Determine where the shot came from boardwalk

This page is a guide for the Determine where the shot came from side quest in Disco Elysium! For information on others, please see the Side Quests page.

Note that Determine where the shot came from cannot be completed until near the very end of the game, but the first two parts must be completed before then.


In the course of the investigation, you must pass a Visual Calculus check on the window above Klaasje's room to find a bullet path. After confronting the mercenaries, Klaasje will indirectly help you out here and make the check easier if it hasn't been done already.

Your task is to look for bullet residue in three places. The first is at Land's End, the area reachable by going north along the narrow path between the church and the abanonded Feld R&D building. Near the northernmost tip, you'll come to a dilapidated tower. Just south of the tower, you'll get a blue orb over your head that lets you examine the shot.

Note that this is not an interactable object; only by standing in the right spot will the orb appear. Consult the screenshot below; while it's a bit zoomed in, notice the position of the three fallen beams just above the character and the rock he's standing beside.

The second shot (the boardwalk shot) is in the basement of the Feld R&D building. This cannot be accessed until you're ready to pursue the suspect; please see that page for details on getting into the building.

Once you're in the basement, equip your flashlight, then look at the far right area of the basement before the turn into the tunnels. A yellow orb should appear over your head if you have a decent Perception skill. Click this to reveal a new, small area just to the right of the wall. Walk into it and examine everything in there. When you examine the window near the ceiling, it'll clear the second part of the side quest.

The final site for a shot is on the island, which is beyond a point of no return for the story. Please see the Get to the island page for information.


Once you're on the island, the path is mostly linear. Exit out the first structure through its southeastern door. Then, explore around the eastern part of the island to find a dilapidated structure. Inside that dilapidated structure is a mattress that, once examined, will clear the quest.

For more side quest guides, please see the Side Quests page of the wiki. For information on the main plot quests, please see the Walkthrough page.

Up Next: Where is the rest of the armor

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In This Wiki Guide

This task continues from Get the whole story from Titus. On your way heading from the Whirling roof, have another look at the window. Pass a Visual Calculus 11 check to begin your examination of where the shot at the victim could've come from.

Kim will suggest looking for gunshot residue and sniper nests down the coast in order to rule other spots out, even if they are less likely than the roof itself.

  • The Land's End nest is found to the east of the boardwalk and church, near the water. Ask Kim about cigarette butts to earn 5 XP and 2 real. He'll rule this out as a theory.

  • The boardwalk nest is found when you uncover the secret entrances to the Feld building (Look for Ruby on the coast). Once inside, head downstairs to the bunker. In the south corner, with sufficient Perception you'll spot a crevice leading to a small room. In there is a high window; investigate it to conclude a sniper could not have done the job from there.
  • The island portion of this task is completed during Go to the island.

Once you're done, you'll earn 70 XP and be able to confront The Deserter with proof.

How do I check my boardwalk bullet traces?

The boardwalk traces aren't actually on the boardwalk, and you'll find them while following a different lead in the story. You won't be able to reach the island for a while, it's only accessible towards the end of the game.

How do you get into the Feld building?

In order to gain access to the Feld Building, players are required to pass two Shivers checks (Impossible 20). Remember that the more bonus side quests you complete in this area, the more bonus shivers points you'll earn to help pass the checks.

Where is the Feld building?

The Feld building is a derelict out near Land's End, surrounded by a defunct boardwalk, amusement park, and fish market. All of this was built by FELD, even the boardwalk.

How do I find my island Disco Elysium?

Once you check Klaasje's room and get the task to go to the island, head across the water lock to the Fishing Village and talk to Liliene the Net Picker, the dark-haired woman in yellow standing near the pier. Talk to her about her boat, and explain you need to get to the island.

Can you save Ruby Disco Elysium?

If you ignore the check, fail the check, or tell Ruby that you have to "follow protocol," then she'll kill herself, and you'll find a Nachtwey A80 Pepperbox Pistol on her corpse. If you pass the check and let Ruby go, then she'll flee the scene.


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