Does oat milk go bad Reddit

It will easily last for a week, pretty sure I've kept it for 10 days before.

I'd like to add that it can go bad without necessarily smelling bad. I once found an opened bottle that was left out of the fridge for days, possibly weeks, in the heat, and it didn't smell or look bad, but the carton swelled up. So just be careful if you use the sniff test.

My guy. Have you been using oat milk for weeks!?

Note to everyone out there. When it comes to non dairy milks, the sell by date is if you don’t open it. Once opened most of those milks are only good 7-10 days.

I don’t know if this is different for the creamers. In case they put something in it to preserve it?

Edit: I too was a Nasty Boy like you guys but I had to start researching because my daughter can’t drink cows milk.

I never heard of any milk lasting 2 weeks in the fridge. Oat milk can be frozen and thawed, but the texture might be different. Maybe save some for smoothies or baking?

Oat milk is not that hard to make, either. Kind of a hassle, though, and not so fun to clean up after. Homemade oat milk lasts about five days.

Edit: The expiration date is for unopened product. After you open the milk, then the expiration date no longer applies because you've opened it and let in the bacteria that will cause the spoiling.

Hello everyone,

I've been looking for milk alternatives and out of all of them oat milk and almond milk are the ones i like best. The thing is though every time i buy oatmilk from Oatly it expires so fast! the last one i bought said it would be best by December 26th but it was smelling rotten and looking chunky within a week or 2 from when i purchased it in November? Are there any ways i can preserve my oat milk better or is that just the way it is? Please give me some tips or other tasty alternatives :)

Most of packed industrial food works in this way. Shelf life is longer than life after the product is opened.

That's because the air is usually removed from packaging and most of the time it gets replaced with other gasses (I'd search on the internet for details, as I am not an expert) that slow down the productions of naturally bacteria which will spoil the quality of the product or will turn it inedible.

Posted by3 years ago


I'm new to oat milk and wasn't sure how long it is still good for after you open it. I have been treating it like milk (about a week), but I don't have any basis for an informed opinion on how long the oat milk should last.

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level 1

I’ve drunk it a month after opening and it tasted fine. I’m not the smartest when it comes to this stuff though.

level 2

😂 you’re still here to talk about it, though!

level 1

1.5-2 weeks after opening. It’ll get a weird taste after that. You probably won’t get sick or anything but the taste will change. It’s more noticeable if the drink is majority oat milk. If you’re adding a small amount to coffee for example, it’s less noticeable

level 2

Just in coffee, so it should be fine

level 1

For the shelf stable one? I usually have it in my fridge for about a week.

level 2

I’m not sure if it’s shelf stable. It’s sold in the cold case.

level 1

i've made it up to about two weeks, it gets a weird texture when it starts to go bad. i've been told it gets a smell too but i actually don't have a sense of smell so i have no idea

level 1

I opened a container a week and a half ago. its still good today.

Posted by8 months ago


So I made my morning iced coffee today, and I opted for my oat milk instead of my Starbucks creamer because I wanted to use it up. What I didn’t notice, was that you’re supposed to consume the carton within 7 days. I’ve definitely had it for like 2 weeks. Am I going to get sick? Is my baby going to get sick? I’m 33w. I’m getting a little nervous!

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level 1

Oh you’re good, my almond milk and my oat milk stays good far past the expiration date. Since it’s not dairy, it doesn’t get sour. I do take a peek inside the carton before I shake it up, just in case. I’ve drank it 4 weeks past the date before and it’s till good. Currently drinking Oat milk that went bad 10 days ago and I’m 8 weeks 5 days pregnant!

level 2

The carton says it’s good until April but once opened it should be consumed within 7 days. I always went by the expiration date too

level 1

Oh jeez, I’ve never ever noticed that and I drank oat milk my whole pregnancy. I must have done this at least a dozen times. My baby was born on 12/26, he’s totally fine. If it didn’t smell weird, I suspect it’s ok.

level 1

I had brutal food poisoning when I was around 18 weeks that lasted 2 days and I was so nervous it had hurt the baby. The next day I met with my OB and she assured me everything was 100% fine. She said something along the lines of: "your placenta is a powerhouse at filtering the bad stuff out." I think you'll be fine!!

level 1

As long as your fridge is pretty cold and nothing tasted or smelled “off”, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. That “use within 7 days” guideline is typically more about quality than safety.

level 1

I’ve done that with my oat milk while pregnant, oops lol! But I’m totally fine and have a healthy baby! I think as long as it smells and tastes fine then you are good!

level 2

I never smell it! The rim was a little crusty but that happens with regular milk so I didn’t think anything of it. I’m scared to drink the rest of my iced coffee lmaooo. I don’t taste anything different tho!

level 1

I have never once finished my oat milk in a week. I keep drinking it until it’s gone. Done this for years and never had an issue. You’re fine.

level 1

I had a sip from the carton and by the taste it had clearly gone bad! I freaked out also but baby came out fine. If it didn’t taste bad it’s fine to drink

How do I know when oat milk is bad?

Oat milk that smells rancid (i.e., sour), moldy or weird in any way should be discarded. Step 3: Assess its appearance. Thoroughly shake the carton (you should always do this before using oat milk) and pour some in a glass. If it looks strange (i.e., congealed or separated) then there's a good chance it has spoiled.

Does oat milk actually expire?

Shelf-stable oat milk has a long shelf life and lasts for a few months past its best-by date. Refrigerated oat milk, on the other hand, keeps only for a week or so past its date. What is this? Once you open a carton or bottle, you should finish it within 7 to 10 days, depending on the brand.

Is it OK to drink oat milk after expiration date?

Expired oat milk can be safe to drink, but if you notice any kinds of molds, different colors or off-putting smells, then do not to consume. Use your senses to determine the freshness, quality and safety of the expired oat milk. If something looks or smells off, then don't even take a chance.


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