Electric blue Jack Dempsey male or female

  • #1

Hey there!

Fairly new to the hobby and have had this guy a while. 6 months or so. His or her name is Rocket. Awesome fish!

Can anyone here help me figure out if rather a boy or girl?

  • #2

Looks like a male to me. Pointed dorsal and anal fins. Nice spangles on the face; defined red edging on the dorsal fin.
Stunning Blue Jack.

  • #3

Awesome EBJD!

I’d guess male too - but totally a guess.

I can only tell when they spawn.

Great pics!

Where did you get him/her/it?

  • #4

Very exceptional ebjd!!

My vote is male too, but as others stated hard to tell, would be easier during breeding or interacting with other known sexed JDs

  • #5

Very nice!!! I agree with the others that it is very hard to determine the sex of the EBJD.

  • #6

Thanks all for the help!

I actually got him at PetCo of all places?! But he’s an amazing fish.

I really appreciate the help again, everyone.

  • #7

Thanks all for the help!

I actually got him at PetCo of all places?! But he’s an amazing fish.

I really appreciate the help again, everyone.

So just like that no answer you just say that it’s a he??? I just found out that I have a common/EBJD and that the spangles early on men male not female I am completely confused as I see all round looking fins yet now besides that tail fin are pointing as if they grew from round to a point and I am so confused as she had a name and I was not prepared to call her a he so now I’m seriously upset and confused

  • #8

The fins don’t always come in till later. On a lot of cichlids it isn’t the most reliable way either.
Venting typically is the most accurate.
For the head and lack of strong bearding, I’d say male on yours.

It is always weird when you get in the habit of calling a pet one gender and finding out it’s the other. I thought my crested gecko was a male for 2 years until I found eggs lol

I’ll tag

duanes - he’s very good with this sort of thing.

  • #9

The fins don’t always come in till later. On a lot of cichlids it isn’t the most reliable way either.
Venting typically is the most accurate.
For the head and lack of strong bearding, I’d say male on yours.

It is always weird when you get in the habit of calling a pet one gender and finding out it’s the other. I thought my crested gecko was a male for 2 years until I found eggs lol

I’ll tag

duanes - he’s very good with this sort of thing.

Ok thanks

!!!! Yea I even just started to transition to a my female name now it just doesn’t feel right to use either name now LOL
I’m like crap I just want to name my baby boy now I want to call him baby boy for now LOL
o well I will find something else I like!! But yea transitioning from She to He is going to be a tongue twister for a bit!!!

  • #10

Because EBJDs are a line bred/man induced color variant, none of the color differences used on normal JDs apply to them.
On normal JDs, if the jaw has a lot of blue, that's a good indication (although not always) that it is a female.
Less blué on the lower jaw male.
Although, if somewhere along the spawning line tree, EBJDs have been mixed and then remixed again, it may throw many things off.
And in a spawn of EBJDs there are often some with varying degrees of normal coloration, that are sold as either or
These days, with so many amateurs randomly crossing lines, sure things are less and less sure.

How can you tell if a electric blue Dempsey is male or female?

The most reliable way to tell male from female Jack Dempseys is to check their cheeks. Males have bluish spots directly behind their eyes, with no spots on the lower part near their mouth. Markings on females extend the full length of the cheek with large iridescent blotches on the lowest part of the cheek.

Can you breed Electric Blue Jack Dempsey?

These specimens were isolated and raised to maturity, at which time they were bred. The breeder found that while mating two blue Dempseys could produce all blue fry, they were very frail and practically impossible to raise, so he mated the blue fish to regular Jack Dempseys.

Are Electric Blue Jack Dempsey rare?

Though the Blue Dempsey is relatively easy to breed, it does take a considerable amount of time, luck, and a well designed aquarium set up, so these fish are rather rare and quite a bit more expensive than many other tropical fish, include the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's progentitor species, the Jack Dempsey.

How big do Electric Blue Jack Dempseys get?

This fish can attain a considerable size of up to 8 inches (20 cm), so most ornamental invertebrates will eventually be considered prey.


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