Bus from San Diego to Murrieta

How to get from San Diego to Murrieta

Compare buses, trains and carpooling from $18

San Diego to Murrieta Trains


49 minutes

San Diego to Murrieta Drive


1 hour 26 minutes

San Diego to Murrieta At a glance

Tickets $12 - $27
Duration 34min - 1h 50min
Cheapest Bus
Quickest Bus
Most Convenient Bus
Modes Buses, trains, by car
Travel companies Greyhound, Amtrak

Travel companies operating between San Diego and Murrieta

Buses from San Diego to Perris

Avg priceExpected DurationCO2 Emissions
$18 1h 54min 11 lb CO2

Trains from San Diego to San Clemente

Avg priceExpected DurationCO2 Emissions
$28 - $33 58min 11 - 15 lb CO2

Trains from Solana Beach to San Clemente

Avg priceExpected DurationCO2 Emissions
$27 - $30 49min 9 - 10 lb CO2

Frequently Asked About Traveling From San Diego to Murrieta, California

Faretrotter is a travel search engine that helps you find transportation between cities like San Diego, CA and Murrieta, CA. Search and compare buses, flights, trains, and driving for any searches across the world, find the best ticket prices, the quickest options, or the most convenient.

When to book trip from San Diego to Murrieta?

The trip to Murrieta is an excellent trip for the day or a nice trip for the weekend from San Diego. The cheapest way to get from San Diego to Murrieta is $18 and the quickest way takes just 1 hour 54 minutes with the bus. Greyhound offers limited service between Murrieta and San Diego.We recommend booking the trip to Murrieta about one week in advance. Though you might be able to find and book a ticket from San Diego the day of, it is best to do this earlier as to be sure you have a seat to Murrieta.

Is the train or the bus better from San Diego to Murrieta CA?

It's possible to take either the train or the bus from San Diego to Murrieta. There are quite a few things to consider for each. On a positive note, be glad you have the choice! Further, whenever you avoid driving - you don't have to worry about parking, focusing on the road. Additionally - you can focus on reading, work, or just relax.

While buses have recently gotten bad coverage because of cleanliness of bus stations or winter time accidents, they are can be very convenient for travel. The best part about traveling by bus to Murrieta is that it can be very cheap. That's because they usually have basic accomodations - WiFi and a restroom. Some of the San Diego/Murrieta buses' coverage has been overstated. The real thing to consider when taking a bus from San Diego is to consider the time of travel and the density of the cities that you're traveling to. If you are traveling by bus between San Diego CA and Murrieta during high traffic times, you can expect to have your trip altered significantly due to traffic. Further, if you are traveling during winter, the bus schedule might be thrown off due to inclimate winter weather. Be sure to plan accordingly!

The plus side of taking the train from San Diego to Murrieta? The accomodations, scenery, and lack of Murrieta traffic can usually be on point. Moreover, you can usually expect your average concessions - such as food and drinks. Most trains have WiFi these days as well. The worst part about trains are the price. While the train to Murrieta is often cheaper than flying, they are generally more expensive than buses. Train prices are usually set and do not vary as much as bus prices or flights or so the likelihood of finding discounts is pretty rare.

What's the cheapest way from San Diego to Murrieta?

The absolute cheapest way to travel from San Diego to Murrieta is by bus. The bus costs $18 roughly and will take 1 hour 54 minutes.

How much does Amtrak cost from San Diego to Murrieta?

Amtrak costs about $27 between San Diego and Murrieta. In total, the train will take roughly 49 minutes and there are no connections that you will have to make. We recommend catching the train at SRB Sorrento Valley, which is 14 miles from San Diego. Further, once you arrive at SNP San Clemente Pier Amtrak or you will still have 26 miles to Murrieta.

How long does it take from San Diego to Murrieta by car?

The total distance between San Diego and Murrieta is 58 miles and will take you about 1 hour 26 minutes. By car with an average gas consumption rate of 20 mpg or gas costs alone will run you $12.

Should I fly into San Diego when going to Murrieta?Flying into San Diego is a great option when your final destination is Murrieta. Often, flying into a smaller airport is cheaper. In this scenario, Los Angeles would be an exception.Here's a couple of reasons why we think that's true:

  • You won't get caught in Los Angeles's traffic
  • The bus is only $18 from San Diego to Murrieta
  • The train is only $27 from San Diego to Murrieta

Worried about traveling to Murrieta during COVID-19?

So are we.

That's why we built the Safe Travel Map. Before you go, read up on airline restrictions, procedures, and changes to how airports are managing with COVID-19. Additionally, take a look to see exactly which other countries are letting people in and under what criteria.

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The best way to get from San Diego to Temecula without a car is to bus which takes 2h 23m and costs $13 - $20. How long does it take to get from San Diego to Temecula? The bus from San Diego to Temecula takes 2h 23m including transfers and departs five times a week.

How far is Murrieta from an airport?

What is the nearest airport to Murrieta? The nearest airport to Murrieta is Carlsbad (CLD) Airport which is 29.9 miles away. Other nearby airports include Santa Ana (SNA) (38.4 miles), Ontario/San Bernardino (ONT) (41.6 miles), San Diego (SAN) (57.1 miles) and Los Angeles (LAX) (74.2 miles).


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