Can you install SSD without heatsink PS5?

(Pocket-lint) - The PlayStation 5 has been out for a while, now, and it's finally got a feature that was revealed before it came out - the ability to take on an additional internal M2 SSD for more quick storage.

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With about 825GB of SSD space out of the box, and only around 667GB of that actually accessible to gamers because of the OS taking up room, getting more space is something that plenty of people will be really keen on. It's not the simplest process but we're here to walk you through how to get it done.

1. Choose a compatible SSD

First up, you should know that only a select few SSDs are actually going to work with the PS5 internally - they need to be an M2 drive, and even more crucially they need to fit into the slot they're allocated to, with a heatsink attached.


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The most important factor here is size - make sure that you get a heatsink and SSD combination that won't exceed Sony's size requirements, as laid out in that detailed guide on its website.

1. Unpack your SSD and get your heatsink ready


Check which side of your SSD you'll be attaching your heatsink to - it's the side with the storage on, although if your SSD is double-sided you should just go with whichever has more storage areas. In the case of the Gammix S70 Blade, a sticker is attached to one side to stop you from accidentally installing the heatsink on there, which is handy (although it also needs to be peeled off before it goes in your console).

2. Peel off the adhesive sticker from your heatsink

Peeling back the sticker on your heatsink will expose the adhesive that will stick the component onto your SSD.


3. Attach the heatsink carefully to your SSD

From there it's a simple but precise matter of sticking the heatsink down onto the SSD gently but firmly. You can line up the notch in one end with the notch in your SSD to ensure that you'll be able to fix it in place in your PS5 when you come to install it.


Make sure that you align it straight, and you'll be all finished - the drive is now ready to be installed in your PS5, following the steps we outlined further up. So long as your heatsink is sized appropriately to fit into the expansion slot in your console, you'll be enjoying expanded storage very soon.

Writing by Max Freeman-Mills.

Can I use SSD without heatsink on PS5?

The short answer is yes. You can pick up a PS5 SSD without a heatsink. And you can also buy a heatsink separately if you prefer. Whichever SSD you end up choosing, it will definitely need to meet the requirements put out by Sony.

Can you use an SSD without a heatsink?

The vast majority of SSDs on the market do not need a Heatsink. And, many Motherboards will often come with a small heatsink to put on top of your M. 2 drives. NAND Flash is rated for fairly high temperatures, and the Controllers are rated even higher.

Why do PS5 SSDs need heatsink?

The PS5 requires a very fast SSD. Currently, SSDs that run at these kind of speeds require some kind of cooling. Someday, way in the future, this speed of SSD will probably “slow”, and there will be SSDs available at these speeds that run cool and don't need much cooling.


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