Does a dead tooth need to be removed?

Filled with blood vessels and nerves, teeth are indeed living, and just like any other organ in your body, if the blood flow is cut off, they will die.

A tooth is ; enamel, dentin, and pulp.

The pulp is the filling on the inside which contains all the nerves and blood vessels. This living tissue is what keeps your teeth “alive” so to speak.

If there is damage to the small nerve fibres or blood vessels, then blood flow to the tooth can stop, and after that it won’t be long before the tooth “dies”.

A dead nerve in a tooth is sometimes referred to as a necrotic pulp or a pulpless tooth.

What causes a tooth to die?

There are two main reasons why a tooth might die; decay and trauma.

Tooth decay is something we are all familiar with.

We’re told from a young age to brush our teeth for this exact reason.

Decay may start on the outside of the tooth on the enamel, but if left untreated, it soon works its way into the pulp.

Once given the chance to reach the centre of the tooth, bacteria will start to grow. This will result in our white blood cells trying to fight off the infection, causing inflammation and severe toothache.

Unfortunately, your body can only fight off the infection for so long, and without treatment, the pressure inside the tooth will increase, cutting off the blood supply, starving the nerve, and killing the pulp.

With trauma, blood supply to the tooth also gets cut off, but for different reasons, usually from an impact, such as a sports injury, fall, or assault.

Both decay and trauma are different paths to the same destination; a dead tooth.

Symptoms of a dead tooth

A dead tooth isn’t as easy to spot as you might think.

While some have obvious symptoms, other may look and feel normal – for a while. This is why it is important to have regular appointments with your dentist.

If there are symptoms, they’ll usually come in two forms; pain and a change in colour.

The pain can come from the original infection, putting pressure on the nerve inside to the tooth. If this is the case, then it might still be possible to save the tooth if caught early enough.

If left too long, the pain might not even be from the tooth. Instead, an abscess may have formed, in which case it will be accompanied by swelling, a bad taste in your mouth, and a funny odour.

If it’s too late and you do have a dead tooth, then then it will often change colour. This is similar to bruising, as the red blood cells in the tooth are dying.

A dead tooth will often get darker, turning yellow, grey or black.

Treatment of a dead tooth

Some people might think, “well, if the tooth is already dead, why not leave it in there?” the answer is simple; it’s now a breeding ground for bacteria, and if left, things will only get worse.

There are two options when it comes to treatment of a dead tooth; a root canal, or remove the tooth altogether.

With a root canal, the tooth is hollowed out, cleaned of all infection, filled and sealed shut. This is the preferred option, as dentists don’t like pulling teeth unless absolutely necessary.

If a root canal is too little too late, then an extraction may be the only alternative. This is why early detection of an infection in a tooth is important. The sooner it’s treated, the more likely you are to keep your tooth.

How we can help with a dead tooth

If you have a toothache, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have dead tooth. However, it is important to get it checked out as soon as possible.

Ignoring a toothache is the first step to an infection, and then it’s all downhill from there.

We try our best to avoid tooth extraction, but if there are no other options available, then as one of the foremost leaders in advanced dental surgery, we can remove your tooth with the minimum of fuss, inconvenience, and pain.

Hopefully it won’t come to that, and the dead tooth can be treated with a root canal.

With our cutting-edge laser root canal treatment you’ll have less inflammation, swelling and discomfort, along with a reduced possibility of side effects from the procedure.

At our clinic, we strive to provide you with dental care that is innovative, comprehensive and comfortable in a safe and caring environment.

We do everything we can to make your dentist experience comfortable and relaxed, and to have a full understanding of what’s going on at every stage of treatment.

Contact our team today if you have any questions about the causes, symptoms, or treatments for a dead tooth.

A dead tooth is one that no longer has living nerves and tissue inside. Oral surgeons say nearly all non-vital teeth require professional treatment.

You might not experience any pain when a tooth dies. If that’s the case, you may be tempted to just leave it in place. Going that route is risky, however, as keeping non-vital teeth can lead to further oral health problems.

What Causes a Dead Tooth?

Trauma and decay are the two main causes of tooth death.

Sports injuries, falls and assaults often knock out the front teeth, severing the blood supply to their roots. Left untreated, the pulp dies.

Rampant tooth decay can also result in the pulp and nerve tissues dying off. When bacteria spread into the root cavity, the natural inflammatory response ends up adding pressure, which eventually cuts off the blood supply.

How Do You Spot a Dead Tooth?

Many people with dead teeth have no discomfort. For that reason, oral surgeons suggest keeping an eye out for discoloration. When a tooth darkens or turns yellow, gray or black, it means that blood cells inside are probably dying.

Why Can’t You Keep a Dead Tooth?

No matter how little pain you feel from a non-vital tooth — and no matter how little you care about the change in coloration — leaving the problem untreated is never a good idea.

The empty space inside dead teeth is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, the perfect setting for an infection. You could also end up with a painful abscess. With treatment, you can avoid both these issues.

How Is a Dead Tooth Treated?

The two main treatment options for dead teeth are root canals and extractions.

If a non-vital tooth is in relatively good condition, a root canal can clean, fill and seal off the empty space. In some cases, further cosmetic or structural treatment may be necessary to restore the tooth’s appearance and stability.

When a non-vital tooth has extensive decay or root resorption, extraction may be the only solution. After extraction, oral surgeons generally recommend a dental implant as a replacement. Dental implants not only fit, feel and function just like natural teeth, but they also help preserve jawbone health.

If you suspect you have a dead tooth, make an appointment with a local oral surgeon as soon as possible. For expert advice and compassionate care in the greater Salt Lake City area, turn to the professionals at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of Utah.

Dr. Partridge and Dr. Maxfield are highly skilled, board-certified oral surgeons with over a decade of experience serving patients in northern Utah. To schedule a consultation to discuss treatment for a dead tooth, contact our Cottonwood Heights, South Jordan or Tooele office today.

Can you leave a dead tooth in your mouth?

No matter how little pain you feel from a non-vital tooth — and no matter how little you care about the change in coloration — leaving the problem untreated is never a good idea. The empty space inside dead teeth is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, the perfect setting for an infection.

How long can you keep dead tooth?

A dead tooth can stay in your mouth for up to several days or months; however, keeping a dead tooth may lead to problems with your jaw and also result in the spreading of decay and bacteria to other teeth. Most dentists will recommend having the dead tooth extracted and replaced with a denture, bridge, or implant.

What happens if a decayed tooth is not removed?

An untreated cavity can lead to an infection in the tooth called a tooth abscess. Untreated tooth decay also destroys the inside of the tooth (pulp). This requires more extensive treatment, or possibly removal of the tooth.

Is it easier to remove a dead tooth?

Extracting or removing a tooth that has died is a relatively simple relatively painless form of treatment. You should expect to receive either local or general anesthesia for the procedure, depending on your preference or the recommendation of your dentist.


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