Can you dye torches in Minecraft?

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  • #1 Feb 1, 2015


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    I have been searching for hours with no luck on how to change the light color of a torch in minecraft emits. The color of a torch in the present version of minecraft is more orange like, but the torch color in the alpha version's of minecraft are more greyish, which is what I prefer. But my problem is i cant seem to find a way a change the colors in Minecraft 1.8. If anyone know's how this can be done please tell me as the old lighting makes me feel like i'm playing minecraft in 2010 again.

    You will see the difference in color in the image's attached to this thread.


    • Minecraft New Lighting

    • Minecraft Old Lighting

  • #2 Feb 1, 2015


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    Without shaders or some other sort of modification, you cannot change the color a torch emits.

    BTW, this isn't really a suggestion.

  • #3 Feb 2, 2015


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    I'm actually quite fine with the new type of torch. And to what Ivya said, without shaders or perhaps even a resource/texture pack you can't change the colour a torch emits.

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  • #5 Feb 2, 2015


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    Isn't there a small image of a color scale in the texture files? Goes from very white, down to black, fading through orange.

    I know the day/night cycle is controlled by that. Unless I'm horribly mistaken.

  • #8 Feb 3, 2015


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    How about dyes to change the color of the torches.Place a torch and right click it with a dye.Tada!A colored torch!Or put the torch in a crafting table with the dye.Tada!A colored torch!

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  • #10 Feb 4, 2015


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    Yes, because a dye can change the colour of fire.

    And a dandelion can turn 2 cubic meters of wool yellow.

    Last edited by rayblon: Feb 4, 2015

  • #12 Feb 4, 2015


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    At least wool is something you can physically dye, unlike lit gas.

    Ionized metal salts(in short, metals that have been dunked in potent acid) can 'dye' fire. You should try it sometime.

    Last edited by rayblon: Feb 4, 2015

  • #14 Feb 4, 2015


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    You miss the point, good sir.

    We can use ores and stone to create colored fire.

  • #17 Feb 4, 2015


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    yes but not dye
    also how do you know I'm a male

    Don't post pictures of yourself on other websites if you don't want people to know 1. your name, 2. your gender, and 3. exactly what you look like.

    Yeah, google knows you.

    Back on topic, the OP may have been ill informed about the nature of coloring flames, but the idea he presented was no less usable.

    Last edited by rayblon: Feb 4, 2015

  • #18 Feb 4, 2015


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    yes but not dye
    also how do you know I'm a male

    This is the internet, you're assumed male until tits.

  • #20 Feb 5, 2015


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    Except OP didn't suggest anything, they were asking for help.

    Also dude, if you actually stalked me then congrats for wasting your time.

    In asking for help, though, an idea was created from it. This is the suggestions forum so im going to talk about suggestions in this thread. Me directing it at the op is just a force of habit.

    Google your username. It takes about 5 seconds. Hardly a waste to prove a point.

    Last edited by rayblon: Feb 5, 2015

  • #23 Feb 5, 2015


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    I answered your question, didn't I? If you really want me to call you a woman though, feel free to make that request.

    This conversation is done.

    Last edited by rayblon: Feb 5, 2015

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  • Minecraft Torch Color Lighting

How do you change the color of your torch in Minecraft?

Once players have created their respective Minecraft compounds, all they need to do is open a crafting table menu and place their compound of choice in the center slot of the grid while placing a torch below it. This will create one of the corresponding colored torches.

How do you make purple torches in Minecraft?

How To Make Purple Torch In Minecraft.
1x Torch..
1x Potassium Chloride..

How do you make a red torch in Minecraft?

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make a redstone torch, place 1 redstone dust and 1 stick in the 3x3 crafting grid.


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