Does Chicco Fit2 fit in Bravo stroller?

  • Chicco Bravo LE Quick-Fold Stroller, Coal
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The Bravo LE stroller is compatible with the KeyFit35 car seat.

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The Bravo LE stroller is compatible with all KeyFit and Fit2 model car seats. The stroller includes the child's tray, which is needed to attach the car seat to the stroller.

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Please reference the product manual on our website, // , for instructions how to convert the stroller.

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The Bravo® stroller is designed for children up to 50 pounds. The Bravo stroller features a multi-position reclining seat for added comfort. Please contact our customer service center by phone at 1-877-424-4226 for further assistance . We are available Monday - Friday 8am -5pm Eastern time.

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Please call our customer service department at 1-877-424-4226 for assistance. We are available Monday through Friday from 8am – 5pm, Eastern Standard Time. One of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you.

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bravo Quick-Fold LE Stroller features a removable seat for easy transformation into a stylish frame carrier compatible with the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat, sold separately.

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The NextFit Zip car seat is not intended for Travel System. The Bravo LE Quick-Fold Stroller is compatible with the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat.

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Noe, it works with Chicco carseats

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Its comfortable and has good shade.

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If you’ve ever searched for baby products,  you’ve likely stumbled upon Chicco Baby Strollers And Car Seats . When choosing any item for my baby, It’s always comforting to shop with a company who has been around for years and carries a good reputation for safety and innovation. I want products that are dependable, durable, budget friendly, and stylish. That’s what Chicco brand offers parents. With over 60 years of experience, they’ve maintained a great reputation and that makes choosing things like Car Seats and Strollers easier for parents. So when Chicco asked if I’d be interested in receiving a couple of their products to review, I was more than happy to accept.

Chicco Bravo For 2 Stroller

I remember asking a mother of 6 if she thought going from one child to two was harder than going from two to three. Her response was that transitioning from two to three was harder because “a mom only has two hands”. Leading up to the birth of our third baby this was definitely on my mind. Thankfully our 6 year old listens well enough to verbal cues that he doesn’t require much hand holding or assistance when out and about. Our newly 3 year old, however, often needs a little assistance. So this Chicco Bravo For 2 Stroller was the perfect fit for our new family of 5. Dr. visits, shopping trips, walks to the park, etc…all made easier by providing not only a place for our new baby girl, but also a place for “big” brother to sit or stand for the ride. I think he liked that his special spot looked more like a big kid seat instead of a baby stroller.

What I Loved About The Chicco Bravo For 2 Stroller:

Easy To Push

Double strollers are great in theory, but can be quite daunting when it comes time to actually use them. I’ve used some strollers that felt too much like a workout to use. They can be big, bulky, and hard to maneuver. So on our first (walking) trip to the park with our new Chicco Stroller, I was encouraged at how easy it was to push and turn compared to our last double stroller. It’s ultra compact and feels similar to pushing a one seat stroller, which is also great for traveling and storing it when not in use.

Lay, Sit, Or Stand: So Many Options.

Kids (and mamas) love options. So I love that this double stroller has a sitting and standing option, along with an infant car seat option. The Bravo For 2 will accept a KeyFit® or Fit2® car seat. It’s as easy as pushing down the front seat, then placing the car seat down and listening for the click to know it’s safely installed into the stroller. This stroller is versatile and can grow with a family for years instead of being used for one stage of a child’s life and then being lost in the garage or given away. It can easily accommodate an infant up to a 40 lb child on each seat. So you’ll get plenty of use out of it.

This easily worked for our new baby girl and our 3 year old, but also worked well for our 3 and 6 year old boys. A great option for trips where we just have the older two boys. The stroller is also so lightweight that I could have easily worn baby and pushed two boys with this stroller. The standing option is also great for littles who want to walk some and can easily hop on and off with no assistance.

