Epic games there was a socket error

Epic Games is a launcher that has a vast range of games including Fortnite, Rocket League, and Fall Guys. The launcher is known for providing free games every week for a limited time. Moreover, once you claim a game, you can download it whenever you want, and it is yours as long as you have your Epic Games account. However, sometimes you might face some errors such as ‘Socket Open Error’ which will not let you play or launch any game on Epic Games.

Most of the errors have an easy fix if you know how your computer system works as the fix requires you to open certain files and settings to get rid of them. In this guide, we will explain step by step how to fix the socket error of Epic Games, so you get done with it in no time and continue with your gaming.

What Is Socket Open Error

Socket Open Error

Before we get to the fix, let’s understand what it is and how the error appears so you may avoid it in the future. When two programs are running on a network, a socket creates two-way communication between them. When you are making a connection request on the port and server’s machine then the FTP server responds to the socket.

If the connection request is accepted by the server, then you can communicate with the server if your connection is accepted successfully. However, if there is no response either from your end or the server, a socket open error might occur.

7 Ways To Fix Socket Open Error On Epic Games

Epic Games

Now that you know the nature of the socket open error. You can see that the socket open error on Epic Games does not come from a single source of error. Rather, there can be a different reason that caused this error to occur in the first place. Therefore, there are different methods mentioned in the guide so if one does not work, try the other one.

Fix 1: Server Status of Epic Games

Server Status

This is the simplest fix; however, it can only occur when Epic Games is offline for its maintenance which happens at regular intervals. If it shows all four options as operational then it means that the server status of Epic Games is online and running. You can also check Epic Store’s Twitter account to see if there is an update or maintenance break scheduled.

Fix 2: Run as Administrator

Go to your desktop and right-click on the Epic Games icon which will show you a ‘run as administrator option. Click on that option and see if the Socket Open Error is gone. This fix skips the User Access Control (UAC) so you can bypass the restrictions set by it. It will also remove the socket open error on Epic Games.

Fix 3: Changing DNS Addresses

The internet service providers provide all their clients with a default DNS address which most players use while gaming. DNS also has servers; just like a game server goes down, a DNS server can also go down resulting in errors. You can change your DNS to a more commercial and available one such as Open DNS and Google. Login into Epic Games after doing it.

Also read: FIXED: Fall Guys Invite Not Working – PS4, PS5 & PC

How to Change DNS Address

If you are not a computer geek, then simply follow these steps.

  1. Open Control Panel and click on Network and Internet.
    Control Panel Window
  2. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
    Network and Sharing option
  3. When it opens, click on Change Adapter Settings which will be on the left.
    Change Adapter Settings
  4. Simply choose the network you want to configure
  5. Select the Networking Tab. Under “This connection uses the following items” you will see Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Click on the properties.
  6. Click on advance and then click on the DNS tab. If you see any IP address written over there, write that down so you can keep it as a backup. Remove it from the window after it.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Then click on “Use the following DNS server addresses.” Like step 6 if you find an IP address listed in the Preferred DNS Server or Alternate DNS server then write it down as a backup.
  9. Replace the IP addresses with these Google DNS Servers:
    1. IPv4: and/or
    2. IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and/or 2001:4860:4860::8844.
    3. IPv6-only: you can use Google Public DNS64 instead of the IPv6 addresses in the previous point.

Fix 4: Alternate Connection

If you have another internet device at home, then use it to see if the problem is with your internet server or the Epic Games’ server. If you don’t have another internet connection, then you can also use your mobile phone’s hotspot. If the launcher is working fine on an alternate connection then the issue is with your internet server, contact your internet service provider to fix the issue.

While you’re at it, consider reading: How To Fix Cities Skylines Not Enough Workers

Fix 5: Restart Router

It might sound simple but sometimes the servers are working fine, and you need to troubleshoot your network. By restarting your router, your connection will troubleshoot quickly as it will restart the route to your internet service provider (ISP) which will do the same with your connection to the Epic Games’ server.

Fix 6: Allowing Epic Games through Firewall

Sometimes it is neither Epic Games’ server nor your internet service provider causing the socket open error. Rather, it is your windows firewall. If that is the case, you need to add Epic Games to the exceptions list to allow it through the firewall.

If you don’t know how to allow Epic Games through the firewall, then follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Windows Security through a simple search or by windows tray.
    Open Windows Security
  2. Click on Firewall & network protection.
    Firewall & network protection
  3. Click on the Allow an app through the firewall option.
    Allow an app through the firewall option
  4. Click on change settings which will be on the top right.
    Change Settings Option
  5. The applications and features that you will see are the allowed apps and features. Search UnrealEngineLauncherProxy in the list.
  6. If you can’t find UnrealEngineLauncherProxy in the list then click on Allow another app.
    Allow Another App option
  7. Upon clicking it, another window will open where you will have to click on Browse.
  8. Select Epic Games Launcher and then simply click on the add option.
  9. Once the Epic Games Launcher is added, click on private and public options which will be next to UnrealEngineLauncherProxy which will be in the Allowed applications window.
  10. Click OK to save the changes.

Fix 7: Creating Xbox Account

If the error is occurring when you are using Xbox, use this method to fix the issue while signing into Epic Games. If you already have an account on Xbox, then check the credentials again.

If you have a Microsoft account, open Xbox Website. Once you log in, it will ask you to create an Xbox profile. It will also show you the instructions to create a profile, simply follow those steps.

Fix 8: Unlocking Network Ports

Your internet connection contains several network ports, if one of these ports gets blocked on your device then you cannot access the Epic Games Launcher anymore. Since this technique is sort of technical, we have divided this process into simple steps so you can do it easily.

