Does wheat bran have wheat germ?

Although they are similar in name, wheat bran and wheat germ are two entirely different ingredients. What might look like a single wheat kernel, can actually be viewed as three different entities.

The outer shell of the kernel is high in fiber and nutrients and is referred to as the bran. The middle part of the kernel is known as the germ. This part is rich in nutrients but actually serves as a seed and can be planted to grow more wheat. The final part of the kernel is also the largest. Known as the endosperm, this part of the kernel makes up almost 80% of the kernel and is mostly starch.

Wheat Bran

Like we mentioned before, wheat bran is the outer shell of the kernel. And while you might be thinking, “Gee, what can I do with a shell?”, we are here to tell you that there are actually many ways you can utilize wheat bran. Not only will using wheat bran give your goods a sweet and nutty flavoring, but wheat bran will also cover a portion of your daily recommended fiber intake.

This part of the kernel contains protein, nutrients, and minerals leaving you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

Wheat bran pairs well when used in:

  • Baked goods
  • Salads
  • Soups
  • Cereal

Wheat Germ

We like to think of wheat germ as the heart of the kernel. Located right in the middle of the kernel, wheat germ is the smallest part of the kernel, but the highest in minerals and vitamins. What makes this part of the kernel unique is its versatility. Wheat germ can be planted to sprout new wheat and can also be used as an anti-ager, a muscle developer, and a weight loss supporter.

Wheat germ pairs well when used in:

  • Baked goods
  • Granola
  • Cereal
  • Pancakes

Did you know you can grind your own wheat to use in baked goods? Check out our variety of grain mills to help with this task!

Do you have any unique ways that you like to use wheat bran or wheat germ? Let us know in the comments!

Both the wheat germ and the wheat bran are often by-products of milling when the intent is to produce white flour, mainly to improve the flour’s storage qualities or when a finer and smoother texture is needed in cooking and baking. They have carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and iron. The germ and the bran are removed due to their fat content which tends to oxidize and become rancid on storage. Separated from the endosperm, wheat germ and bran are used mainly as food additives in cooking and baking. They sometimes find their way to the livestock industry, where they are used as animal feeds.

Wheat germ and wheat bran are two different parts of the wheat grain, which is also sometimes called the wheat berry. These two parts, along with the endosperm (surrounding the germ), make up the kernel – or grain of the wheat plant. Wheat germ and wheat bran, and their differences are further discussed in the following.

What is Wheat Germ?

The germ, also called the embryo, is the reproductive part which would eventually germinate and grow if the grain is planted. It is the smallest part, making up only about 3% of the grain’s composition. Although mainly used in the food industry, as by-products of the milling process, the wheat germ, along with the germ of other cereal grains, may be used as a source from which vegetable oil is extracted. Despite its small size, the wheat germ is the most nutrient-dense part of a whole grain. It is richer in protein and packed with important nutrients including vitamin E, vitamin B1 (thiamin), minerals, as well as essential fatty acids and fatty alcohols. In terms of health benefits, the wheat germ can boost immunity due to its vitamin B content. It also promotes cardiovascular health and maintains ideal levels of cholesterol due to its lower fat content than most other types of food that come from plants. The vitamin E also serves as anti-oxidants which help fight free radicals that speed up aging.

What is Wheat Bran?

The bran is the hard, outer covering which serves to protect both the endosperm and the germ. It makes up about 14% of the whole grain’s composition. It promotes proper digestion, making it ideal for those suffering from constipation or loose bowel movement because of its high fiber content. The nutrients it provides include protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Due to its sweet taste, it is also an ideal additive in baked goods.

Difference between Wheat Germ and Wheat Bran


The germ is the reproductive part which would eventually germinate and grow if the grain is planted. On the other hand, the bran is the tough outer covering which serves to protect both the endosperm and the germ.


The germ is the smallest part, making up only about 3% of the grain’s composition while the bran makes up about 14% of the whole grain’s composition.

Other Uses

The wheat germ, along with the germ of other cereal grains, may be used as a source from which vegetable oil is extracted. The wheat bran, on the other hand, may also be used with other cereal brans as feeds in the livestock industry.

As an Additive

Being high in protein, wheat germ is typically added to smoothies, yogurt, casseroles, protein shakes, and other similar food items. As for wheat bran, due to its sweeter taste, is ideal as an additive in baked goods.

Taste and Texture

The wheat germ tastes nutty and has crunchy texture while the wheat bran is distinct in its sweet taste and flaky texture.

Health Benefits

In terms of health benefits, the wheat germ can boost immunity due to its vitamin B content. It also promotes cardiovascular health and maintains ideal levels of cholesterol due to its lower fat content than most other types of food that come from plants. The vitamin E also serves as anti-oxidants which help fight free radicals that speed up aging. Meanwhile, the wheat bran promotes proper digestion, making it ideal for those suffering from constipation or loose bowel movement because of its high fiber content.


The wheat germ is richer in protein and packed with important nutrients including vitamin E, vitamin B, and fatty alcohols. In comparison, the wheat bran is richer in fiber, three times that of the wheat germ and has more niacin.

Wheat Germ vs Wheat Bran

Summary of  Wheat Germ vs Wheat Bran

  • Both the wheat germ and the wheat bran are often by-products of milling when the intent is to produce white flour.
  • The germ, also called the embryo, is the reproductive part which would eventually germinate and grow if the grain is planted.
  • The bran is the hard, outer covering which serves to protect both the endosperm and the germ.
  • The wheat germ is smaller than the wheat bran.
  • Vegetable may be extracted from wheat germ while wheat bran may be fed to livestock.
  • The wheat germ is crunchy and mildly sweet while wheat bran is sweet, nutty, and flaky.
  • Wheat bran is mostly added to bread and cereals while wheat germ is a common additive to shakes, smoothies, and other kinds of food.
  • The wheat germ has generally more nutritional benefits than the wheat bran.

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Jean Brown is a Registered Psychologist, licensed professional teacher, and a freelance academic and creative writer. She has been teaching social science courses both in the undergrad and graduate levels. Jean has also been a research adviser and panel member in a number of psychology and special education paper presentations. Her certifications include TESOL (Tampa, Florida), Psychiatric Ward Practicum Certification, and Marker of Diploma Courses.


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Brown, g. (2019, October 18). Difference Between Wheat Germ and Wheat Bran. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. //
Brown, gene. "Difference Between Wheat Germ and Wheat Bran." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 18 October, 2019, //

Is wheat germ different from wheat bran?

The outer shell of the kernel is high in fiber and nutrients and is referred to as the bran. The middle part of the kernel is known as the germ. This part is rich in nutrients but actually serves as a seed and can be planted to grow more wheat.

Can wheat bran be substituted for wheat germ?

They come from the same plant, so you are sure that the flavor will not be any different. Wheat bran can replace wheat germ in pancakes, smoothies, and casseroles. But wheat bran is less flavorful than wheat germ. You might have to adjust other ingredients in your recipe to compensate for the loss of flavor.

What is wheat bran made of?

Wheat bran contains the outer layers of the wheat kernel and is composed mainly of insoluble AX, cellulose, starch, protein, β-glucan and lignin (Hemery et al., 2007). It is well known for its effects in increasing faecal bulk and reducing intestinal transit time.

Is bran and germ the same?

Grains are made up of three parts: bran, germ and endosperm. The bran is the outer shell that provides a rich source of fiber, trace minerals, phytochemicals and B vitamins. The germ nourishes the grain and is packed with antioxidants, the B vitamins and vitamin E. It is also a source of heart healthy unsaturated fats.


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