By the Grace of the Gods wiki

Abaddon was one of the Six Gods, a fallen predecessor of Kormir. He was the God of Knowledge and Water,[1] titled Keeper of Secrets and Lord of the Everlasting Depths, and associated with the watery depths, knowledge, and magic. He was succeeded by Kormir, while Lyssa later adopted dominion over water. Like other human gods, Abaddon also had a temple in Orr, the Cathedral of Hidden Depths, which now lies sunken in the Straits of Devastation. After his fall, he was primarily referred to as the God of Secrets.

Abaddon was once worshiped by the Church of Abaddon. Although the clergy vanished following their god's fall, the church has since resurfaced in a new form as some humans believe that Abaddon had been a martyr who had been wrongly persecuted for wanting to help humanity.


Early years[edit]

Abaddon's past is shrouded in mystery. However, according to the Margonite Apostate, Abaddon gained his power from an older, deposed god.

Life on Tyria[edit]

The writings of the Orrian history scrolls suggest that Abaddon was among the gods who emerged in Tyria from the Mists and introduced the world to humanity whom they had brought with them. Although the gods were initially drawn to the magic of the Artesian Waters in the heart of Orr, they took humanity with them to Cantha in 786 BE, planting the seeds of the first known thriving human civilization in Tyria.[2][3][4][5] Humanity proved to be resilient and spread to Orr, Elona and beyond in the following centuries. The Church of Abaddon rose to worship the God of Knowledge.

As the city of Arah was being built in Orr, the gods wanted a safe place to store various powerful relics and secret knowledge in. Abaddon designed a set of reliquaries in Siren's Landing to hold these valuable items. Each reliquary was given to its respective god with Abaddon's Reliquary as the centerpiece, all connected in a magical, protective grid to keep them safe from looters and defilers. During this time the gods gathered various powerful and ancient artifacts from around the world, including the original Bloodstone and the Mystic Telescope, and brought them for safekeeping and study in Arah.[6]

At some point the gods became aware of the existence of the hibernating Elder Dragons, who were tied to the magical balance of Tyria, and learned their names and spheres of influence. This information was documented in what would come to be known as the Scroll of the Five True Gods.[7]

The gods lived for a time among their followers in Arah. However, their radiance blinded mortals who gazed upon them for too long whenever the gods appeared among their followers. The gods eventually decided to retreat from public, and Dwayna, the Goddess of Life, commissioned the Orrian sculptor Malchor to make a statue of each god. As the statues were completed, the respective gods depicted in the statues retreated into Arah one by one.[8] Around 48 BE,[9] the old and tyrannical God of Death, Dhuum, was overthrown by Dwayna's half-god son Grenth who ascended to godhood and was welcomed by the gods as the new member of the Six.

According to an ancient Ascalonian legend and an Orrian scroll, the gods formulated a magical ritual and gifted three holy artifacts needed to enact and reverse it—a magical crown, Balthazar's own sword Sohothin and its twin Magdaer—to the royal human lineage as protection against invasion. The artifacts, as well as the knowledge how to use them in the ritual, would eventually pass on to the Ascalonian line of human kings.[10][11]

Fall from grace[edit]

In 1 BE, the Six decided to gift magic to the mortal races, and Abaddon rose up to the task.[12] The gift of magic made the mortal races greedy, however, and led to devastating wars. King Doric, who had become the ruler of Tyria's united human tribes, journeyed to Arah and asked for the Six to put an end to the bloodshed. In response to the king's plea, the gods shattered the original Bloodstone. They divided the magic in the world into five lesser Bloodstones to prevent anyone from ever wielding power over all magic again. According to the History of Tyria, the gods sealed the stones with Doric's blood and placed his bloodline in charge of guarding the stones.[13] Abaddon's protests and pleas were ignored much to his anger.[12]

Upon learning that the gods had gone against Abaddon's wishes and revoked the gift of magic, Abaddon's Margonite followers traveled to the Temple of the Six Gods somewhere on the northern shores of Elona. The zealots slaughtered the priests of the five gods, desecrated the altars, and defaced the statues and scriptures there.[12][14]

Angered by the massacre of the priests and the desecration of the temple, the gods' Forgotten servants rallied and launched their navy to confront and punish the Margonites for their deeds. Some sources claim that the two forces clashed in the greatest naval battle in human history.[12]

According to the Scriptures of Abaddon, the Forgotten eventually pursued the Margonite Lord Jadoth from his home to the Crystal Sea. In his desperation upon seeing Forgotten warships on the horizon, Jadoth prayed to Abaddon to grant him the strength to face the enemy and prevail. An unsettling silence swept across the waves and lasted for some time until the God of Knowledge and Water finally responded to his follower's plea. Abaddon magically sunk the pursuing Forgotten armada and granted Jadoth the power to fight back, transforming the Margonites into resilient demonic entities.[15][12]

