Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion is the same as simple diffusion


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Preparation for Physiology Assessment

What is Simple Diffusion? The diffusion of solute particles dissolved in water through a selectively permeable membrane
The Driving force for diffusion is? The kinetic energy of the molecules in motion
The reason NaCl did not diffuse to the right side was because.. The membrane pore size was too small
The rate of diffusion for urea compared to NaCl is... Slower than that for sodium b/c urea is a larger molecule
Describe 2 variables that affect the rate of diffusion Molecule size & concentration gradient
Put the following in order from smallest to largest molecular weight: glucose, sodium chloride, albumin, and urea. Sodium chloride < urea < glucose < albumin
The purpose of increasing the concentration of NaCl from 9 to 18 was to.. Increase the rate of diffusion
How does the concentration affect the rate of facilitated diffusion? The greater the concentration difference b/w one side of the membrane & the other, the greater the rate of facilitated diffusion
How does the number of proteins affect the rate of facilitated diffusion?
How do transport proteins become saturated? If too much solute is present & the max transport rate is increased
Why do some solutes require carrier proteins through pass through a membrane? Size/Solubility limitations
What does facilitated diffusion rely on? Carrier Proteins
Examples of solutes that may require facilitated diffusion are glucose, sodium & potassium
What would not affect the rate of facilitated diffusion? The amount of intracellular ATP
What variables increased the rate of glucose? increased concentration of glucose & increased number of membrane carriers
Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion is the same as simple diffusion Same: they both transport molecules along or down the concentration gradient of the solute and tdo not require energy from an outside source.
Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion differs from simple diffusion Difference: facilitated diffusion requires a membrane bound carrier protein to aid in the transportation of a molecule across the membrane. simple diffusion occurs WITHOUT the assistance of membrane proteins.
Na+ Cl- had no effect on glucose transport because sodium is not required for glucose transport in the simulation
The larger value obtained when more glucose carriers were present corresponds to an increase in the rate of glucose transport. Explain why the rate increased The rate of glucose transportation increased when more glucose carriers were present, since more glucose molecules could bind to the glucose carriers present. This resulted in an increase number of glucose molecules to cross the membrane.
Simple diffusion is directly proportional to... (3) Membrane permeability, concentration gradient & membrane surface area
Simple diffusion is inversely proportional to... (1) membrane thickness

What is one similarity and one difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

2. Machinery requirements: As simple diffusion is passive, it requires no extra machinery. For both facilitated diffusion and active transport, transmembrane proteins are required. For facilitated diffusion, carrier proteins or channel proteins are used.

How are simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion related?

Simple diffusion can only move material in the direction of a concentration gradient; facilitated diffusion moves materials with and against a concentration gradient.

What is facilitated diffusion How is it different from simple diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion requires membrane proteins to transport biological molecules. Simple diffusion is one that occurs unassisted by membrane proteins. Since membrane proteins are needed for transport in facilitated diffusion, the effect of temperature is often more pronounced than in simple diffusion.


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