Eyes blue like the atlantic~ in all the different eye colors

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Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic (In All The Different Eye Colors)

Mariana Aguerra

Eyes blue like the atlantic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes brown, dark and romantic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes red, vast and volcanic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes pink, gentle and charming
And I'm going down like the Titanic

Eyes grey, soft and metalic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes amber, warm and dramatic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes green, quite and enchantment
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes hazel, sweet and dynamic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes black, mysterious and magic
And I'm going down like the Titanic

Eyes gold, bright and majestic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes purple, deep and galactic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes white, calm and angelic
And I'm going down like the Titanic

Eyes orange, fierce and electric
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes teal, pure and aesthetic
And I'm going down like the Titanic
Eyes rainbow, proud and fantastic
And I'm going down like the Titanic

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What is the rarest eye color type?

At some point, you've probably wondered what the rarest eye color is. The answer is green, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Only about 2 percent of the world's population sport this shade.

What is the rarest unnatural eye color?

Of those four, green is the rarest. It shows up in about 9% of Americans but only 2% of the world's population. Hazel/amber is the next rarest of these. ... Gray: The Rarest Eye Color..

What is the song that goes like eyes blue like the Atlantic?

Sista Prod - Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic, Pt.

Which blue eyes are the rarest?

Violet eyes are even rarer, but they're a bit misleading; someone with “violet” irises is usually sporting a special shade of blue.


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