Can you have royal twins in bitlife

This JUST happened to me! I was starting random lives and overriding them with another new life over and over again because I was bored and it popped up that I was a prince. I was about to reset it with a new life when I saw I was a twin! So now I’m keeping this life because I’m curious how it will play out lol

Part of playing BitLife is going through the process of growing up, finishing school, and having a family. While pursuing a particular career may not be a struggle for you, finding a partner and having children is a process in itself. Whether you’re trying to complete a challenge or spice up your playthrough, having twins is a great way to change your character’s life. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading to discover how to have twins in BitLife.

How to Have Twins in BitLife

Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed ways to have twins in the game. While certain methods increase your chances, it is mostly up to luck whether you have them. Despite this, there are three main ways to have twins in BitLife:

  • Have children naturally with your partner
  • Try Artificial Insemination
  • Get IVF, known in-game as in-vitro fertilization

Of these three options, naturally having children gives the lowest chance of having twins. Most of the time, you will have only one child, regardless of gender. However, it is not impossible through this method, and if you’re lucky, you may have twins on your first attempt. This is also the cheapest way to get twins out of the three options.

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Alternatively, pursuing either Artificial Insemination or IVF will depend on your relationship status and gender. Your character must be female to get Artificial Insemination. If you’re playing as a male character, you’ll instead have the option to donate. It is also an expensive procedure, so if your character isn’t wealthy, you may not be able to perform it more than once or twice throughout your life.

Your last option is to get IVF. Not only is this another expensive method, but you must also be in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, there’s a chance your partner will refuse to get IVF. While the chances of refusal are much lower in same-sex relationships, there’s still a possibility it’ll happen if your partner is not interested in having children.

If you’re playing as a female character, you’ll have to be aware of your age with any of these options. Once she reaches age 45, it becomes much more difficult to perform these procedures. Since you can only do them once a year, starting as soon as possible increases your chances of success. With this limit in mind, using any of the three methods early will help you have twins in BitLife.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS devices. If you’re interested in more BitLife content, check out our articles on How to Become a Billionaire and What Does a Prenup Do?

Credit: Candywriter, LLC

If you are trying to have twins in Bitlife, it, for the most part, is left to RNG as there is no way to increase your chances of having twins via normal pregnancy in the game.

That being said, there is of course, a better and surefire way to have twins, and it is through the IVF and Artificial Insemination activity. You can find both activities in the fertility tab in Bitlife. 

However, you will need to be a female character in order to use the artificial Insemination option. But on the other hand, the IVF option can be selected by both male and female characters, but you will be rejected if you are 50 years old.

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Using both IVF and Artificial Insemination will also have a higher chance of getting you, twins. So because of this, we recommend using the option at least once every year until it happens. You can also reset your results if they are not favorable by closing the game app on your phone and then restarting it. 

The trick to do this is at the moment when you get the prompt telling you the result. If the result it is bad, do not close the prompt or hit accept; instead, simply close the app and restart the game.

For more on Bitlife, check out How to Get Exiled In BitLife and How to buy and sell a car in Bitlife

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Is it possible to have twins on BitLife?

While it is not mandatory, it is possible for characters to have children in BitLife. In fact, characters can even have twins and triplets in this life sim game, and indeed some players may be interested in making that happen.

What country in BitLife can u always be royal?

Following the Royalty Update in September 2020, players can now become royalty! (Note: this feature is only available when playing as a character in Belgium, Denmark, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, UAE, or UK.)

Can you inherit royalty in BitLife?

While it is rare, there is a chance that the person you date will be part of the royal family. If your character is rich and famous, you will have a higher chance of finding someone who is royalty. This method is also not guaranteed, but you can attempt it numerous times until you succeed.

Can you be born a queen in BitLife?

To become Queen of England in BitLife, you have to make sure you are born as a princess to the current king & queen. If you have the “God Mode” enabled then this will be very easy to do. Or else you will need to keep restarting a new game as a female in England, till you get royalty by chance.


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