Does numbing cream affect the tattoo?

Tattoos are painful, but there is a way to relieve some of that discomfort. Several options can reduce the pain, including numbing creams. These creams are a popular choice, and you can find plenty of over-the-counter options. Tattoo numbing creams do work well for many people, and they are safe in most situations. However, there are a few things that you will want to know before adding these creams to your skin.

Does a Tattoo Numbing Cream Work?

In many cases, these numbing tattoo creams are effective and safe. Many people choose to use them because they make the experience more comfortable. These creams can even take out some of the anxiety of the tattooing process.

If you are interested in a numbing cream, you want to find a brand that has a high level of lidocaine. This ingredient will numb the skin and provide relief during the tattoo session.

Should You Use a Numbing Cream?

The decision to use a numbing cream is a personal choice. Some people see pain as part of the tattoo process. Others believe that you should be comfortable during the inking.

With that, you need to make the right choice based on your pain threshold and your body’s needs. A lower pain threshold means that some people cannot receive a tattoo without help from a numbing cream.

There is no correct answer to whether or not you should grab a numbing cream. Some physiological and biological factors can influence your decision, such as:

  • Medical conditions
  • Genetics
  • Chronic pain
  • Lack of sleep
  • Prior injuries
  • Anxiety, stress, or depression

Low pain tolerance is part of a person’s makeup, and there isn’t too much you can do to increase your pain threshold. However, you can use a numbing cream on your skin so that you are not left out of the experience of enjoying beautiful body art.

If you are concerned with the pain during the tattoo process, those topical anesthetics can make it a little more bearable. Many of these creams can just put your mind at ease and even keep away any anxious feelings during the tattoo process.

How Do Numbing Creams Work?

Many of these numbing creams should be applied before you get your tattoo. With certain active ingredients, these numbing agents reduce the pain.

Nerve Deadeners

Some of the most popular numbing creams include numbing agents called nerve deadeners. If you look at the ingredients, you will often find lidocaine on the package. These active ingredients are designed to stop nerves from receiving any pain signals. With that, there could be a temporary loss of sensation.

However, these creams will only numb the surface of the skin. When the tattoo needle punctures the skin, it passes through five epidermal layers into the upper dermis. If you use a cream that is not designated to penetrate those outer skin layers, you will feel some pain when the needle reaches those deeper layers.

Lidocaine does not work long on your skin. Within an hour or two, the cream will wear off. If you have a long tattooing session, you may have to reapply the cream throughout the inking.

Nerve Blockers

Some creams include ingredients known as nerve blockers. Benzocaine and tetracaine are some of the most common ingredients. While your nerves will register some of these sensations, those nerve signals are prevented from reaching your brain. These creams do not necessarily numb the pain, but they can dull the pain sensations. You can often use nerve blockers with nerve deadeners to reduce your feeling of discomfort.


There are some powerful pain reducers known as vasoconstrictors. However, these numbing agents are the most powerful and dangerous. They constrict your blood vessels to reduce swelling and bleeding at the tattoo site. These vasoconstrictors can be used with other anesthetics to prevent the body from absorbing them too quickly.

Some people use a combination of nerve deadeners, blockers, and vasoconstrictors. With that, you will have a long-lasting anesthetic, but there are health risks when you restrict the blood. These issues range from a lack of oxygen to a fast heart rate. In some cases, the person might not absorb the agent quickly, leading to toxic levels in the body.

When you are looking for a numbing cream for your tattoo session, there are several choices on the market. Before you make a decision, you might want to talk to your doctor. These medical professionals will review your medical history so that you can find the proper anesthetic for your body. There are plenty of Philadelphia tattoo shops that can help you find the right options for your skin.

Numbing Cream Risks

For the most part, numbing creams are safe. However, you need to follow all the directions on the cream’s packaging. These creams might seem harmless, but they can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if you do not use the cream as directed.

Along with that, these creams contain ingredients and preservatives that can cause an allergic reaction. You should always read the ingredients list to make sure you are not allergic to these creams. For those with sensitive skin, you might want to use a natural cream with few additives.

All numbing agents can carry some health risks. It is important to always check with your doctor or medical professional before spreading the cream on your skin. You want to make sure it can reduce pain and not cause any potential health issues for you.

Pain Relief Options for You

If you are concerned about getting inked for the first time, you don’t have to worry. While some people believe that you must experience pain for some ink, that is not true. Tattooing should not feel like a torture session. With these numbing creams, you can still enjoy body art without the pain.

Local Tattoo Shops Near Me

Whether you are a seasoned ink pro or an amateur, you can find Philadelphia’s best ink at Oracle Tattoo Gallery. With the help of our artists, we can bring your vision and designs to life on your skin. You can schedule a consultation by calling our shop at 215-638-1601.

Will tattoo numbing cream mess up a tattoo?

Answer to this is, that generally numbing creams do not effect tattoo but it also depends on the quality of the numbing cream you are using. The bottom line is that it means a quality product will ease the pain without interfering with the tattooing process or tattoo quality and that without any side effects.

Why you shouldn't use numbing cream for tattoos?

Keep in mind that some people do experience allergic reactions when using numbing creams, especially during tattooing. Sometimes the numbing cream can affect the tattoo artist's work, therefore, can affect the final tattooing outcome.

Is it OK to use numbing cream before a tattoo?

Use a topical numbing cream. It is no secret that tattoos are painful. If this is your first tattoo and you have a low pain tolerance, or you're getting tattooed on a painful spot, consider using Zensa Numbing Cream 30-40 minutes before your appointment. Do not take pain killers.

Does numbing cream affect the tattoo healing process?

Leaving the skin on longer than recommended can actually have the opposite effect, making your skin feel more uncomfortable as you begin your tattoo. Letting the cream stay on too long can also negatively impact the healing process.


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