Community action agency sioux city iowa

The Community Action Agency of Siouxland provides stable, quality affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income families throughout the local community. Through the provision of public housing apartments and the management of Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, the Community Action Agency of Siouxland serves more than 50 low-income families and individuals, while supporting healthy communities.

The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of race, color, national origin, religion, familial status, gender, and disability. The Fair Housing Act ensures that all persons receive equal housing opportunity. For more information about the Fair Housing Act and your rights, go to Fair Housing Act.

Several programs are run by Community Action of Siouxland. The non-profit agency will try to arrange short term support while case managers partner with the client to help them exit poverty. Everything from short term housing to grants for paying heating bills or groceries from the George J. Williams Memorial Food Bank are provided.

CAAS Community Services provides applications for nearly all the programs run by the agency. It will also provide free information regarding a variety of services in Woodbury County, which may include the following:

WeCare is when CAAS employees contribute money. The goal is this program to help families they deem necessary. WeCare is a last-resort program, and is generally used only when all other funding sources are exhausted. Any assistance is not guaranteed and is based on availability as well as individual circumstances.

Woodbury County General Assistance is also run by Community Action Agency of Siouxland. This can offer financial aid or government grants. To receive support from General Assistance, a household must be at 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

The non-profit will also administer the ICARE Program for MidAmerican Energy. ICARE donations from MidAmerican customers as well as fund raisers help in Woodbury help less fortunate customers pay a portion of their heating bills.

A leading pantry in the area is the George J. Williams Memorial Food Bank. The Community Action Agency of Siouxland continues to see a steady increase in the need for food assistance. In response to the need, the location provides up to a three-day supply of nutritious groceries and related items to families who are in crisis.

To receive assistance from the George J. Williams Memorial Food Bank, clients must be able to prove their residency in Woodbury County. The staff will also encourage the person to make an appointment to apply for food assistance, but walk-ins can be accommodated. This service is available on an as-needed basis and is dependent on donations and availability.


The CAAS Transitional Housing Program offers short-term housing in affordable one, two, and three-bedroom rental units. This is a resource that is only for families who are working toward self-sufficiency with the Family Development Specialists. Rental units are located throughout Sioux City, and can accommodate as many as 12 at-risk or homeless individuals.

The program, also known as Crossroads Transitional Housing, offers clients a structured environment. It is for homeless women and children as well as single moms in Woodbury County. It includes shelter, food, hot meals, and tools to use in preparation for independent living. The safe, healing environment helps women set goals for accessing job training, education and long term gainful employment.

The Welcome Home Project is a new and innovative initiative that also tackles a housing issue. It combines transitional housing in safe, furnished surroundings with outreach services to help homeless Siouxland families get off the streets as soon as possible.

Other support is arranged to, as Welcome Home also provides clothing and free food to those who need it. Staff also offer workshops that give the client the opportunity to work toward becoming self-sufficient through one-on-one meetings with a family development specialist.

Existing shelter facilities that serve homeless families in metropolitan Sioux City are consistently at capacity, often leading to several days of delays for families in need of a place to stay. The Community Action Agency of Siouxland and their Welcome Home programs goal is to fill this need by giving qualifying families a place to sleep when the other facilities are full. Participation in FaDSS (see below) is also a part of our transitional housing programs.

The CAAS Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) receives funding from the Iowa Department of Human Rights as well as the federal government. The money is used to cover a portion of the primary home-heating costs of qualified low-income Iowa homeowners and renters. CAAS will accept LIHEAP applications from November 1 through April 30 each year.

Eligibility for a grant is limited. Participation is established according to the federal income guidelines listed below. Payments are subject to availability of funds, and will be disbursed on a first come, first served basis. To be eligible, a family must meet the following criteria. They need proof of Check stubs from the past 13 weeks, Rent receipt showing the landlord's name, address, and telephone number, Current Title XIX cards, Social Security statement or printout, Current heat and electric vendor bills and more.

The Family Development and Self-Sufficiency Program (FaDSS) takes an individualized approach in helping families end their dependency upon welfare. Case managers help the client break the cycle of poverty and gain self-sufficiency.


FaDSS specialists from Community Action Agency of Siouxland begin by helping to identify barriers and then working with the family to develop plans for eliminating those challenges and escaping the cycle of poverty. Clients of this service are referred to FaDSS through Promise Jobs and the Department of Human Services.

Job placement is from the Senior Community Service Employment Program. This is a resource that offers low income seniors in Plymouth, Lyon, Ida, Woodbury, Cherokee, Buena Vista and Sioux Counties training opportunities through paid temporary work assignments. The positions will be held with local nonprofit and government organizations.

Participants of the Community Action Agency of Siouxland service benefit in a variety of ways, including from having the opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job experience, serve the community as they gain extra income, and they also get the confidence needed to be successful when looking for permanent employment in the current job marketplace.

Program guidelines from CAAS call for an income that does not exceed 125 percent of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines, and participants must be at least 55 years of age. Partnering agencies include libraries, social service agencies, schools, hospitals, senior centers, museums, and so on.

Head Start is an early childhood developmental program for three and four-year-old. The student needs to be from low-income families. There are a number of Sioux City Iowa classrooms that provide a diverse population with a program consisting of activities that support social, emotional, academic and physical growth. In addition, Head Start staff members make will weekly in-home visits to clients in rural Woodbury County.

Income eligibility for the Head Start program is based on 100 percent of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines, with some allowances for higher-income families with special needs. Classroom hours vary from location to location.


Early Head Start, or EHS, is another option. This serves the families of infants and toddlers from birth to age three. The community action agency will also assist pregnant women. EHS supports healthy families by making weekly in-home visits.

Siouxland Angel Cars liberates and empowers single parents, including moms, who lack accessible and dependable transportation. The program from CAAS will work through the refurbishment, acceptance and distribution of donated autos to those who qualify. In addition to CAAS, current supporting partners of Siouxland Angel Cars include Sunnybrook Church, Meier Towing, and also Rocket Auto


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