Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator


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Refrigerators come in various styles, capacities and overall sizes. Standard refrigerator sizes range from around 24 to 40 inches in width, 62 to 72 inches in height and 29 to 36 inches in depth. Generally speaking, french door and side-by-side refrigerators will be larger in width and height, though counter-depth models are frequently available in these two configurations. Top- and bottom-freezer refrigerators are more often available in smaller sizes.

How to Measure Fridge Dimensions

Wondering what refrigerator dimensions best fit in your space? When considering refrigerator measurements, it’s good to note that models vary in size based on the style and capacity you choose. From traditional Maytag® top-freezer to modern Maytag® french door styling and everything in between, you have choices and those choices come in different sizes. But don’t break a sweat. Follow this fridge size guide with refrigerator size charts to help you figure out the right fit for your space.

What You’ll Need:

  • Measuring Tape
  • This Guide

Steps 2–6 reference the Maytag® french door refrigerator (model MFI2570FE) as example measurements.

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator


Refrigerators come in different styles, which are available in a range of sizes. As we walk through the following steps for measuring your kitchen cutout, reference the size examples below to see if the style you want could fit your space. The specs shown below are generalizations to give you an idea of what might be available. Find your specific model specs online or in a store.

Need help picking which refrigerator style is best for you? Read our guide on how to choose from different types of refrigerators.

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator
Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator
Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Step 2: Measuring Refrigerator Depth

When measuring for a refrigerator, you’ll want to decide what depth style you’d prefer.

Standard-Depth: Measure from your wall with a little room to extend past your cabinets.

Counter-Depth: Measure from your wall to the edge of your counter. Learn about counter-depth refrigerators. 


Measure the space in front of the refrigerator so doors and drawers can open without getting dinged.

Depth with drawer open
Depth with doors open
Not including handles
Including handles

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Step 3: Measuring Refrigerator Width

Measure from wall to counter, cabinet to cabinet or whatever may be on either side of your refrigerator space.

Minimum width needed for your cutout

NOTE: If your refrigerator is located next to a wall, leave 3 3/4" between the wall and the hinge side of the door so it can swing open.

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Step 4: Measuring Refrigerator Height

Cabinets above your cutout? Measure from the floor to the bottom of the cabinets. Remember to account for the added height of any door hinges at the top of the refrigerator to ensure a good fit beneath overhead cabinets.

Minimum height needed for your cutout

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator

Step 5: Add Some Breathing Room

Add a little space on all sides for proper ventilation so your refrigerator can cool things down without overheating.


Front: Make sure doors/drawers open without any obstructions
Back: Leave at least 1" between the back of your refrigerator and the wall
Sides: Leave at least ½" on all sides

Cabinet width for 36 inch refrigerator


It fits your needs and fits your space, but how’s it getting there? From your home entrance, through each hall and doorway, measure the width of those spaces to ensure the unit will make it through—especially if you have a large refrigerator.


Remove the doors for extra wiggle room. This can reduce the depth by around 6 inches depending on the model.


Once you’ve taken measurements of your space, reference the specs of the models you are interested in online or ask a sales associate in store. That way, you can determine if those refrigerator dimensions will be a good fit. The fridge sizes guide above represents a Maytag® french door refrigerator—but can be used as a good starting point for learning how to measure for any refrigerator style. Browse refrigerator styles from Maytag or find the best refrigerator for you. Looking for more appliance measuring tips? Our guide on stove dimensions can help you find a range that's right for your kitchen.

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Item added to the compare list, you can find it at the end of this page

How wide should a refrigerator cabinet be?

Standard refrigerator sizes range from around 24 to 40 inches in width, 62 to 72 inches in height and 29 to 36 inches in depth. Generally speaking, french door and side-by-side refrigerators will be larger in width and height, though counter-depth models are frequently available in these two configurations.

What size opening do you need for a 36 inch fridge?

1-9 of 9 Answers. The unit is 35 and 3/4 inches wide. If you're installing next to a wall, you'll need a minimum clearance of 3 and 3/4 inches for the door.

How wide should the cabinet above the refrigerator be?

12-inch cabinets are those you place above a fridge. Width- 12-36 inches. Standard width for a single or double door wall cabinet is generally available in widths from 9″ to 36″, we carry them in increments of 3″ (i.e., 9″, 12″, 15″).

What is the standard cabinet opening for a refrigerator?

The refrigerator opening must have minimum dimensions of 70" high x 36-1/8" wide x 24-1/2" deep as shown at right. If there is an overhead cabinet, allow 1" for cabinet door clearance with the top trim piece so the cabinet doors can be opened without hitting the top trim.