  1. Click start.
  2. Type ‘cmd’ and once you see a command prompt open it. However, you can also press Windows+R which will open the run program, type cmd in it, and press enter.
  3. Type ‘ipconfig’ in the command prompt then press enter.
  4. If you see IPv4 and the Default Gateway, then note it down in case you need it in the future.

Once it is done, open the router settings on your browser.

  1. Open the web browser.
  2. Go to the address bar and enter the Default Gateway. Usually, the number for Default Gateway is, so try that.
  3. You will need to input your credentials to save the changes. The default ID and password are usually “admin.”

Fix 9: Whitelisting Domains

In case you are using the server of a college, university, or enterprise then you need to whitelist these following domains. This is because some public networks have set restrictions on most websites and applications, if you whitelist these links then you will be able to access Epic Games Launcher.

  • //account-public-service-prod03.ol.epicgames.com
  • //launcherwaitingroom-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com
  • //launcher-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com
  • //www.epicgames.com
  • //launcher-website-prod07.ol.epicgames.com
  • //tracking.epicgames.com
  • //accounts.launcher-website-prod07.ol.epicgames.com
  • //accounts.epicgames.com
  • //cdn1.unrealengine.com
  • //cdn2.unrealengine.com
  • //datarouter.ol.epicgames.com
  • //entitlement-public-service-prod08.ol.epicgames.com
  • //orderprocessor-public-service-ecomprod01.ol.epicgames.com
  • //catalog-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com
  • //friends-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com
  • //lightswitch-public-service-prod06.ol.epicgames.com
  • //accountportal-website-prod07.ol.epicgames.com
  • //ut-public-service-prod10.ol.epicgames.com
  • //epicgames-download1.akamaized.net
  • //download.epicgames.com
  • //download2.epicgames.com
  • //download3.epicgames.com
  • //download4.epicgames.com
  • //static-assets-prod.epicgames.com/static/
  • //store-site-backend-static.ak.epicgames.com
  • //store-content.ak.epicgames.com/api
  • //library-service.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com
  • //datastorage-public-service-liveegs.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com
  • //fastly-download.epicgames.com/
  • //store.epicgames.com
  • //launcher.store.epicgames.com

Fix 10: Editing Engine.ini file (Windows only)

If you edit the Engine.ini file, then it can change the speed of Epic Games Launcher and remove the Socket Open Error message. Follow these simple steps to edit the file.

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Search %localappdata% then open it.
  3. You will see a folder named “EpicGamesLauncher,” open it.
  4. Click on the ‘saved’ folder.
  5. Then open the ‘Config.’ folder
  6. Click on the ‘Windows’ folder.
  7. Now open the ‘Engine.ini’ folder and add the following:
    [HTTP] HttpTimeout=10

[Portal.BuildPatch] ChunkDownloads=3


After typing these lines, save and close the file. We recommend you restart your computer so changes can be applied. Once you have restarted the computer, launch the Epic Games Store.

Fix 11: Reinstalling Network Adapters

It is possible that your adapter is outdated and that is the reason you are having a socket open error on Epic Games. If that is the case, you will need to reinstall all your network adapters on the computer. Through this fix, all the corrupt network adapters that slow down the internet will be uninstalled. Follow these steps to reinstall the network adapters:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Search Device Manager then press enter. You can also press Windows+X where you will see the Device Manager option.
  3. Right-click on ‘Network Adapters’ and then select uninstall the device. This will remove the device from the Windows networking environment.
  4. Once the network adapters are uninstalled successfully, restart your computer.
  5. Now install the network adapters once again.
  6. Launch Epic Games.

Fix 12: Disable Proxy Servers and VPN

Check if you have activated a VPN or Proxy server which is causing a socket open error on Epic Games. We recommend you disable any third-party software that you are using which might affect your internet server or your IP address as it will block your access to the Epic Games Store.


All in all, it can be difficult to properly diagnose what is causing the socket open error on Epic Games. However, we recommend you try quick fixes mentioned in this guide first such as using run as administrator and alternate connection. If they don’t work out, then go for the bigger fixes such as firewall and DNS server.

However, if none of this works out or if you feel like you don’t have enough time. Then you always have the option of reinstalling the Epic Games launcher. Try again after reinstalling and chances are it will work. This usually happens because sometimes either you delete an important file from Epic Server, or your Windows Security considers an important file to be a threat and decides to terminate it.

Epic Games is currently offering Hood: Outlaws & Legends, Iratus: Lord of the Dead, and Geneforge 1: Mutagen till July 7, 2022. If you want to play Killing Floor 2 and Ancient Enemy then wait for July 7, 2022, as they will be available till July 14, 2022.

That is all from our side, this guide will fix your socket open error in no time on Epic Games so you can continue with your gaming.

Next: Overwatch 2 Beta Login Error [FIXED]

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How do you fix sorry there was a socket open?

The error indicates Sorry There Was A Socket Open while logging into Epic Games Launcher..
Check Server Status. ... .
Run Epic Games As Administrator. ... .
Check Your Network connection. ... .
Power Cycle Your Router/Modem. ... .
Allow Epic Games Through Firewall. ... .
Try Google DNS. ... .
Reset Network Settings. ... .
Reinstall Network Adapters..

What does sorry there was a socket open error mean?

When a computer user checks emails or uses instant messaging or a peer-to-peer (P2P) program, he or she is opening a socket and connecting to another computer or server. A socket error is when there is a problem with the user's computer or the other computer or server while making this connection.


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