Field events in athletics include jumping and


Source: US Air Force

Like running races, jumping competitions seems to be part of our DNA from the time we are kids. We like to see how high and far we can jump and who can do it best. There are four main track and field jumping events. Here is a description of each:

High Jump

In the high jump event, the athlete gets a running start and must jump over a bar without knocking it over. They land on a big soft cushion. Like many track and field events, there is a key element to doing well in this sport, which in this case is being able to jump high, but technique is very important as well. Timing and leaving your feet at the right point as well as how you bend your body as you go over the bar are all important.

There have been many techniques used for high jumping over the years, but the current, and most successful, is called the Fosbury Flop. The Fosbury Flop technique involves leading with your head over the bar (vs. leading with your feet) and twisting such that your back is to the ground and closest the bar as you go over it. Jumpers then land on their back.

Long Jump

Like many field events, the long jump involves more skill and technique than just being able to jump. First the athlete must have good speed as they sprint down the runway to prepare for the jump; next they must have very good footwork at the end of their run so they can launch as close to the line as possible without going over the line and faulting; third they must make a good jump; and lastly they must have proper form through the air and into the landing. All of these techniques and skills must be executed to perfection to pull of a good long jump.

The long jump has been a popular track and field event since the Ancient Greece Olympics. The current men's world record is 29.4 feet by Mike Powell. That's one loooong jump!

Pole Vault

While all of the field events take require technique to excel, the pole vault may be the toughest to master. In this track and field event, the athlete runs down the track holding a pole at one end. At the end of the run the plant the far in of the pole into a metal box in ground and then propel themselves up and over a high bar using both a jump and the spring of the pole to gain height. They must get over the bar without knocking it off. They then land on a large soft mattress for safety. The world record for the pole vault is over 6m (over 20 feet!) and is held by Sergey Bubka, probably the greatest pole vault athlete ever.

Triple Jump

The triple jump is similar to the long jump, but there are three combined jumps that go into the total length. These are called the hop, the step, and the jump. The athlete will first run down the track gaining speed; at the start of the jump or take off point they will jump from one foot and land on that same foot (hop); they then jump again, this time landing on the opposite foot (step); next they jump as far as they can and land on both feet (jump).

Running Events
Jumping Events
Throwing Events
Track and Field Meets
Track and Field Glossary and Terms

Jesse Owens
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
Usain Bolt
Carl Lewis
Kenenisa Bekele

Field events are events that require jumping and throwing on the field except games. This events can be grouped into the two:

  • The jumps
  • The throws

The throws:  Throws are all events that involve the throwing of some implement for distance. These implements are called missiles. Examples of athletic missiles are :

  • Shot put
  • Discus
  • The hammer
  • The javelin

The missiles are thrown or put within a specific circle and must land within a demarcated landing sector to make a good throw. A competitor is allowed three throws and the best is used to place him.

The Jumps

These are events that involve jumping for height over a raised object or jumping for distance from a marked spot on a flat surface into a demarcated pit. There are two types of jumps;

  • The vertical jumps are jumps for height
  • Horizontal jumps are jumps for distance
Vertical jumps  Horizontal jumps
·         High jump·         Pole vault   ·         Long jump·         Triple jump

Division of field events                Examples events

Jumps/ jumping events               Triple jump / hop



High jump

Triple jump

Throws/throwing events

Examples of events:


Shot put



 *the run way and landing pit

The ways of starting races

There are two popular ways of starting races. There are:

  • The standing start
  • The crouch start

The standing start

The standing starts are used to start middle long distant races.

Example of middle and long distant races are :

  • 800m;
  • 1500m:
  • 3000m;
  • 5000m;
  • 10000m;
  • Marathons


  • Competitions are placed on the assembly line 3m behind the starting line.
  • Runners are moved forward to stand behind beyond a curved starting line on the track.
  • Runners bend forward a little, right or left leg leading.
  • Right or left arm slightly forward
  • When competitors are still/ motionless
  • The command of go, clap or shot of gun is given, for the runners to takeoff.

The assembly line

  • The line is situated 3m behind the starting line
  • It is the line where the marksman places the competitors before moving the starting line.

The crouch start

The crouch start is used to start races such as 100m, 200m, 400m etc.

There are three methods of crouch start

  • The bunch or the bullet start
  • The medium start
  • The elongated start

Rules of the crouch start

  • Competitors hands , feet and knee must remain behind the scratch line until the race starts
  • Competitors must remain motionless until the command go
  • The relay baton must not touch the ground beyond the scratch line at the beginning of the race
  • Competitors must not have two false starts

Field Events

General Rules

  • In all field events besides the high jump and pole vault:
  • The best distance out of all attempts will be counted.
  • With eight or more competitors, each athlete shall be allowed three trials. The top eight finishers (or nine if the track has enough lanes) will be allowed three additional trials.
  • If there are eight or fewer athletes (or nine if the track has enough lanes) all will be allowed six trials. In non-championship competitions and at the judgment of the games committee, the number of trials may be reduced to four.
  • All throws and jumps must be measured immediately after each attempt.
  • Distances in field events will be measured in meters. If the distance measured is not a whole centimeter, the number will be recorded to the nearest 0.01m below the distance.

