Fallout New Vegas can t start game

While getting my mods setup and ready, Windows did an update. After I finished downloading everything, got my load order setup and everything, I figured I'd reboot and let the updates install.

Right after that, I'm getting errors of a missing MSVC and MSVR file. I've reinstalled all my redistributables and directX. I tried to install Framework again too, bit I have the latest and it wasn't willing to re-install it.

I unloaded all mods, rebooted, same issue. Uninstalled FNV. Reinstalled it, it sought to repair 3 of the redistribs, I let it. Still the same issue.

I tried running as admin, and in win7 compatibility. No change. I tried with and without NVSE, I tried the launcher by itself, same issue.

I copied the .dlls it wanted into the directory, and then it just spit out a new (memory address) error and still failed.

My FO3 GOTY edition works just fine. I haven't found an issue with any other game right now (but I don't have too many installed either---still, I tested several others and they all work).

I can paste screenshots of the various error windows as needed. The only change I can think of is the Win10 update that came out yesterday.

I'm hoping someone can help out. I have my mods downloaded so it should at least be a quick install, but I'd obviously need to remodify my inis. Still, it's not even launching, either the launcher or .exe so I can't actually do any of that. I do not think it's a mod issue, as if it was the game would at least launch and I could check conflicts, this appears to be some sort of fatal system issue.

Have you tried moving your saves to another folder? Since you're starting a new game and all, it doesn't matter if you have saves already or not, right?

Don't worry; your manhood will be safe even if one of the PCs in the next game wears pink. Get over it. - EvenSpoonier

How do I get Fallout: New Vegas to work on Windows 10?

Set Steam Compatibility.
Right-click on the Steam Icon on your Desktop choose Properties,.
Click the Compatibility Tab and make sure the box under Compatibility Mode is not checked..
Close out Steam entirely..
Open Steam again and attempt to load the game..

Why does Fallout: New Vegas crash on startup?

One of the most common causes is incompatibility issues. In addition, outdated graphics card driver and improper game mode can trigger Fallout New Vegas crashing on startup.

Does Fallout: New Vegas work on Windows 11?

You're going to need to set compatibility with Windows 7. Windows 11 is all that and a bag of chips (or not) but the game simply wasn't designed for it.

Why is my Fallout: New Vegas stuck on loading screen?

The workaround is to start a New Game, skip the cutscenes and load your desired save file as soon as you wake up at Doc's. The fix is to navigate to "Documents\My Games\Fallout New Vegas\" and right-click the Saves folder and open properties. Uncheck the Read-Only checkbox and click OK.


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