First Bank 24 Hour Customer service

Contact us

If you need to get in contact with us, there are a number of ways we can help.

More ways to get in touch

Customer service 

Find us

Hawthorn East

117 Camberwell Road
Hawthorn East VIC 3123

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:30am - 4pm
(Open until 5pm on Thu)

Moonee Ponds

126 Puckle Street
Moonee Ponds VIC 3039

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:30am - 4pm
(Open until 5pm on Thu)

Product and general enquiries

Mon to Fri - 9am to 5pm

Helpful information

Have you lost or had your card stolen?

Login to the Bank First App to report your card stolen or lost, order a new card, or put a temporary lock on your card. Alternatively, you can call our customer service team for assistance on 1300 654 822.

If you have a Bank First card in your mobile wallet (Apple Wallet or Google Wallet) and your card is lost or stolen, once you have ordered a new card your mobile wallet will automatically update with your new digital card details and you can continue to transact via your mobile wallet.

If you lose your card overseas call +61 3 4053 5555 or contact Visa Global Assistance.

Visit our lost or stolen cards page for more information.

Need a form, document or application?

We’ve got a forms and applications page that covers our most popular forms. 

Need to report a scam?

Visit our frauds and scams page for up to date information on how you can protect yourself and stay safe online. Alternatively you can contact us by phone 1300 654 822 (within Australia) or +61 3 4053 5555 (overseas) or by email if you believe you have received a hoax email.

Click Forgot? and complete the Account recovery steps.  You will get an email or text message with a reset password link. Follow the instructions provided to complete your password reset. Please request and access the link using the same device.  You may also call 800-413-4211 for additional help.

Be on guard against overspending, identity theft and fraud with our customizable alert notifications. FirstBank Mobile Alerts are an easy way for you to stay on top of account activity. Alerts will help you watch your money closely without having to log in to Online Banking or the Mobile Banking app. With email and text alerts, you can get personalized account information whenever and wherever you want it.

If you want to receive alerts via your mobile phone, you can enable this service under Settings from either Online Banking or your Mobile App. You can enable or disable the types of alerts you’d like to receive. For example, if there is an Online Banking Login Error under your account, we can alert you. If your balance falls below a specific amount or if a transaction exceeds a certain amount, we can alert you.

We have new, interactive Digital Demos designed to help you learn the most useful features of both our Mobile App and Online Banking. Take the time to explore the demos and get up to speed on fast digital banking.

Explore our interactive Digital Demos > >

A Mobile Wallet is a way to carry your debit card information in a secure digital form on your mobile device (smartphone, smartwatch, tablet). Instead of your physical plastic card to make purchases, a Mobile Wallet allows you to pay almost anywhere—in stores, in apps, or online. By storing all of a consumer’s payment information securely and compactly, Mobile Wallets largely eliminate the need to carry a physical wallet enabling payments through your mobile phone or smartwatch.

Find out more about Mobile Wallets >

Unlike cash, which can be stolen, and credit cards, which can be copied, the card information you load into a Mobile Wallet is encrypted. Mobile Wallets replace your actual card number with a unique digital card number. This means businesses do not see or store your full card number. The Mobile Wallet uses tokenization to secure transactions. Tokenization is the ability to create a number, or “token” to represent your debit card. Rather than store card data on your phone, retailers use digital tokens instead of your debit card to process payments and avoid exposing sensitive information. This token is in no way related to your debit card number after its creation.

If the token is captured the person who captures it cannot derive your card number from it. If the phone is lost or stolen, the financial institution can put a stop on the token. Also, if you have the ability to lock down your phone when it’s lost, then there is no way a thief can access your card.

Now you can shop securely without pulling out your wallet. Two Factor Authentication makes transactions even more secure (using fingerprint, PIN or iris/face scan to start transaction). To reduce your risk of fraudulent charges if your device is lost or stolen, make sure to set a strong pass code and enable fingerprint authentication to lock your device once you enable a wallet.

Add your eligible FirstBank cards to the Mobile Wallet you’d like to use. Access your Mobile Wallet and choose your FirstBank card when you check out at a participating business. Receive payment confirmation on your device. Mobile Wallets can be used to pay at millions of businesses around the world.

How do I call FirstBank customer care?

Contact Us: Tel: +234 708 062 5000, +234 1 448 5500, Email :

How can I contact FirstBank on WhatsApp?

To get started, add FirstBank on Whatsapp with 08124444000 and just say “Hi” to us. Remember to ensure that your WhatsApp number is the same number registered with the Bank.

How do I complain to FirstBank?

We can be reached on any of the following channels:.
Web -
Twitter- @firstbankngr, @FBN_help. Mobile App - FirstMobile and Lit App. FirstContact- 0700FIRSTCONTACT (0700-34778-2668228), 01-4485500, 0708-062-5000..

How do I reset my FirstBank account online?

Resetting your online banking password is easy. Simply navigate to the homepage, and click on the 'Forgot Password?' link in the Online Banking login section on the right of the page. From there, follow the instructions to reset your password.


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