One Hand Fold And Self Standing

There’s nothing more frustrating after loading up and buckling all of your kids (possibly against their will) only to have to now engage in a struggle with your stroller to get it folded and in the car. Been there, done that, way too many times. I learned this lesson well with my first child. So I knew when choosing a double stroller I would need something that doesn’t make me lose my cool when having to load it up in the car.

Thankfully the Chicco Bravo For 2 comes with a one-hand, ultra-compact quick fold. Which is great for moms who typically are carrying something other than a stroller. This handle also easily activates the fold and simultaneously rotates the front wheels inward to keep the folded stroller standing on it own. One and done. Winning!!

Chicco Fit2 Car Seat

Now onto the car seat. Because double strollers are great, but not very useful if they can’t hold the new baby too. When looking for the car seat that will cradle my new baby on the way home from the hospital, my biggest priority is safety. Like most moms, I will google car seats for safety and reviews until I feel confident in my choice. This Chicco Fit2 Car Seat gets great ratings from whatever site you search. If there’s anyone I believe, it’s going to be other parents who are satisfied with their purchase.

What I Loved About The Fit2 Carseat

One Seat for Two Stages (Infant-Toddler)

An easy way to keep your infant and toddler safer is by keeping them rear-facing longer (at least until 2 years old). My favorite part about this seat is that it’s base is built to accommodate a rear-facing 4lb infant all the way up to a rear-facing 35 lb toddler. It has two stages and two positions to keep your baby reclined and protected and when switched will allow your toddler a more upright position along with more leg room.

Chicco has even started a new initiative to keep babies and toddlers safer called #TurnAfter2. Simply share a photo on social media with that hashtag to spread the word and help parents remember that rear-facing until 2 is safer and best. Not to mention buying one seat for two stages also saves money and time spent searching for another seat!

Easy To Assemble and Change

Another factor I loved is that this seat is designed with smart functionality that makes it the easy to install simply and securely, every time. It arrives completely put together, no need to add additional pieces or straps. Also, when it comes time to switch to a rear-facing toddler position, it can covert easily with one hand! Yay for less time changing up car seats- maybe use that time to clean up all the gold fish in and around the seat or find that missing sippy cup-ha?

Stylish Options

Now even though style isn’t at the top of my list for choosing baby gear, it still makes the list. Chicco offers chic colors and patterns so moms don’t have to choose between safe or stylish, they can have both. Their patterns and colors are timeless and fashion friendly. Not to mention it’s made in Italy with premium quality fabrics that will last. Oh and another bonus- machine washable! Moms everywhere know what a plus that is!

So there you have it, The Bravo For 2 Double Stroller is a great option for moms looking for a double stroller that will safely accommodate 4 lb babies (with infant seat) all the way up to 40 lb children. It’s compact size is perfect for saving space and energy. The Fit2 Car Seat is also the perfect addition that will safely and stylishly accommodate your child from infancy to toddlerhood. I would definitely recommend to place these products on your registry. It’s made going out and about with our new family of 5 so much easier!

What strollers are compatible with the Chicco Fit2 car seat?

Pretty Good Stroller Compatibility: Strollers with adapters available for Chicco brand car seats include Baby Jogger, Bob, Britax, Bugaboo, Chicco, Contours, Joovy, Mamas & Papas, Mountain Buggy, Phil & Ted's, Quinny, Stokke, and UPPAbaby.

Does Chicco KeyFit fit in Chicco Bravo stroller?

Chicco KeyFit 30 If you need a double stroller compatible with the Chicco KeyFit 30 then the Chicco Bravo For2 Standing/Sitting Double Stroller is the absolute best option for you. It fits perfectly with the KeyFit 30 and can accommodate two children at the same time.

What the difference between Chicco Bravo and Chicco Bravo Primo?

Compared to the original model, the Bravo Primo features premium details such as structured fabrics, breathable reversible seat liner, and an improved hood with an added zip-open mesh panel.


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