Do you need to play trails in the sky before cold steel 3?

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  1. Boards
  2. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
  3. Do you have to play the Sky and Crossbell games before Cold Steel 3?

Someguy1006 3 years ago#1

I'm replaying Cold Steel 1 and 2 since I got the PS4 versions on sale. Which has caused me to really want to play Cold Steel 3 when it comes out. However, I haven't played the Sky and Crossbell games.

I know that Sky and the Crossbell games are more heavily linked to Cold Steel 3 than 1 and 2. Will the game still make sense without playing them?

Are the aspects of Sky and Crossbell in Cold Steel 3 more like references or just adding context to certain scenes? Or will I be totally lost if I've not played them?

It's not like I don't want to play the Sky and Crossbell games eventually. It's just that I'm invested in the Cold Steel games right now so I don't want to have to play 5 games to understand Cold Steel 3 if I don't have to.

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Siegfriedl88 3 years ago#2

in should, but as long as you get around too playing em before CS4, you dont "have to"

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prototype_sky 3 years ago#3

It's not critical you'll be just missing specifics but references and some side quests story impact will be diminished because it's a continuation from previous games, but in terms of the main plot it won't be like skipping an episode of Game of Thrones.

Guruda 3 years ago#4

Yeah, you can get by in CS3 without them since several characters are on hand to explain the stuff that's most directly important to the current story (primarily Juna for Crossbell and returning characters Tita and Agate for Liberl) though you'll miss the full impact and various side references that aren't directly concerned with the main plot. It's highly recommended to get as much of the previous arcs in as possible before CS4 however, because Reasons.

Meganium7 3 years ago#5

you don't have to but the series isn't anything special to begin with if you're not going to go the extra mile to invest yourself into the entire thing as a whole


Browmkey 3 years ago#6

I say jump into the Sora and Zero/Ao games after you beat your first playthrough. And then play CS3 again with a new perspective after getting to know certain characters and their upbringings.

apathycat 3 years ago#7

Browmkey posted...

I say jump into the Sora and Zero/Ao games after you beat your first playthrough. And then play CS3 again with a new perspective after getting to know certain characters and their upbringings.

That is what I will do for Zero/Ao (I have already played Sora. This sounds like good advise to me.

sheridanmoviegu 3 years ago#8

Why do people treat playing Sky and Crossbell like it's some kind of chore? They're great games with great casts and stories. I can't ever understand why people wouldn't be happy with the news that there's more great games in the world. Yeah, if you treat them like work you won't enjoy them. Big shocker. Not sure why you'd cheat yourself out of some top tier jrpgs with that line of thinking, but I guess some people just don't get it.

Don't treat it like a requirement. Treat it like something fun, because it is. And when you experience that fun thing it will make the next fun thing even better. I honestly don't get the hangup with this.

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Siegfriedl88 3 years ago#9

sheridanmoviegu posted...

Why do people treat playing Sky and Crossbell like it's some kind of chore? They're great games with great casts and stories. I can't ever understand why people wouldn't be happy with the news that there's more great games in the world. Yeah, if you treat them like work you won't enjoy them. Big shocker. Not sure why you'd cheat yourself out of some top tier jrpgs with that line of thinking, but I guess some people just don't get it.

there is a reason I wont play Crossbell, but yea they are great games...even if sky is dated the story alone is enough too play it and i never liked the argument they dont have enough time, you know what then dont play rpgs

least TC wants too play them, but just wants too focus on cold steel 1st(cant fault that :p)

Playing Atm :SMT Digital Devil Saga(PS3),Funbag Fantasy 2(PC)

Renne_xv 3 years ago#10

It's highly recommended but not crucial to the understanding of Cold Steel's scope. You can play CS3 (not CS4) without them but as a previous poster said I'd recommend playing CS3 for a second time after Sky/Crossbell playthroughs to catch onto the plethora of emotional beats and references you will miss.

  1. Boards
  2. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
  3. Do you have to play the Sky and Crossbell games before Cold Steel 3?

Do you have to play Trails in the Sky before trails of cold steel?

No. You don't. The first Trails game, Trails in the Sky, was released in Japan in 2004 as part of Falcom's long-running Legend of Heroes RPG series. In fact the game's full title is Legend of Heroes VI: Trails in the Sky.

What should I play before Cold Steel 3?

You will enjoy Cold Steel III a thousand times more if you take your time and play through Sky and Crossbell first.

Can you play Trails of Cold Steel 3 first?

If you been following the Trail series, this game is no stranger. Although you can start on this game without prior knowledge on anything before because you can read everything about the past before you start the game. It is recommend you at least play Cold Steel 1 and 2 before this.

Do I need to play Trails in the Sky 3rd?

I won't try and argue that Trails in the Sky - the 3rd is a perfect game, but I will say that if you're a fan of JRPGs you absolutely need to play this game at least once. The 3rd is both a perfect send-off for Trails in the Sky, as well as a fantastic build-up for the titles to come.


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