Abaddon decided to lead his transformed Margonites to overthrow the gods and establish himself as the one god who would rule over all of Tyria. His forces, including the immortal Margonite elite soldiers known as the Horde of Darkness, stormed the Gates of Heaven.[16]

Abaddon was said to be the mightiest of the gods, and for a while, the war went in his favor. In the end, however, he was no match for the combined strength of all the Five, and he was defeated at the Mouth of Torment.[12] The gods' victory came at the cost of the Crystal Sea turning into the Crystal Desert and a once plentiful land becoming the sulfurous Desolation.[17] Abaddon and his Margonite followers were cast out of Tyria into the Realm of Torment, a realm within the Mists which would act as his prison, as his power could not be destroyed. As the rebellious god fell, he pulled the Temple of the Six Gods with him into his new prison.[14]

Balthazar himself forged the chains that bound the fallen God of Knowledge in the Realm of Torment. Abaddon's power was sealed behind eight gates to keep him contained, while the gods appointed several Forgotten to act as the rebellious god's wardens both in the Realm of Torment and at the Mouth of Torment. Afterwards, the gods erased almost all knowledge of Abaddon and departed the world of Tyria in an event known as the Exodus of the Gods, which the Mouvelian Calendar is based on. Elonian myth claims that hyenas were present in the Desolation when Abaddon was imprisoned, and that they are still laughing at him to this day.[18]

Like other members of the Six, Abaddon once had a dirge dedicated to him which was sung by the Sirens of Orr. However, the dirge was closely guarded by his ancient sirens whose echoes became faint following Abaddon's fall. The Dirge of Abaddon was subsequently drowned out by the multitudes of sirens singing the songs of the other gods.[19]

Return and demise[edit]

While imprisoned, Abaddon began plotting to break free. He was responsible for many disasters which plagued Tyria over the following centuries. He sent a demonic servant, the Fortune Teller, to manipulate Shiro Tagachi to assassinate Emperor Angsiyan at the Harvest Temple, which ultimately led to Shiro's demise and unleashed the Jade Wind in Cantha in 872 AE. He helped cause the Searing of Ascalon via using the titans to gift the invading charr with Searing Cauldrons in 1070 AE. He ordered his other demonic servant Razakel to pose as an Orrian citizen named Terick and manipulate Vizier Khilbron to cause the Cataclysm of Orr on the eve of another charr invasion wave in 1071 AE.

The fallen god's influence was also felt in many tragedies which occurred indirectly as a result of those events, such as the occupation of Kryta by the White Mantle and their mursaat overlords, which led to the Krytan civil war. Abaddon created strife against and within the human race for many centuries, using titans to manipulate the charr in their invasion of northern human kingdoms of Ascalon, Kryta and Orr, and ultimately causing a civil war in Elona which, aided by Warmarshal Varesh Ossa and other humanborn worshipers, nearly resulted in his release. The other deposed human god, Dhuum, and the evil half-brother of Balthazar, Menzies, formed an alliance with Abaddon during this time and aided him in his efforts on almost all fronts, especially in the Mists.

In 1075 AE, over a thousand years after his first defeat, the maddened god was close to breaking free from his prison, a plan which was undone by the Order of the Sunspears and Order of Whispers in Elona. By this time Varesh's ritual had unlocked three of the gates that bound Abaddon's power, and the once handsome god had become a monstrous creature with insectoid features and sinewy skin. Abaddon was finally destroyed for good as Spearmarshal Kormir absorbed his power, becoming the Goddess of Truth and preventing Abaddon's former power from running rampant.

Interim years[edit]

Since Abaddon's attempted return—known from prophecy as the Nightfall—and ultimate death, nothing had been heard of Abaddon's followers or allies for centuries. However, interest in Abaddon remained, and the Durmand Priory dedicated a hidden Special Collections section of their library to closely guarded knowledge with a statue of Abaddon standing guard at the entrance. One of the last remaining vestiges of Abaddon's power was his abiding hatred of dance, and dancing in front of Abaddon's statues throughout Tyria and the Desolation could severely injure or otherwise incapacitate the dancer.

In the wake of Nightfall, remnants of Abaddon's tormented magic left by the Margonites' presence seeped into the Crystal Desert. Left alone, this magic would coalesce into tormented remnants over time. To cleanse the Desolation of Abaddon's corruption, the djinn gathered at Sand Jackal Run and took to reshaping this tainted sand into jackal-shaped constructs. The djinn imbued their magic into runes taken from the bodies of tormented remnants to tame the tormented energies, and in turn the jackals. These jackals were feral and hostile initially, and still sought to bring about Nightfall. Once tamed, it was said that the eyes of the jackal were all that remained of their Margonite forebears.[20]

Personal story[edit]

In 1325 AE, the Elder Dragon Zhaitan sent its Risen minions to search for a hidden magical artifact located in Abaddon's submerged temple in the Straits of Devastation. However, the Elder Dragon was unable to get a hold of the artifact as the temple was destroyed shortly after a fight between the Risen and the Pact Commander and Sayeh al' Rajihd.

