 10 a.m. light filters softly through your curtains, warming the floor for your feet. Everything is wonderful.

14. Skinny dipping. There's just something about being naked in the dark, floating in warm water ... What's that? It's like being back in the womb? Never mind, that's gross.

15. Using those weird spidery head massagers at the mall. *Shivers*. *Smiles*.

16. Falling asleep at the beach and waking up kind of hot and groggy, but so at peace. Call me Deepak Chopra because I'm ... whatever Deepak Chopra is.

17. Bundling up in blankets when it's cold (or the A.C. is blasting). Just being all cocooned in warmth ... Oh, the womb thing again? Hi mom! Love you, mom. Fantastic womb.

18. The mini hand massages when you get a manicure. Pardon me while I close my eyes and deep breathe through that thumb knot. Yes, I'll pay extra for 10 more minutes. Here's my credit card. Charge me any amount, I won't check.

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Emma Barker Features Editor Emma Barker edits longform reporting at Cosmopolitan.

What is the best feeling in the world girls?

The 18 Best Feelings in the World.
Finally releasing your breasts from the shackles of your bra. ... .
Getting into a freshly made bed. ... .
Stretching. ... .
Snuggling a fuzzy animal. ... .
Washing your face at the end of the day. ... .
Peeling off skinny jeans/a pencil skirt at the end of the day. ... .
When someone else plays with your hair..

What is the best feeling in this world?

A list of the best feelings in the world:.
The smell of a new book..
Warming your hands in front of a fire..
The smell walking by a dry cleaners..
When a cat decides to sit on your lap..
All the optimism a new year brings..
An extra-long hug from an old friend..
Hiding under a tree from a summer rain shower..

How do you make feelings for a girl?

How to Make a Girl Feel Special.
Be physically and emotionally present. ... .
Send unsolicited texts. ... .
Giving small, yet meaningful, gifts. ... .
Create new experiences together. ... .
Do some of her duties. ... .
Ask what she likes. ... .
Give her an unexpected embrace. ... .
Sit next to her..

What is the best feeling of love?

Love gives you incredible inspiration Being in love makes you feel inspired. It gives you a can-do attitude that you can approach anything, anywhere, anytime. Being in love gives you motivation. Your attitude is optimistic and always positive.


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