Cybex gold sirona s sensorsafe reviews

Top critical review

3.0 out of 5 starsUnstable, not as safe/impressive as the marketing makes out

Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2020

The install is pretty easy, and the potential for this car seat to be THE car seat to win over the rest is high. Sadly 9/10 for ingenuity but 2/10 for execution. I have a tesla model 3, and the 'base' seems to fit securely, but the seat when locked into the base wobbles way to much.
Whilst it potentially could be ok, that much movement when driving will just loosen the straps over time and doesn't fill me with confidence.

The seat is soft, reliably heavy and for its size and weight easy to drop in to the seat and install.
The isofix / latch system is easy to attach (although use little loops to release them which present a possible risk of catching a loop and popping it loose without knowing).
I previously used the Uppababy Vesa base and this used push release clips that were much safer/had less chance of accidental release.

Once in place sliding the seat 'up' to its forward most position to allow access to the belt tension system. This was very easy to attach and tighten, then clamp down. You'll see in the video that part doesn't move as expected.

Pulling the leg out and extending it to the right length was a bit of a pain. Too long and it lifts the baby seat off the car seat making it wobble more. Too short and it doesn't provide the safety it should.

The seat itself is designed well, and looks comfortable. The shoulder straps can attach magnetically on the side of the baby seat which is useful when getting the baby in and out of the seat.

The sensor i haven't gotten round to using or testing yet due to the instability issues.

You'll see in the video the leg is set correctly and the back is super tight but there is a LOT of movement in the actual seat part. It wobbles inside its base too much. I'm not sure if this is a faulty unit I received, but is really not what I expected.

The mesa and Uppababy unit fixed very securely even though the base was only attached by the latch system / isofix and didn't have a leg.

My son is only 10 months but too tall for the uppababy car seat now, and there is a disappointing number of rotating car seats in the US compared to the UK.

Cybex doesn't have a phone number so Sadly I have to email or tweet them to find out if this is a known issue (if they provide any more info on this I'll update the review)....

UPDATE: Cybex reviewed this video and claims this amount of movement is normal. This may reassure some people, but sadly concerns me given this amount of play in the seat will inevitably cause things to loosen over time.

How long can you use CYBEX Sirona s?

For use from birth up to 65 lbs. From 4 - 65 lbs.

Does the CYBEX Sirona s come off the base?

HOW IS THE CYBEX SIRONA S INSTALLED? The Sirona S is quick and easy to install. The Sirona S does not come off the isofix base, making it heavy to move between cars as it weighs 15kg.

What is the difference between CYBEX platinum and gold?

The only difference is the colour. The collection of Gold has other colours than the collection Platinum or Silver.

Does the CYBEX Sirona have a handle?

Squeeze the handle at the bottom of the seat, then turn the seat into the upright position. Rotate the seat until the harness is facing the front of the vehicle until the lock indicator shows locked. Attach and secure the top tether. The Sirona S is now ready for a forward facing passenger.


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