Can double pane windows be resealed

The windows of modern manufacturers can boast of a sufficiently long operational life, but it can be observed only in ideal conditions of operation of products. If you notice that the windows began to fog up, let the air through, then this is not a reason to think about replacing them. There may be a factory defect or failure of individual elements of the structure.

In any case, it is necessary to call the wizard and try to eliminate the malfunction. Double-glazed windows are the most vulnerable places of modern windows. They most often fail, and the reasons for this phenomenon can be many. Sometimes they break, crack due to mechanical stress, forcing us to think about the restoration work. It is extremely problematic to do them on your own, so you should use the services of specialized specialists.

Depressurized glass - what to do?

Determining that the glass pack is depressurized is easy enough. If condensation appears on windows, between glass panes when changing the time of day and the ambient temperature, this is a sure sign of a depressurization of the structure. If nothing is done, the window's service life will significantly decrease, mold and other unpleasant moments will start to appear, and it will be difficult to deal with them. If you do not want to be in such a situation, then from time to time you need to diagnose the state of window units, and all faults should be eliminated as quickly as possible. Depressurization of a glass unit may occur due to mechanical deformation of this part of the structure, as well as due to mechanical failure or expiration of the operational period. As you can see, the reasons are actually quite small, but in any case it will be important to restore the window, since its full replacement will require more substantial cash investments.

Practice shows that many modern companies that specialize in the manufacture, sale, installation and repair of windows, most often refuse to engage in the restoration of glass. The bottom line is that these jobs are labor and time consuming are comparable to buying and installing a new glass unit. It is for this reason that in most cases it is much easier to buy a new glass unit of suitable size, as well as call the masters to replace it. Modern double-glazed windows consist of two or more glasses, between which there is an inert gas. As soon as it disappears, the windows will immediately begin to mist over, and their operational period will begin to rapidly decline. It is because of this that you should contact the specialists immediately, because otherwise you will not have to wait long for the moment until you have to change the window block assembly.

It is quite possible to technically restore the tightness of a glass unit. To do this, it will need to be fully diagnosed, find the place of inert gas leakage and eliminate the defect. It happens that the sealant loses its properties; however, a crack in one of the glasses may also occur. In fact, it is also possible to replace glass. However, it is not advisable to carry out such repairs, as it will be much easier and cheaper to simply replace the glass unit in the collection. Often, people try to restore the tightness of a glass unit using their own resources, using various sealants, adhesives, adhesive tape and similar things. Thus, the situation can be improved, but only for a short time.

In the future, in any case, it will be necessary to use the help of experienced specialists who will replace the glass unit. In this situation, do not despair, because the price of such things, as well as their installation in the window frames is extremely small, so you do not have to deal with excessive costs, for which you were not previously ready. If you want to extend the life of your windows, then if you experience symptoms of depressurization of double-glazed windows, you should immediately contact a specialized company to provide you with a full range of services!

ARGO glass & windows can resealed double pane window

We specialize in lots of window services:

  • a rotten wood in windows
  • frame strong deformation
  • moisture coming to double-glazed windows
  • problems on your attempts to open or close window
  • loss of warm through frame gaps
  • paint exfoliates and color changes
  • foggy windows
  • window crack because of mechanical damage

Dual-pane windows provide an extra layer of insulation for your home. Manufacturers typically mount the two panes of glass parallel to each other with a rubberized seal or gasket holding the double-glass windows in place. As the window weathers, the seal can degrade, allowing moisture to get in between the glass panes. When this happens, you can replace the damaged seal. The most difficult part of the task may be finding an exact match for the old seal. A glass shop can help you locate the right seal for your window.

Removable Windows

  1. 1.

    Remove the window sash from the window frame. Depress the liner mechanism of double-hung windows on the top corners of the sash to release the sash from the frame. Twist the sash as you pull it out of the window frame to release it from the springs that hold the sash up when the window is open. Unscrew casement windows from their swing arms to release them. Have a helper hold the windows while you release them. Lift slider windows out of their track to remove them. Some models have nails or pins holding them in place. Cut the pins with a pair of pliers, or pull the nails with the claw of a hammer.

  2. 2.

    Remove the screws holding the sash frame together on one of the corners. Remove the screws from the corner diagonal to the first one. Do not take the entire sash frame apart. It’s too hard to get it square again. Set the screws in a safe location.

  3. 3.

    Pull the window sash away from the glass in the window. You might need to place a piece of scrap wood against the sash frame and tap it gently with a hammer to loosen it from the glass.

  4. 4.

    Pull off the old gasket. Take the gasket to the glass shop to purchase a new one.

  5. 5.

    Slide the new gasket around the edge of the window glass. Press the two sections of window sash back into place around the window gasket. Connect the two sections with their screws. Place a bead of silicone caulking in the corners of the sash to seal the gasket to the sash.

  6. 6.

    Return the sash to the window, reversing the steps you used to remove it.

Permanent Windows

  1. 1.

    Scrape off any remaining gasket on the inside of the window with a utility knife or putty knife. Ask a helper to support the glass so it doesn’t fall out of the sash while you are working on it.

  2. 2.

    Run a bead of clear silicone caulking around the perimeter of the glass to seal the window into the window frame.

  3. 3.

    Go outside and remove the gasket from the outside portion of the glass.

  4. 4.

    Add a bead of caulking to seal the outside perimeter of the window in place.

  5. 5.

    Touch up the window frame with paint or stain to match what is already on the frame.

    Things You Will Need

    • Screwdriver

    • Pliers

    • Hammer

    • Scrap wood

    • Silicone caulking

    • Caulk gun

    • Utility knife

    • Putty knife

    • Paint or stain

    • Paintbrush


    If the dual panes of glass have moisture between them, you might need to replace the glass as well as the gasket.


    Use caution when working with glass. It can break at any time.

Can you get moisture out of double pane windows?

Clean the Inside of a Double Pane Window Without Drilling Holes. Put a dehumidifier near the window and this might pull the moisture out. This will also help prevent mold. Purchase a water snake moisture absorber and lay this next to the window.

Can you replace just the glass in a double pane window?

The short answer is no, you can't. It's not possible to replace just one pane of a double pane window. The reason is because a double pane window is actually a sealed, insulated glass unit (IGU). In other words, the two panes are sealed together, often with an insulating gas filled in the airspace between the panes.

Can a double pane window be reglazed?

Reglazing windows involves removing one of the glass panes and replacing it with a new pane. In a typical older double-paned window, this can be done either on the inside or outside of the window. This is a common procedure done for broken windows that are not favorable for full replacement.

How do you fix moisture between window panes?

The following 5 tips can help you reduce and eliminate interior and exterior window condensation..
Open Your Windows. ... .
Apply Rain-X to the Exterior Glass Pane. ... .
Add a Dehumidifier to a Few Rooms. ... .
Increase Circulation. ... .
Up Your Thermostat..


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