Living World Season 3[edit]

In 1330 AE, the first modern day Priest of Abaddon was seen exploring Orr's revealed reliquaries in Siren's Landing and discovering hidden texts about the fallen God of Secrets. Thanks to the Pact Commander's assistance, the priest managed to decipher texts pertaining to Abaddon's mysterious parable.

Path of Fire[edit]

After accessing the Sanctum to seek out help from the gods against the rogue god Balthazar whose rampage was devastating the Crystal Desert, the Pact Commander, Canach, Kasmeer Meade, and Rytlock Brimstone met with Kormir. The goddess recounted the events leading to Abaddon's defeat and her own ascension, illustrating her point with memories of the battle against Abaddon to explain the dangers of gods interfering in Tyrian matters. Kormir explained that the release of magic from Abaddon's demise had caused the Elder Dragon Primordus to stir and thus had begun the current cycle of Elder Dragon awakenings in Tyria.[21]


Ancient statue of Abaddon.

And so it came to pass that Jadoth, being persecuted by the horrific Forgotten armies, and hounded from his home, did seek refuge among the cooling mists of the Crystal Sea. Untold weeks passed as Jadoth huddled in his sanctuary, with nothing to see save the endless ripples of the boundless ocean.

On the 51st day of his exodus, a frightful sight manifested before Jadoth's eyes: the unmistakable shape of Forgotten warships upon the horizon's shimmering edge.

And prayed Jadoth, "Abaddon! Lord of the Everlasting Depths, Keeper of Secrets, open mine eyes and bestow upon me the knowledge of the Abyss that I might smite mine enemies and send them to the watery depths!"

An unsettling silence swept across the waves. The twilight sky shattered and stars streaked down upon the Forgotten armada. The seas boiled and ruptured, and gave birth to a maelstrom from which not even light could escape, and transforming the sky above into a midnight void.

And thus was magic gifted to Jadoth, chosen of Abaddon, the first of the Margonites.

— Scriptures of Abaddon, 1 BE

Among them was Abaddon—once secret-keeper, now betrayer. How you have fallen from the glorious days of old. What passed beyond in the Mists, only you remember.

Abaddon, Abaddon. Your name has been erased from the towers, your cathedral condemned to the sea. Turn your faces away, oh sons and daughters, and let not his gifts tempt you.

— Orrian History Scrolls, The Six, Volume 5—Abaddon: God of Secrets.

And thus, Arah was built, sector by sector, in honor of the gods. It rose into the clouds and sank deep into the ground.

The people of Orr decorated it with gold and gems befitting the gods who protected them.

The gods were pleased, and so it came to pass that the gods came to Orr and made it their home.

With the gods came artifacts, relics, and secret knowledge, and the gods wished for a safe place to store these treasures.

Abaddon—god of secrets, knowledge, and magic—designed a set of reliquaries to hold these priceless items. As a gift, he gave one to each of the other gods and created his own as the centerpiece.

These reliquaries he connected on a magical grid that illuminated them all. Thus, he kept thieves and defilers at bay.

(This copy of the parable has notes in the margin, written by a modern hand.)

Abaddon sent away. Gods wipe the records of him. Childish! Why so many Abaddon relics here if true? Is this even a parable? No mention of reliquaries in the history books. Gods hid it with a magical veil? Did they sink it too? But post-god maps show the region existed. May never know truth. Orr gets sunk, then rises. Veil shredded? Reliquaries revealed. Hehe. Abaddon, Keeper of Secrets, has the last word.

What happened to Ryoma first slime?

Earthlings. Ryoma's co-worker during his previous life. Ryoma named the first slime he tamed in his honor, but the slime dies, leaving only its core.

Is Ryoma Takebayashi powerful?

7/10 Ryoma Takebayashi Has Access To Hundreds Of Spells & Skills (By The Grace Of The Gods) Ryoma Takebayashi was reincarnated into another world where he was able to train and spend time mastering a wide variety of spells. He's learned over a dozen different battle skills and almost twenty different magical skills.

How old is Ryoma Takebayashi?

Background. Ryoma was a lonely, 39-year-old man from Earth, Japan who led a life filled with hardships until he died from a brain hemorrhage in his sleep.

Is by grace of the gods ln finished?

Volumes. There are currently eleven volumes. The first was released in Japan on September 22, 2017, and the latest was released on December 18, 2021.


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