Can I eat after dental cleaning

A funny phenomenon we’ve seen in our dental office is as soon as a patient has had their bi-annual dental cleaning, they immediately ask us how long they need to wait to eat.

It is an understandable concern. No one wants to undo the dental cleaning work but many people come into the office without eating for hours prior to the appointment.

There are a few factors which may influence when you should eat after your appointment. Check and see which of these apply to your particular case.

Carefully Eat Right After Dental Cleaning

You don’t have to wait for hours to eat after your dental cleaning. In fact, you don’t have to wait at all! That’s right, you can eat right after a dental cleaning. You just might not want to eat anything.

Dental cleaning can cause your teeth and gums to be sensitive. Very cold or very hot foods may be too intense for freshly cleaned teeth.

Fluoride Treatment Means You Should Wait

Okay, in most cases you can eat right after a dental cleaning. Except if you receive a fluoride treatment with your dental cleaning.

A fluoride treatment can help strengthen your teeth against decay, repairing the enamel on your teeth. To receive the most out of this treatment, you will need to wait 30 minutes after your dental cleaning to eat or drink. By waiting 30 minutes, the fluoride treatment has enough time to seal around your teeth.

While you can eat whatever you want after a dental cleaning, there may be some things you want to avoid. Some foods to avoid for a while after a cleaning are foods which are:

  • Sticky
  • Citruses
  • Spicy
  • Crunchy
  • Cold

Now, that may seem like you now have no food options. But the sensitivity of your teeth will calm down in a few hours and you can feel free to eat whatever you would like. Directly post-dental cleaning, some of the foods you should eat are:

  • Soft foods (applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, bananas, etc)
  • Soups
  • Hard-boiled eggs

Also, be sure you stay hydrated. You should avoid sugary drinks, as it can be harsh on your newly cleaned teeth. Water is the best choice, as it will not stain your teeth and hydrates you the best out of any liquids you could be drinking.

Here at Riverside Dental Care, we take pride in caring for our patients’ oral health. So whether you are coming in for your bi-annual cleaning or some cosmetic dentistry, you can be assured that you are in good hands.

Do you love that smooth, slippery feeling on your teeth when you walk out of your dental appointment? Many people are surprised by how quickly their fresh feeling teeth seem to transition into feeling that they’ve grown a fuzzy coat on them. This feeling is just a normal part of eating food and bacteria getting back to work on your teeth.

Following a routine dental cleaning, you can eat right after the cleaning. We don’t recommend a different diet after your regular dental cleaning in most cases. The one thing that we do suggest is that you follow a nutrient-dense diet as this will be most beneficial for the health of your mouth and body.

What Does A Nutrient-Dense Diet Consist Of?

While a nutrient- dense diet can vary from person to person, these are some general guidelines to get you on the right track:

  • Several servings of vegetables per day
  • Several servings of fruit per day
  • Low sugar dairy such as milk and yogurt
  • Healthy fats such as avocado and nuts
  • Clean protein such as chicken, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds

Can Foods Be Harmful To Oral Health?

It’s unnecessary to avoid all foods that are not listed on the nutrient-dense diet list to have good health. What is helpful, though, is to use moderation in your eating. Focus on eating as many nutrient-dense foods as you can throughout your day, and then when you enjoy a few of the not-so-healthy things, it’s not the end of the world for your health or your teeth.

Some foods and drinks that can be harmful to your oral health, especially when eaten routinely, include:

  • Sugary, acidic soda – can lead to more cavities
  • Sugary fruit or energy drinks – can lead to more cavities
  • Fruit snacks or other sticky sugar-filled snacks – can lead to more cavities
  • Popcorn – the husks can get stuck in and around gum tissue and cause problems
  • Processed foods – don’t contain the nutrients that your body and mouth need

You don’t need to avoid all the foods and drinks listed above. Being mindful of how often you are consuming these foods can go a long way to eating a balanced diet and giving your body the proper nutrition that it needs.

What About Food After A Deep Cleaning?

A deep cleaning is dental cleaning geared to reaching the deep pockets around your teeth. This cleaning is more involved than a routine cleaning and promotes healing for those experiencing gum disease.

This type of cleaning often requires local anesthesia. The numbness will likely last a few hours after the appointment. At this time, it is best to avoid eating because you will be at greater risk of biting your cheek or tongue.

Once the numbness wears off, stick to soft, nutrient-dense foods. For the first 24 hours, it is good to avoid sharp foods such as nuts or popcorn, which can get caught in the tissue area and hinder healing. For the first 48 hours, it is good to avoid acidic foods such as oranges and salsa. It is also good to avoid hot foods and beverages.

Some good examples of soft foods to eat after a deep cleaning include:

  • Applesauce
  • Yogurt
  • Warm soup
  • Bananas
  • Mashed potatoes

What Should I Avoid After A Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride varnish is commonly used in the dental office to help build up and strengthen your teeth. Once fluoride varnish is painted on your teeth, it will remain for the next 4-6 hours. In that time, you will want to avoid brushing and flossing but also avoid:

  • Hot food and beverages
  • Hard and crunchy foods
  • Products containing alcohol

Do You have any other questions or concerns regarding food and oral health? Reach out to us with your questions!

How soon after dental cleaning can I eat?

With a regular dental cleaning, you can go ahead and eat after the cleaning, unless you also received a fluoride treatment. If you received a fluoride treatment, you should wait 30 minutes before eating. The fluoride needs time for the treatment to take effect and for the fluoride to be absorbed into the teeth.

Are you supposed to eat after getting your teeth cleaned?

That's right, you can eat right after a dental cleaning. You just might not want to eat anything. Dental cleaning can cause your teeth and gums to be sensitive. Very cold or very hot foods may be too intense for freshly cleaned teeth.

What can you not eat after dental cleaning?

Acidic foods Any food or drink that is high in acid like tomatoes, citrus fruits, pickles, fruit juice and red wine are harsh on your mouth after a deep dental cleaning. Spicy and heavily seasoned foods may also cause your mouth some discomfort.

Can you eat food after a cleaning?

If your cleaning included a fluoride treatment or air polishing, you need to wait 30 minutes to eat. If you didn't have a fluoride treatment or air polishing, there's no need to wait. We do recommend avoiding foods that could stain or discolor your teeth for at least 6 hours after a cleaning.


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