Family guy old man sings to chris

"Somewhere That's Green" is a song that was part of the musical score for the off-Broadway & Broadway stage musical and later, film adaptation of Little Shop of Horrors. The song is performed by the musical's main female protagonist, Audrey Fulquard, after she realizes she has strong feelings for her co-worker, Seymour Krelborn. Audrey sings about marrying Seymour and finally settling down in the family life she had long desired.

The song was featured in "The Courtship of Stewie's Father", here performed by Herbert. Herbert fills the role of Audrey, and the song is his attempt to paint himself as a sympathetic character: a lonely man who is nearing the end of his life without ever having a meaningful relationship, and believing he's on the cusp of Chris filling that long-standing void. Herbert sings glowingly about Chris, in the same manner as Audrey did about Seymour in the original.

A series of clips, with Herbert cast as Audrey and Chris as Seymour, and played out in similar fashion as in Little Shop of Horrors accompany the song. The clips also feature two children who look just like Herbert and Chris.

What episode of Family Guy does Herbert sings to Chris?

Somewhere That's Green.

What song does Herbert sing to Chris?

The song Herbert is singing when dreaming of living with Chris is the song "Somewhere That's Green" from the musical Little Shop of Horrors.

Who is the old man that likes Chris in Family Guy?

Herbert is an elderly neighbor of the Griffin family who first appeared in the season 3 episode "To Love and Die in Dixie". A pedohebephile who is attracted to young boys, he harbors unrequited love for Chris Griffin.


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