Did the snake bite the Little Prince

eTwinning Project "PLANET DIVERSITY", 2015-2016.
Theatrical play: written in collaboration, by pupils of D1 & D2 Primary Classes of Pentalofos. They used brainstorming and theatrical improvisation. They we inspired by the book by Antoine de Saint Exupery. Text Editing-translation in English: Maria Panousiadou

eTwinning Project "PLANET DIVERSITY", 2015-2016.
Theatrical play: written in collaboration, by pupils of D1 & D2 Primary Classes of Pentalofos. They used brainstorming and theatrical improvisation. They we inspired by the book by Antoine de Saint Exupery. Text Editing-translation in English: Maria Panousiadou



The Snake is a large dark blue Cobra with gold-yellow like eyes, which can turn into slit-like pupils according to his mood. When he is in his Original Form he has feather-like Scales on his back. In human form, he has short black hair, green eyes, he wears a blue sweater with white striped with a white collar, a blue pants with red lines on each side, a blue-red hat with coat of arms red of a star and a laurel wreath in gold on it, white socks with red striped.


In the past, the Snake was alone in the universe and he was at peace, as everything was calm until more planets began appearing. Since He was no longer alone and the light and noise became more and more unbearable, he decided to destroy the planets. The Snake would be considered the main antagonist of the serie. He is over 13,7 million years old.


He is insidious, clever and highly intelligent. The Snake can finding the darkness in a person's soul and twisting it to turn the person evil ,in order to bring unhappiness and chaos to each planet he comes across. He enjoys using people and having them help do her dirty work. However, he is shown to be fairly strong himself. He is annoyed when the Little Prince gets in his way and frequently tries to kill him, but no success. Though he wants to destroy other planets, he does so by manipulating people rather than getting he own hands dirty. The snake also has a good side too, but it rarely shows it. In "The Planet of the Rose": after the snake saw the rose die due to the algae and the little prince fell from a cliff, the snake saved him and laid the unconscious prince next to his dead rose and regretted that he could not protect the rose from her death. And for the first time in his life, he felt guilt. The snake ate the algae that had destroy this planet. Whether the snake wanted to kill itself with the deadly poison out of desperation or consciously decided to reverse the deadly effect of the algae on its surroundings by eating it and thus be able to save the rose even if it would have cost it its own life, is unclear. In fact, for the first time he honestly regretted destroying a planet. The poison of the alga made the snake unconscious but he survived the poisoning without permanent damage. There by the snake saved not only the roses that came to life again, but also the little prince, his companions and the planet.


Since it is a cobra, it has a strong poison that can kill a person in seconds with just one bite. But he is also quite strong physically, as he can wrap himself around his victims and strangle them without much effort. Also, he is able to smash gigantic rocks with ease. However, he does not use brute force when destroying planets, but makes use of his psychic manipulation skills to get the inhabitants of the planet to destroy their own planet with lies, promises, illusions and other mental tricks. In doing so, he makes use of his victim's weaknesses to manipulate and control his will. The snake is attracted by negative emotions much like moths are attracted to the light. He also commands an army of Darklings, misty, black creatures with orange-glowing pumpkin faces made up of pure dark thoughts. With just a twist of its body, he is able to simply dissipate objects into black smoke and destroy them. However, he showed this ability only once on baobabs. Another ability that the snake has only used once is the ability to freeze time. The surrounding area changes color to a light blue. How long he can use this time control at a stretch is unknown. The fact that the snake has only used this ability once so far is probably due to the enormous energy consumption, which is increasingly weakening it. When he gets angry ,his round pupils deform into narrow slits. He can also vibrate his large scales on his back when he is upset or excited. The resulting noise resembles the rattle of a rattlesnake. He is also able to dissolve into black mist and reappear in other places. His blood is black and, when injured, comes out of the wound as a black mist. He also have the capacity to transform himself into a black Smoke-monster and a human.


Light, In direct contact, this causes a painful burning sensation on his skin, which is equivalent to sunburn. This light sensitivity could be traced back to his former life in absolute darkness. However, the light doesn't seem to bother his eyes. Among other things, the snake reacts "allergic" to positive emotions (he starts to sneeze as soon as he perceives them) such as joy, mercy, kindness, laughter, love and others. The snake perceives this as "disgusting" and "repulsive", which usually causes it to disappear from the planet that it originally wanted to destroy. As an ancient being and an indispensable part of the universe, the serpent is immortal. However, since he was locked in the drawing pad, he lost his immortality. While this makes him vulnerable to physical attacks. But the damage must be significant to kill the snake as it still has very fast regeneration abilities. But his real weakness it's Rose, whenever she is in danger, Snake would to anything to save her, even destroy the algae he created to destroy the planet of the Rose to save her from her death.