High Jump

  • The Games Committee will establish the qualifying height standard at the meet.
  • The athlete will get three attempts to make the height.
  • Once the athlete has achieved the qualifying standard, he will not jump that height again and must wait for the bar to be raised.
  • If an athlete misses all three attempts at the height, he will not continue in the event.
  • The posts cannot be moved during the competition unless the referee says the takeoff or landing pit is unsuitable.
  • The athlete must take off from one foot.
  • Ties will be broken in favor of the athlete with the fewest misses at the height at which the tie occurs. Further ties will be broken by the lowest number of total misses throughout the competition.
  • If a tie remains after applying the above tiebreakers, and it concerns the winner of the competition, the stalemate will be broken by a jump off. The jump off height begins at the last clearance of the tied athletes. This height is raised if both athletes clear, and lowered if both miss. This shall continue until one athlete clears and the other does not.

Pole Vault

  • The Games Committee will establish the qualifying height standard at the meet.
  • The athlete will get three attempts to make the height.
  • Once the athlete has achieved the qualifying standard, he will not jump that height again and must wait for the bar to be raised.
  • If an athlete misses all three attempts at the height, he will not continue in the event.
  • For a better grip, athletes are allowed to use an adhesive substance like resin or tape hands. Gloves are not allowed.
  • After the release of the pole, no one, including the athlete, is allowed to touch the pole unless it is falling away from the bar or uprights.
  • If the pole breaks during an attempt, that run will not be counted as an attempt or a failure. The athlete will be awarded a new trial.
  • Ties will be broken in favor of the athlete with the fewest misses at the height at which the tie occurs. Further ties will be broken by the lowest number of total misses throughout the competition.
  • If a tie remains after applying the above tiebreakers, and it concerns the winner of the competition, the stalemate will be broken by a jump off. The jump off height begins at the last clearance of the tied athletes. This height is raised if both athletes clear, and lowered if both miss. This shall continue until one athlete clears and the other does not.

Long Jump

  • The length of the run is unlimited.
  • The takeoff must occur on or before the board.
  • The jump is measured from the takeoff line to the nearest break in the landing area made by any part of the body.

Throwing Events

  • Except for in the javelin, the throw must start from a stationary position inside the circle.
  • Except in the javelin, the athlete is allowed to touch the inside of the board or stop board.
  • Fouls occur when an athlete:
  • Does not start from a stationary position within the circle.
  • Touches the top of the iron board, stop board, or painted circle.
  • Touches anywhere outside of the circle.
  • Improperly releases the implement.
  • Leaves the circle improperly or before the implement has landed.
  • In the javelin throw, the athlete must come to a stop before a line marking the end of the runway, regardless of where the athlete releases the implement.
  • An athlete cannot tape individual fingers or multiple fingers together.
  • Tape on the wrist alone is allowed and must be shown to the chief judge before the event starts.
  • Gloves are only allowed to protect the hands during the hammer throw.
  • All hammer and discus throws must be conducted inside an enclosure/cage to ensure the safety of the spectators, officials, and athletes.
  • Measurements & Weights
  • All measurements must be read by the field judges.
  • All implements used in the field shall be weighed prior to the event on a governmentally approved scale.

Athletic Equipment/ facility

The field – The field should be level and large enough for field events. The grass can be natural or synthetic.

The track – The track can be located in-door or out-door

The costumes

The wears include;

  • The short
  • The singlet
  • The vest
  • The track suits
  • The socks
  • The hose
  • The face towel
  • The score sheet
  • The stop watch
  • The score boards
  • The pegs
  • The starting gun
  • The hurdle stand
  • The victory stand
  • The measuring tape
  • The rake
  • The clapper
  • The draw cards
  • The bell
  • The pencils/ball pens


What 3 events are involved in athletics?

Athletics comprises a variety of running, jumping, throwing and walking events.

How many types are there in field events?

Field events are categorised as, throwing and jumping events. There are “combined events” which includes decathlon for men and heptathlon for women. Decathlon which is organised for men includes 10 events and Heptathlon for women includes 7 events.

What field events include?

Field events are competitions which involve jumping and throwing: the long jump, the high jump, the javelin throw, the discus throw, the hammer throw, the pole vault and the shot-put.

Which event is included in athletics?

Athletics is a wide collection of sporting events that are comprised of different physical activities like walking, jumping, running, and throwing. There are various types of events in Athletics- Sprints, long jump, triple jump, Relay races, and throwing events are the major ones.


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