Dead island riptide vs dead island

What riptide has that dead island doesn’t is a pushback action when you have a gun equipped, a few fool new weapons and blueprints, The Thunder from Downunder John Morgan, legendary Henry “not a dumbass like Jin” Boyle, and that weird jump kill thing.

But dead island is both longer and more varied in its locations. You have a resort, a city, a jungle, secret lab and a prison. All great locations except the jungle because it’s a lot of walking.

Due to the odd pacing and honestly dreadful map design of the first area (of two) in riptide, you’ll find an incredible gameplay loop in dead island 1.

Get the first one

I had both and the original is far better. Riptide was riddled with bugs,poorer combat mechanics and a very underwhelming location setting. The original was pure fun, had great combat and large, open areas to explore. Riptide also included this base defence aspect where you and the AI would defend against zombie hoards and it was embarrassingly crap as you could punch/kick through fences and enemies could walk through walls.

I'd actually skip both and buy Dying Light which is made by the same people, has a 4 player co-op campaign throughout and the gameplay is infinitely better. The difference between that and the original Dead Island is massive in terms of quality and it's definitely worth investing that little bit more for a more all-round title.

Personally i would choose dead island it has a much better story and combat.

I heard that dead island riptide has a lot of water that makes the game not so fun. Is this true?

Is there a ddead island demo?

I heard that dead island riptide has a lot of water that makes the game not so fun. Is this true?

Riptide is set on a fairly small island where you can ride boats in the narrow water channels. It's pretty uninspiring. he original is set on a larger area where you can drive cars to get around. There is also three different lands in the original game - the beach, the city and the forest which are all fairly big and varied.

I wouldn't even consider Riptide and you shouldn't buy it if you haven't played the original.

I don't believe there is a demo to either game though.

Well, looks like I might try the original then.

Dead Island: Riptide feels like an expansion to Dead Island. Plus, it wouldn't make much sense without playing the first.

Dead Island: Riptide feels like an expansion to Dead Island. Plus, it wouldn't make much sense without playing the first.

Is Dead Island more fun co-op than Riptide?

The co-op is exactly the same, though you get guns earlier on in Riptide. There are also some more zombie types, but Dead Island is still longer and has more varied environments.

dead island is definately better than rptide

Last edited by JEONG's made; 19 Feb, 2015 @ 9:14pm

Is anyone able to post a video of them playing free roam co-op? Thanks.

I would, but HumbleBundle is not tied to Steam. I will probably wait until a steam sale, but thanks anyway.

I would, but HumbleBundle is not tied to Steam. I will probably wait until a steam sale, but thanks anyway.

Yes it is. It's a Steam-endorsed reputable site that sells Steam keys with Valve approval. It's also a legitimate charity site which is fully supported by all publishers on Steam.

Last edited by J4MESOX4D; 21 Feb, 2015 @ 1:37am

Can you pay using your steam account wallet?


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