The Little Prince: Two are arch enemies and despise each other. But unlike the snake, the little prince would never kill him. This can be seen clearly when, during a fight with him, the snake got caught in a field full of magnetized rocks and was trapped. (The stones attracted each other, pinched the snake that was in the middle of these magnetic stones and made it immobile) Due to the immense pressure of the attraction of the gigantic stones, the snake lost consciousness for a short time, but survived. The little prince (he was not aware at this point that the snake was still alive) watched the event with horror and then felt great sadness, regret and guilt that he had killed a living being (even if it was this snake). This was only reinforced by Fox, who said that he did not see any sign of life from the snake. He started to reproach himself and said that he saw the snake as a living being. Quote from the little prince to the Fox:"But he was a living being like you and me!". Even if the snake wants to get rid of the little prince, he seems to have some pity for him, as in the episode " New mission" the snake decides to not kill the little prince after look at him in the eyes for a while, showing that he has some empathy towars the little prince, even if he used the excuse of if he kills the little prince he will be bored without him because he doesn't want to admit his empathy toward the little prince. In the episode of "The planet of the rose" after the death of the Rose, Snake saves the little prince from fallling in the pit, and ask him to protect the rose. The little prince and the snake seems to be linked, as in "The planet of the rose" Snake said to the the little prince that they are both sides of the same coin. In the "New mission" when the fox and the rose free the snake from the little prince's notebook, the Little prince gets an heart attack in the same moment as the snake's round pupils deform into narrow slits. In " The planet of the rose" the same thing happen again, after the snake has eaten the algae who has killed rose to save her, his narrow slits deform into round slits and close his eyes at the same moment the little prince who was unconscious open his eyes saying "Snake" showing that there a bond between them. The little prince and the snake represent the ying and the yang, the light and the shadow, they represent the balance in the universe. Should the serpent ever be killed, it would upset the balance and dissolve the matter that holds the universe together. The end of the world.

The Rose: The snake is in love with the rose, but she is in love with the little prince and rejected him. He is jealous of the romance between the little prince and the rose. For Snake, Rose is the the only creature whose companion he can stand, he describes her as splendid, a such character and a such beauty after witnessed an argue between rose and fox fighting for the little prince's affection. After she decides to not follow Snake, he decides to challenge the little prince; if the little prince wins he will leave him, fox and rose in peace but if he wins he will take rose with him and destroy all the planets in the universe. After multiples fails of trying to destroy the planets, he decides to kidnap rose and bring her to his planet and try to convinces her to be his but without success. After the death of the rose, he is sad about his death saying that he didn't want to hurt her, he only wanted to be loved. He is aware of his feelings for her but refuses to admit especially when the little prince try to make him confess his feelings for rose. In " the planet of the rose" while the little prince and the others think that snake is dead after being trapped in a meteor, the snake transforms himself into a little boy named Louis so he can go with the little prince and his friends to go to the planet of the rose. During the travel he gets more close to rose as the rose treats him kindly but the realationship comes to an end after rose discovers that Louis is the snake. He plans to destroy the planet of the rose (as it was the first planet which is appeared in the universe), save Rose from the algae (which kills the roses and the crabs) and to live with her on a little planet which will call B613, but failed to save her as rose prefers to die than to be with snake. After her death, snake decides to eat the algae to save her after saying to her "Adieu my rose, you are the only creature that I have ever loved".Rose seems not to be aware about his feelings.

The Fox: He doesn't like the snake, but this is mutual because the snake finds the Fox "annoying". The Fox often insults the Snake as "earthworm" and similar names.


The bitter relationship between the Snake and the Little Prince is most likely based off the original snake from the novel.

The snake is older as the universe.

What did the snake do to the little prince?

Yikes. A dangerous fellow, indeed. So why doesn't he strike the prince? The snake explains that the prince moves him to pity because he is “so weak on this Earth made of granite” (17.27); but the snake offers to help the prince get to his planet if he someday grows too homesick.

What is the fox's Secret in the little prince?

The fox tells him a threefold secret: that only the heart can see clearly because the eyes miss what is important; that the time the prince has spent on his rose is what makes his rose so important; and that a person is forever responsible for what he has tamed.

What does the baobabs symbolize in the little prince?

Therefore, some see the baobabs as symbols of the everyday hurdles and obstacles in life that, if left unchecked, can choke and crush a person. This interpretation explains the narrator's statement that people wrestle with baobabs every day, often without even knowing it.

What does the boa constrictor mean in the little prince?

Advice #2: Don't swallow the elephant. Let the boa constrictor do that! No matter how big or small your dream is, go after it. No matter how big the objection you hear, ignore it. And never, ever take in the negative criticism you hear.


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